
I’m Actually Pedomaru?!

Well, you already know the drill after that.

Breathe in, breathe out... and push!

That's the labor of the mother, however.

As the baby, all he had to do was not be stubborn and not be stuck in the most worrying positions.

That's not to say that it wasn't uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable as heck. To try and fit out of that small of an exit.

It really gives you some much-needed perspective and understanding as to why Mother's Day was a thing.

So, much appreciation to all mothers. Whether it be the one he disappointed or the one currently on the way to being his new one or it may just be the first one all along.

The technicalities are still hazy but much appreciation nonetheless.

Especially after all this hustle and bustle that need not be mentioned more, it was a relatively successful delivery in the end.

In line with how traumatic it was, a baby's first and sonorous cry could be heard...


As that echoed, the tired but triumphant mother smiled. "I did it, honey..."

"It must have been hard on you." The father smiled back with a bit of guilt. He really should be, with what his wife had just gone through.

"It's been hard on the both of us." The absolving mother was not that petty, remembering what her husband has also been through. "It was my selfish wish that led us to this moment. After all, even when plenty of medic-nins said that I'm not able to, you found a way."

The husband sighed at those words. And as a father, he sighed again as he looked at his son.

Of course, the child's boyhood was guaranteed with that snakehead protrusion and all, so the father's appraising gaze was somewhere else.

Specifically, the baby's still-adjusting eyes... and the snake-like iris it held.

An anomaly that calls back to his obsession with the fabled Ryuchi Cave and a mutation that tells tales of what had to be done for his wife's longing to come true.

For her part, the mother didn't mind what was out of place as she loved her newborn for the miracle that he was.

Even more enthused, she asked. "Honey, what should we call him?" 

The husband-turned-father pondered for a bit, going through all the snake-esque myths he knew, and eventually settled on one. "How about Orochimaru?"

'Orochi' relating to big snakes and 'maru' relating to circle. Blessing his son with a representation of fortune and rebirth shouldn't be too bad.

Knowing and already used to her husband's perks towards snake summons and snakes in general, she was quick to understand and didn't have many complaints.

So, she settled her sights on that bundle of joy, proclaiming with a smile. "Then, Orochimaru it is."

She even asked the innocent baby in jest. "Do you like your name, Orochimaru?"

Obviously, all she got in reply was a continuation of those cries.

Only that it seemed even louder. Perhaps in protest of the name and its implication.

Too bad, his fate was already set in stone.

In this new life, he was now Orochimaru!




As bad as that fact was, at least some things finally cleared up.

As to where he currently is? What that blue energy truly was? And why was that snake-like sensation so emanating?

Apparently, this was going to be the Narutoverse. The blue energy was most likely chakra. And he was a snakey baby because he was going to be inserted in one of the most snakey guy that this verse had to offer.

Who would've guessed that the Impure World Reincarnation user and the Living Corpse Reincarnator would be the one being reincarnated into?

It would seem that some irony was in play. For the poor original Orochimaru and the poor soul that replaced him.

He may have served one life sentence under the mantle of a perverted pedophile... but it seems that he wasn't in the clear just yet.

As some sort of cruel joke, he was about to serve another life sentence... in the body of one of the most famous pop-culture pedophiles there is!

The heinous big bad that's obsessed with talented youth, licking and lurking at them. 

He's none other than Orochimaru!

Who most would even refer to as that other derogatory but befitting name...

And to think that from this point on... he's going to be that very guy!

If he wasn't a baby right now and had he been able to speak out, he'd have already disbelievingly exclaimed the words...

"I'm actually Pedomaru?!"

Something obviously made for fun, so don't take it too seriously... as it's obviously trashy...

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