
//43// A yes or yes deal

"Well, well, well, aren't you a runaway prisoner?" The General asked, standing in front of Arsenal who was bound by chains on both hands and feet and held up by two Agents after he had regained consciousness.

"You are the same kid who killed four Agents in the contest, no? The same kid whom I shot and he escaped the facility, no? The same kid who found himself here somehow and I caught him." The General chuckled as he lifted Arsenal's chin so that the young man was looking right at him.

"You thought that your mask would save you, didn't you?" He asked and forcefully pulled off the mask from Arsenal's face, causing him to cry out in pain.

"It was a good disguise though," Added the General,

"But there was no way it was going to save you especially when your exceptional talent, skills and abilities always give you away."

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