When Jaune reach the edge of the town he pat down his shirt brush away the dirt that has covered some part of his shirt.
He then walk through the town with a smile on his face as the people greets him.
"Jauney boy! I got some ice cream here! Here take some for you and your sisters!" a kind old man offered Jaune a bag of popsocles for all the help Jaune had given to the old man.
"Thank you mr.Howard! How is your backs doing today? Do you want me to help you the lawn again" Jaune Asked mr.Howard with his ever shining smile while he grab the bag of ice cream that was offered
Howard smiles kindly at how a boy so young could be so loving and kind, He couldn't help but thank the brothers for allowing a person to have this much love and kindness inside of them.
"No worry Jaune! Just go and play with your sisters, Jaune!" Howard smiles and ruffled Jaune's hair while Jaune chuckled unbothered by the fact that his hair looks like he had walked through a tornado.
"Thank you mr.Howard!"
When Jaune walk again he stop when he saw the kind Old Lady mrs.Nina is carrying a few groceries bag by herself.
"Mrs.Nina here let me carry it for you." Jaune takes the groceries bags from her hands.
"What would i do without you young man." Mrs.Nina lovingly kissed the top of Jaunes head and lead him to her house.
"Now whats a young man like you doing here helping an old lady like me and not play with his friends?" Mrs.Nina asked Jaune while she open the door to her home.
"Well i love doing this Mrs.Nina! Helping the people is what i love!" Jaune answered her while putting the bags on the floor of her doorway.
"Next time When you see me Mrs.Nina please just ask me if you need something to be helped with, Like the lawn or even taking out the trash."
"I will dear." She chuckled and think about how kind this boy is before she offered him a handful of candies. "Here is some candies for how kind you are Jaune..."
Jaune chuckled and accept the candies before running off into the way direction to his house. "Thank you! And dont forget to tell me if you need something!"
"Oh wait... the ice cream." Jaune sighs before he shakes his head and continue walking. "Mrs.Nina can give them to her grandchildren..."
While he walk to his home, people keep greeting and talks to him while he stop and help them with anything, From the busy shopkeeper to the local doctor everybody in the town know about the kind boy and loves him for how helpful he is.
When Jaune reach his house he is carrying bags upon bags of things that the kind people have given him and it includes toys to snacks.
"Im home!" Jaune open the door and announce his arrival as he walk to the kitchen to drop off the bags, he saw his mother carrying the sleeping baby olivia.
"Hey mom." he whispers to his mother not wanting to wake up his baby sister. "Do you want me to hold her so you can prepare to go to the mall mom?"
Luna smiles and wonder how Jaune still love her for giving his father the greenlight. "It would be wonderful Jaune."
Jaune then hold the baby she leans her whole body deeper in his hold, he then sat on the couch holding the baby while waiting for the rest of the family to be done preparing themselves.
He hummed happily to himself on how today its going to be a family bonding time and it could maybe even lessen the guilt that his father still have for him.
'I already told him many times before about how i forgive him... but he still can't get over it..' Jaune sighed to himself. 'Well i guess he also doesn't know that i never actually stopped training....'
While he wait patiently for the rest of the family to come downstairs, one by one they arrive from their rooms and sees Jaune holding the baby.
"Jaune... where's mom?" Blancheur the quite person she is ask Jaune gently.
"Yeah! Wheres mom?!" While Noir the loud one of the twins asked Jaune excitedly as she can't wait to go on the mall.
Jaune look at the two before he put a finger to his lips and they finally notice the baby that he is holding.
"Well wheres mom then?!" Noir whispers excitedly, Jaune chuckled softly with how excited Noir is.
"Mom's getting ready.. now lets wait for the others.." Jaune whispers to noir before they wait for the rest of the family.
A couple of minutes had passed before the rest of the family trickles in and Jaune hands Olivia back to his mother before they walk out of the house and get into the car.
An hour of driving had passed before they arrive at the city's mall.
While they get out of the car, Jaune couldn't help but feel a little sad at the fact that his father still distant himself away from him by frankly trying to talk as little to Jaune as possible no matter how many times Jaune had talked to him.
Modred notices this throughout the carried and the only reason she didn't have another screaming match with Jaune is because the baby is in the car with them and now that she isn't stuck in the same space as her father she had calmed herself down before she walk over to Jaune and sling her arm over him.
"Lil Bro! Lets go the arcade and play that new street hunter game that just come out! Ill bet you that you won't even come close to beating me!" Jaune smiles at his sister as she offer him to take of his mind of the thought of his father.
"Yeah Jaune.... while you kids go and play, your father and i are going to go shopping for Olivia." Luna told them as the sisters drag Jaune with them to go the the arcade and Saphron going with them to watch over them.
While they play at the arcade, Jaune is walking with Saphron as the others are playing.
"Jaune did you go out to the town again today?" Saphron look at her loving brother with a gentle smile on her face while she walk beside him as they both carries drinks for the others.
"Yeah i did. Some of them give me snacks to share with you girls!" Jaune smiled up to her and she smiles back knowing that Jaune is safe in the town because the whole town practically loves him being the town's golden boy.
Saphron always thought that Jaune put his heart on his sleeves with how kind he is to everyone, She once asked him about how he could be kind to everyone he meet... the answer he gave her that day makes her wonder how her little brother could be so loving in this grimm infested world.
('How i can be kind to everyone Saph? Well thats easy! Because strangers are just friends you haven't met yet!')
Saphron shook her head to stop herself from reminiscing about that day, she then looks in front of her where her sisters are playing on the arcade games while Modred and Artoria in an aggresive match on street hunter with Noir cheering them, While Jeanne using the claw machine to get some dolls for Blancheur while she silently watch.
As they come and put the drink on a nearby table Saphron thought that it would be better to give them the drink later when they are done, She then looks at Jaune who was looking at them with love.
She always wonder where Jaune got all that love from, even their parents doesn't look at them with as much love as Jaune.
Out of all the Arc she reckon that Jaune is the one who is the most honest when it come to the matter of the heart, As young as he is its pretty obvious for the rest of the family to see that he is the one who loves them the most, Not only them even the people who is in the town knows how loving and kind Jaune is and they themselves love Jaune back with as much love as they could.
Whenever she come to the town to buy grocery or school related matters the people always recognize her as the older sister of Jaune and they always give her something as a thanks for whatever Jaune did or even a huge discount sometimes even 40% off.
Saphron shook her head and sigh, With how much of a loving person Jaune is, the whole family would have to prepare with how many girls is going to be heartbroken by him.
As the day goes by and they are done having an outing on the mall, Now its time to go back home.
Jaune sit on the car as the sisters chatter, Jaune is currently contemplating on what he should do when its time to become a huntsman.
First he should unlock his aura and second he could not let his parents know about it, He cannot and would not want to be another drama for his family to fight with, His heart could not handle it if anymore of his sisters fight because of him.
Jaune sighs as he shooks his head to get rid of the thought of the future.
A few hours had passed and Jaune is in his bedroom just laying down on the bed thinking about life.
As the night grows darker Jaune is laying down on his bed with a wary heart,His instinct is telling him to go to the forest.
He knows that its a stupid idea but he trust hist heart as stupid as it sounds, So he then stand up from the bed and walk to the door before he puts his ear on the door and listen closely for sound of his family still out and about.
All he could hear are slightly muffled sound and silence so he reckon it would be safe enough to sneak out of the house and go to the forest to the place where he usually train.
While Jaune sneak out of the window, he carefully climbs down from the pipe before he walk down the hill where his house reside on into the path of the now quite town.
Jaune walk through the town discreetly not wanting some of the people still awake recognizing him, when he manage to reach the outskirt of the town he quicklu scurries into the forest while hiding from a couple of patrolling guards who is thankfully a few blocks away.
While he walk through the forest quitely he could hear the sound of crickets and the occasional rustling of smalls animal, He could feel the eyes of the animals who reside high up in the trees looking down on him wondering if he is a predator hunting for them or just another prey to be hunted.
Jaune walk through the deep forest with his heart beating loudly wondering why did he come here anyways, His heart is telling him to come here and he still wonder why, He shooks his head to rid of the thought of grimm ambushing him and killing him.
'Damn..... hopefully my luck is not that bad... right?'
When he reached the river where he normally train at, his hand suddenly itch to hold his sword.
his instinct suddenly blared in his braim to dodge and he desperately dodge to his side, narrowly dodging the claws of what could only be an alpha beowolves.
'Damn! MY LUCK IS THAT BAD!' Jaune shouted inside his mind when he rolled on the ground.
'Why is a grimm here!? Let alone an alpha beowolves!? The patrolling hunters should have killed them! Did they missed this one!?' His thoughts screams at himself while his heart beat wildly against his chest, but Before he can think any answer he is forced to roll over again to his side missing the claws by a hairs breath.
'I can just roll all night long! I need something!'
Jaune then have an idea hit his head 'I need a weapon! Stupid jaune! Should had think of that in the first place!' He then sees the tree where he hide his wooden sword in, But unfortunately the grimm is blocking the way to the tree.
He needs to pass by the grimm to get to his wooden swordn Even if the wooden sword is not enough to kill it let alone injure him, at least he can meet his grandpa knowing that he fight till the end.
As the grimm is growls at him he mentally chides himself for dodging away from the tree rather than towards the tree.
The grimm then crouch as it prepare to charge at Jaune, the grimm predictably leapt at him and Jaune rolled under it, missing the gaping mouth and its claw but it managed to nick his back a little.
'I need something FAST!'
He desperately stands up and try to reach for the wooden sword but the grimm is faster than he is, it then smack Jaune's left side, launching Jaune into a nearby tree away from the sword.
His back hit the tree with a loud thud and he slides down the trunk, Jaune start to cough blood and he think he broke his arm and some of his ribs.
He gasped for air trying to catch his breath but it only made the coughing become even worse.
Jaune looks up at the grimm with half lidded eyes and he start to shake when he try to stand on his feet not wanting to keel over and die yet.
the grimm looks at him as it start to play with its food, Jaune looks back at the grimm in defience and anger.
"I.....i will not die tonight.." he managed to croak out of his bloodied mouth.
"I... i....i will.... protect the people.... i will not.... let you.... be free... to hurt the people I LOVE!" Jaune declared and he start feels that his soul is ravaging through his body, He can feel the sound of chains breaking as his love is fighting through the pain.
the sound of the last chains break and fall off, His body starts to glow white and circuit-like white patterns starts to covers his body as his love start to become even stronger.
Jaune start to feel more unrestricted with every moments that had passed, and the grimm feels a threat to its life before it rush at him and swing its claws toward Jaune's head.
'Whats happening to my body?' Jaune is confused on what is happening, the feeling of power and freedom is foreign to his body because unknown to him, his soul has been freed from the chains thats holding it back.
'This is not the time to think jaune...' he mentally berate himself and shooks his head ridding the unnecessary thought out of his head, when he looks up from the ground he then finally notice the grimm's claws that is coming towards him.
Jaune looks at the claws in confusion while it comes toward him slowly as if it is moving in slow motion.
He then take a single step towards his tree and ducked his head slightly to not get hit by the claws, his vision then suddenly blurred and his muscles aches.
Jaune blinked and find himself at the base of tree where he hide his sword away, he found himself confused on how he got here.
'What?..... i was... at least 10 meters away....'
Jaune shook his head and focuses himself on the grimm who is now turning at him and starts to run slowly towards him.
He subconsciously reacb into the hollolowed tree and grab the sword before he put on a stance with it, Jaune then felt as if he is supposed to let this unknown energy flow from his body to the sword.
Jaune then sees that his sword start to grow glowing circuit-like pattern over it, he wonder what could the circuit-like pattern means?
the grimm then swings at him again, Jaune then calmly dodge under it and swings upwards toward the grimms chin.
The sword hit the underside of the grimm's Jaune with boom and Splinters of wood is flying through the air as the sword explode into splinters.
Jaune hurried covered his face with his arms and after a few seconds he lowered his arms to take a look Only to find a headless grimm and its body falling towards him.
Jaune steps around the falling body of the grimm, and when he look down at his hand he finally notice his right hand is now covered in the same white circuit-like pattern that his sword had.
'What is happening...' he wonder what has happened to make him so fast and manage to kill the grimm with one blow, he examine the circuit-like pattern on his hand.
Jaune then sees the circuits starts to fades away and suddenly immense pain appeared everywhere in his body as if his muscles is all torn apart and his bones fracturing when the circuits completely fades away.
He didnt even manage to let out a scream before he fall down to the ground, his mouth open wide while he gasped for air for air 'I.....Modred....help....' that was Jaune's last thoughts before his vision turn to black.
(Authors note: if you all are wondering why jaune isn't using his dance skill to fight the grimm. You have to understand that he is just a 9 year old boy who got ambushed by a grimm that is more than 10 times his size. He panicked okay. This is his first encounter with a grimm let alone an alpha beowolves. Even an mma fighter would forgot how to fight if they were attacked by a rabid wolf.)
(By the way, tell me if you recognize the circuit-like pattern that covered Jaune's body and why did he got the backlash from using it :) )
[AN: Give me all of your power stone muahahahhahaha]
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars.]