
Eye of Toture

The children with skulls for heads laughed again. Tears welled up in Hiraku's eyes as he contemplated his past. He remembered his brother.

"You killed this children!" he shouted angrily, gripping his sword tightly.His heart clenching with pain.

"Of course I did. And trust me, darling, their souls were delicious," her voice echoed.

"You're insane! Show yourself, witch!" Hiraku yelled, swinging his sword wildly. She let out a crackling laugh.

"Darling, they wanted to play games with me, and I love games. So, I obliged them. In return, I ate them. Do you know what tasted the best, mm, darling? The eyes." Her eerie laughter continued, reverberating through the theater.

"Show yourself!" Hiraku yelled, but all he could hear was her laughter.

"Show yourself, witch! You freak!" Suddenly, the laughter stopped.

"What did you just say?" she snarled.

"Freak," Hiraku responded, taking a battle-ready stance.

"You want to see how much of a freak I am?" the demon asked in a menacing tone.

Hiraku noticed a red ribbon slowly falling from above. A loud screech pierced the air behind him. He turned to face the feminine demon, who had transformed into a one-eyed giant. Her single eye shone with a brilliant white light as she quickly advanced toward Hiraku, locking eyes with him.

"Aaaaargh!" Hiraku howled in pain. His sword fell to the ground as he clutched at his eyes, now covered with blood trailing down his face. 

"Oh, darling, I have just one eye. How sad," the demon said, placing both hands on either side of her cheeks.

"But what about my dress? Don't I deserve to look beautiful? Don't I deserve to be loved? Maybe not. Maybe I don't deserve love, but I certainly won't let you call me a freak. And now, for your punishment, I must eat your eyes," she said, a fork appearing in her right hand.

"Hira, I'm here. I'm with you," Hiraku heard Lisa's voice calling from the physical plane. That meant she was in the mansion. He quickly thought of a plan to get rid of the demon.

"Wait!" Hiraku exclaimed, letting go of his eyes.

"You said you love games."

"Yes,so?" The demon said stopping a few feet from hiraku,her right hand twirling with the fork. 

"Let's play a game,if I win you must leave the child's body,but if I loose you can have my eyes. " Hiraku said gritting his teeth.

"Ok,I accept,but I won't just have your eyes,I will take your friends soul to compensate for you banging into where you don't belong" She snarled with hate. 

Hiraku nodded his head in agreement,

"I will split my spirit into seven copies,but one has my true aura. If you can choose the right one. You can do whatever you want with me and my friend,but if you fail you must leave Emiko's body". 

She chuckled slightly,

"Okay, let's play,but you have to cast away your Armor so I can get a good look at my dinner" 

Hiraku's golden amour disappeared leaving his spiritual form exposed

Hiraku placed his index and middle finger on his forehead and chanted a spell. Seven copies of himself appeared around the feminine demon. She peered at the copies with cruel intent. Her one eye glimmered with a white aura and she began scanning the copies.

Six of the copies had no spiritual aura,except one which had a faint red glow. "Yes you're mine" She said with a spring to the air,she collapsed on Hiraku and a pinch of blood went flying out of his mouth. She held the fork in her right hand and Pierced his eyes. 

"Hahaha,yes your eyes is mine. Yes. Tasty" She said as she pulled his right eye out but when she looked closely at it the eyes turned to dust,

"What is t... Arrgh" she growled in pain. A red glowing sword Pierced into her stomach and protrude outwards. 

"Impossible. How?" The feminine demon screeched. Hiraku withdrew his sword and the copy on the floor vanished.she fell on her back and scanned hiraku with her eye. Her eye widened with terror and confusion,

"No,no,no you're no mere mortal. You're not a spiritualist or one of those exorcist,what are you?" She said while shifting backwards in fright. 

"I win,now leave her be!" He exclaimed with his eyes squinting at the demon. 

"Your aura glows with all seven colours,but I Pierced your spirit with my eye,my vision cannot fail,but how. How can a human have the aura of the divine?" The demon screamed with her hands holding tightly to her stomach,a dark like ash drifted into the air from her stomach. 

"The sword has Pierced you,the more time you spend her the quicker you disentegarate." Hiraku retorted impatiently,his voice faint with pain. 

"Hahaha. You called me a freak,but look at you. You're the bigger freak. Hahaha. You don't even know what you are,I bet your mother was a whore." She laughed with her voice echoing around her surrounding,hiraku's patience ran out and he lifted the sword in the air in an attempt to cut of her head,

"No, no, please, not my head," she said, her hands holding onto her head. "I'll leave her body. I'll leave," the feminine demon growled. She shut her eyes as she disappeared.


"Nooo!" The Feminine demon howled as Lisa performed the binding spell. Lisa's third eye glowed red while absorbing the feminine demon until non of its essence was left. 

Hiraku appeared close to Lisa with his eyes shut tight. A trail of blood was on his face. He knelt down in pain. 

"Hiraku!" She yelled with her arm embracing him. 

"How's Mira? Is she alright?" Hira asked, his voice cracking.

"She's fine, Hira. Shin got there before me and saved her before the little girl could stab her." Her voice calm and reassuring.

"I see. Where are Shin and Mira now?"

"They're back home. I erased their memories of what they experienced, and I also erased the little girl's memory of ever facing a demonic attack," Lisa said, attempting to calm Hiraku.

"That's good. You did well. Please, Lisa, take me home," Hiraku said weakly. She activated the astral portal, and they both disappeared. Shortly after, Emiko woke up.

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