
Chapter 3: EscapexCreate

 I'm twelve now. Seven years of relentless training. Every waking hour alone was spent refining my 2 Hatsu, pushing my body to its limits, and adapting to every combat situation I could think of. Martial arts, and strategy games like Stratego, Risk, Chess, and Shogi have become second nature to me. They sharpen my mind, teach me how to read a battlefield and control the flow of a fight. In the past year, I've taken it even further. Now, I'm immune to most poisons. I can fight through nearly any pain. And strength? I'm pretty sure I can lift five to ten tons 10,000 to 20,000 pounds without breaking a sweat.

 But above all, I've focused on my aura control giving me farther En. I can switch between different Ryo percentages like flipping a switch. I've also learned to switch between Zetsu and Ko within a flash.

 Gon and Killua are two years younger than me, so I have some time before things really take off. But I'm getting bored of this restless training with no fights. It's time to leave this castle behind and head somewhere like Heaven Arena. I need battle experience, and maybe I can make some cash while I'm at it. The only problem? I stand out. My hair's this weird whitish-grey, spiky mess, and my eyes? Ocean-blue. I look a lot like Killua, and since we're close in age, people might mistake me for his brother. But honestly? I don't even know where my hair comes from. My mom's blonde and my dad's black-haired. I guess maybe Gramps since he had very white-ish blond hair when he was younger.

 I lean back in my chair, running a hand through my hair. Maybe I'll just… alter my appearance. The thought flits through my mind, and a smirk tugs at my lips. I've seen people do it before like Bon-Chan in One Piece, with his Mane Mane no Mi. If he can do it, why can't I find some way? I could probably mimic something like that. Maybe I can't change my face exactly, but I could create a technique like Texture Surprise and copy someone else's appearance. It's tempting, but... there's a catch.

 For a Hatsu that powerful I would need restrictions. Having the power to change my face and body at will would be crazy aura exhausting without restrictions.

"Still, I am a Specialist", I mutter to myself, turning over the idea. Creating new Nen abilities comes naturally to me. Most people can only develop one or two abilities, focusing all their energy on one skill. Or they're Enhancers, but their aura types don't match up for efficient Nen use. People like Grandpa Netero? They don't have to worry about this. Their insane aura reserves are enough to cover everything. But me? I need to be strategic.

 I pause, rubbing my chin. I can't afford to burn out.

 My most developed Hatsu is Shadow Puppetry my second original Hatsu I created. With it, I can control shadows within a 100-meter radius of my body turning them into weapons or even cloaking myself in them using Manipulation and Transmutation to be able to control them while also being able to make it mimic any substance. It's like what Gecko Moria does in One Piece, or how the Nara clan uses shadows in Naruto. There are also a few sub-hatsu I created using the concept behind Shadow Puppetry.

 First is Shadow Phantoms where I can conjure phantoms from shadows. My phantoms work using Emission to control the aura away from my body, Conjuration to make them, Transmutation to manipulate property, and Manipulation to control their complex movements. Once they've done their job, I absorb them back into my body, gaining their memories.

 Second is Shadow Sculpting just like the phantoms it is made using Emission, Conjuration, Transmutation, and Manipulation but for different parts. I can make solid objects out of shadows and use aura to power them. connect all the different nen affinities using Specialization and if I so feel like it, I can use Enhancement to make my shadows crazy durable or sharp.

 I lean forward, an idea forming in my head. Shadow Transfiguration. It's simple enough. I can coat an object, living or not, in shadows and shape it into something new. But the shadow would have to cover the entire object. So no shrinking things down smaller than the original. I could use Emission, Manipulation, and Transmutation to get this done so it would be relatively simple.

 Perfect. I smile, already picturing how it will work.

 Tomorrow, I'll have my phantoms scout the palace. Find the guard posts, the best escape routes. There's just one problem my ability has a major restriction. I can't control shadows farther than 100 meters away. So, my phantoms have to stay close.

 A sudden knock on the door makes me jump.

 "Come in!" I call, not missing a beat. The door creaks open, and Tserriednich steps in with a small grin.

 "You're always in here thinking," he says, leaning against the doorframe. "You sure you're not getting bored of all this training?"

 I smirk, leaning back in my chair. "You know me, Tserriednich. I don't get bored. I just keep improving."

 He raises an eyebrow. "Is that so? You've been at it for what seven years now? You've already beat Benjamin making you the best prince at martial arts."

 "I know but I want to get stronger and become the strongest in the whole world," I reply, tapping my fingers on the desk.

 He blinks, surprised. "What?"

 I nod, grinning. "I'll become the best martial artist in the world for sure!"

 Tserriednich looks dumbfounded at that statement and then says "Heh you truly are my little brother, aren't you? Not stopping till you're the best."

 "Absolutely," I say with confidence. "I've got it all planned out."

 He leans closer, still skeptical. "So how much stronger have you gotten?"

 "I'm not going to tell you that Tserru. You would just try and be better"

 Tserriednich shrugs, though I can tell he knows I'm right. "Sure, I would"

 I chuckle. "Don't worry about it anyways I'm going to become the strongest."

 He grins. "You always were a crazy one."

 "Thanks for the vote of confidence," I reply, before turning back to training while he leaves the room.

 Later, when night falls, everything is set. I kill a guard making it look like it was a heart attack and stay within 100 meters of the body, hidden and using my other shadows to blend into the surroundings. The plan works. The guards don't suspect a thing. I stay a little longer than I hoped waiting for the cremation of the body but I'm still out quickly. Heading for Kakin Port City, northwest of the palace. The real freedom starts now.


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