
Chapter 17: IdeasxExpanding

Over the next 28 hours, while I wait for the test to finish, I have plenty of time to think through new plans and check in on my business using the Telepathy String. My priority is checking in on the Gyudondond Tribe. From what I've seen so far, they're settling in well at the place I bought as our base of operations. Before leaving for the Hunter Exams, I gave them clear instructions to start establishing our presence in the mafia world. I told them to expand strategically, using their combat skills to take over other families and seize their mansions. This way, I'll have more places for my new family to grow.

The girls will handle the discreet negotiations and trade agreements, ensuring resources flow steadily without drawing unwanted attention. I just informed them that I've found a few recruits, one of whom will be training the more intelligent members, as well as the non-fighters, in negotiation, combat, and stealth. It's crucial to prepare them for any potential confrontations in the future.

I also tell them to take on some protection jobs for smaller families with few allies or strong combatants while I'm gone. Once we've earned their trust, we can slowly take over their families, recruiting the surviving fighters. From there, I can build a reliable team of foot soldiers to deal with any problems. I'll never personally handle recruitment again, so that only the original members will know about me as the boss. Anyone who rises too high in the ranks will eventually get the "String of Fate" treatment.

In fact, I'm considering finding a way to manipulate the deals I make using String of Sate so that when a member gets high enough ranked to know who the boss really is they can't talk. This would prevent them from telling anybody else about how I am the real boss behind the scenes of the organization, notifying me if they ever do talk, and making them mute for life. If they refuse, it's an obvious sign they're a spy, and once they're gone, there's no loss to me in fat it would even be a gain considering I will have at least one less spy in my organization.

 Now, it's time to check on Nicholas. He must be with Gon's original group since Tompa is here and none of them are around. I use the String of Fate to connect to his brain, linking our memories. I start sifting through his mind, reviewing his memories from the moment I fell into the trapdoor.

 'A few minutes after I disappeared they all noticed and started looking for what must've happened. As normal Gon and Killua found the trapdoor and told the rest of them about them. Since it's a group of 5 this time they all went down and started faster than they would have if they waited on Tompa.'

 'Nicholas's presence didn't change much except to make it faster as there was no fighting or arguing this time. When they got to the arena Bendot fought kurapika because Tompa wasn't there to volunteer.'

 'Bendot, relying on his raw strength, and prowess as a former military personnel, swung with skill, trying to overpower Kurapika with heavy punches. But Kurapika calmly dodged and parried with his specialized nunchaku/wood swords, waiting for the right moment to strike. With each move, Kurapika's speed and agility outclassed Bendot's technique relying on brute force. Finally, after a swift feint, Kurapika caught Bendot off guard, landing a strike to Bendot's neck that caved in his windpipe slowly killing him by suffocation.'

 'After that, everything went normal with Gon blowing out Sedokan's candle and winning their second match. In the third match, Leorio went up against Majitani.'

 'The moment Majitani uncovered himself anybody could see that Leorio was scared looking at him. As the fight began, Majitani made a move that shook the entire arena, slamming his fist into the ground with such force that the floor cracked beneath him. Leorio stumbled back, eyes wide in disbelief. Majitani's smirk only grew as he casually turned around and revealed the "Phantom Troupe tattoo" on his lower back, watching Leorio's expression shift from confusion to fear. It was almost as if the sight of that tattoo shattered Leorio's will. His confidence faltered and he looked like he crapped his pants. Leorio immediately surrendered and both of them immediately went back to their respective sides. Kurapika had red eyes and was madly looking at Majitani's spider tattoo silently.'

 'The next and final match was Nicholas against Leroute where both sides had 50 hours to bet and they bet different amounts on different things. They made a few bets on rock paper scissors where Nicholas tied with Leroute. Leroute won the first match in the beginning then Nicholas pretending to be nervous and used paper instead of rock. Since he won with paper he's more likely to choose paper so she will most likely use scissors to counter but instead of paper Nicholas uses rock gaining the advantage of 40 hours to 60 hours. In the next bet, Nicholas bet 40 hours that Killua would beat whoever was next in whatever challenge. It's a safe bet since even if he loses he will have 20 hours left to bet and can make a comeback but if Leroute loses then we will win this match and move on. Johness came out and got his heart stolen by Killua just like in the original winning what would be a total of 2 more matches putting the score at 1-4 and moving on to the next batch of challenges.'

 'They ended up going on a mine cart having to jump rails, going over a falling bridge, and running through a hall trying to get away from a boulder just to get to the test of resolve with 51 hours left. The last choice of majority rules was what path to take in the test of resolve. They could go down the short and easy path which would take 3 minutes to make it to the end of the exam phase but only 3 could go and the other 2 would be chained up. The second choice was they could all go but it would be a long way that would take a minimum of 45 hours to complete. They chose the long path since they are all friends and they have excess time to waste.'

 It's been just over 26 hours since they chose to take the long path so they should be passing in 19 hours so they should have a good 6 or so hours to waste after they pass. So far they have gone through 13 other challenges. They spent about 6 hours so far in puzzle rooms and 20 hours running through traps in hallways or going through trapped-out rooms. I'm just going to see if I can pass them faster and have a decent conversation with their group.

Sorry this chapter is so late had lots of work to do today from 8 am to 9 pm

ZGuncreators' thoughts
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