
Chapter 16

A/N: Slowly getting tired of writing this while reading comments telling me what they feel the mc should do. Like somehow being a master of alchemy, dimensional and spatial magic and self resurrection among many many things and his lack of imagination. Tried to ignore it and it's just giving me a headache so I might go on a break from this for a while after this chapter. 

On a different note, I put out a mha fic for anyone who's interested.



"You can't expect us to hide in here forever." 

She could only sigh in frustration. If only they could understand the importance of what she was doing. As it was, going outside was a risk she wasn't willing to allow them to take. 

Even she had reduced her activities outside the Gibbons house for the moment. 

"Until we know more about the new supernatural side of Mystic Falls, it isn't safe to go out there. None of the others have come back since they left." She tried to explain but Frederick had since reached his tipping point. His girlfriend, Bethanne, was the same, along with the rest of the recently freed vampires. 

"Screw that! I didn't spend over a century locked in a tomb only to be locked in this house. You may be afraid but I'm not." Frederick shot back, barely holding back a sneer. 

"If you do this, you risk exposing us all." She warned, her eyes scanning the others that backed him up. 

"There isn't much left to expose here. We want out, all of us." He said, squaring up to her. 

Out of everyone in the building, she was the oldest vampire but even she and Anna were the oldest but they were heavily outnumbered. She wasn't going to risk either of their lives.

"So you can take revenge on the Salvatore brothers?" She scoffed and by the tightening of Frederick's eyes, she guessed right on the reason for the frustration, part of it anyway. 

Stefan and Damon were the reason they got locked in the tomb in the first place. Katherine also took part of the blame but the woman was nowhere to be found. 

"Are you going to stop us?" Frederick questioned in a threatening manner. He was quite aware of his numerical advantage. 

With a sigh, she stepped to the side, now standing beside her daughter and Harper, the only other vampire who listened to her instructions. 

With a mocking smirk, Frederick left the building, the others following suit. It was night time so they didn't have to worry about burning up. 

With the three of them left, she turned to the other two. "Pack your bags, we're leaving Mystic Falls."


It turns out that while Silas is a well of magical knowledge, it's less than I expected for a man who lived for two millennia. Granted, he spent most of it stuck here, it was still a let down. 

Anyways, a syringe of Silas' blood, which was now the cure, sat in my trophy room. The former immortal lay in a larger box in the far back. Of course his head was in a separate case, not that he had a chance of resurrecting himself even if I didn't basically bisect his corpse. 

Qetsiyah is the real treasure grove of knowledge. She was the one to actually create the immortality spell. I don't need it but I just want to have it, I'm vain like that. I'll go about getting her spells later. 

For now, I'm reminded about the vampire problem I've been postponing for a very long time. Why did it suddenly become a priority? Because a bunch of them are currently marching through the streets, headed for the Salvatore Boarding house. 

I could stop them before they get there or I could use the chance to put the brothers in my debt, Stefan at least. He's the 'heroic and good' brother after all. 

Yeah, let's make things more complicated than they need to be because what is life without a little fun. 


It had been a challenging couple of days to say the least. They'd gotten Damon fixed up but the older Salvatore brother was more sober than usual. It seemed his encounter with Nathan really hit him hard. 

Unfortunately, Damon wasn't the only one affected by the whole situation. He lay on the bed in his room, listening to Elena who had been ranting for the last five minutes. 

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I've tried but Bonnie doesn't even want to talk to me in class!" Elena complained, pacing back and forth in the room. 

"I'm sure she'll come around." He said, trying to be supportive but it didn't work. 

"I don't think she wants to. She switched seats so she wouldn't have to sit next to me." Elena pointed out. 

"Maybe you just need to give her some space. Plus she does have a point about you hiding it from her." Stefan said, causing her to snap towards him. 

"She hates Damon! You know that. She'd be happy to see him die." Elena tried to argue. 

"Yes but she loves her Grams more than she hates Damon." She couldn't argue with that logic no matter how much she wanted to. He could see it on her face.

He idly wondered if Nathan told Bonnie about Damon on purpose but threw that idea away. It wouldn't make any sense. There was nothing for Nathan to benefit from that. 

"I mean yeah but…" he tuned out the rest of her reply as his ears caught the sound of the windows breaking downstairs. 

Elena apparently noticed his disturbed look. "What is it?"

"Somebody's downstairs. Stay here!" He said, speeding out of the door as fast as he could, ignoring her confused scream. 

Reaching the stairs, he was met with Damon who was also hurrying towards the sound. Upon getting downstairs, they arrived at the scene of the windows broken and a number of people in their living room. 

Vampires, he realized. He recognized some of them, they were the tomb vampires. What was left of them at least. 

"What party did we walk into?" Damon quipped from beside him. 

"What do you want?" Stefan asked, tensing upon seeing the wooden stakes in their hands. 

"Hmmph! What we want is long overdue. Because of you two and that bitch Katherine, we were stuck inside that stupid tomb for a hundred and forty five years." A man said. He seemed to be the one leading them. 

"If you're looking for Katherine you're wasting your time pal. Nobody knows where she is." Damon said it in a casual manner but Stefan knew him more than that. He was waiting for an opportunity. 

"I'm sorry about what happened but we don't need to fight." Stefan said, trying to diffuse the situation. 

"You see I don't think so. First, we're going to kill the both of you. Then we're going after the founding families. We'll burn this town to the ground." The man said, speeding forward. 

Stefan barely reacted fast enough, grabbing his wrist just as the stake almost pierced him. The age difference really began to show as the man, Frederick as he finally remembered, pushed the stake forward. 

Just as it touched his skin, the older vampire was pushed off him by Damon who finally entered the fray. That seemed to be the signal as the rest of them rushed forward. 

It was fifteen to two, they didn't stand a chance. As he struggled to hold back a state wielding arm, he heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. 

Please no! "Stefan what's going on?!" Elena's voice came from the stairs, drawing attention to her arrival. 

"Elena stay back!" He screamed to no avail. 

"Katherine." He heard one of them mutter.

Damon was occupied struggling with two vampires of his own who were quickly beating him down while he had his own hands full. He barely saw when one of them rushed past them to the stairs, grabbing Elena by the neck. 

Elena choked as she was lifted off the ground. 

"After all these years, you just can't help yourself with these Salvatores." The man spat out. 

Stefan could only watch as he too was overwhelmed, the man reeling his free arm back, getting ready to rip her heart out. Just as he was about to plunge his hand into Elena's chest, he let out a scream of pain, releasing her to fall to the floor.

The vampire who was about to stake him also began holding his head, grunting in pain. He quickly noticed that the same thing was happening to all of them with the exception of him and Damon. 

"What that hell…" Damon muttered, unable to finish his sentence as a new voice rang through the air. 

"What would you do without me? Barely a week and you're already finding new ways to die." The person said, causing them to snap towards the door, seeing Nathan standing at the doorway. 

He did the only thing he could do, he let out a breath of relief. 

Next chapter