
a code 1535

"Shh just rest in my arms, we only have a little bit of time left." A ragged voice said. I could hear the tremble in his voice. It made my heart ache fiercely. Tears flooded my eyes, I trie to blink them away they were clouding my vision, but I couldn't the more I blinked away them away the more they came.

"I don't want you to go, we only just met again." I begged, the idea of him leaving was tearing at my chest, felt like my heart was breaking through my ribs. It was utter agony.

"I know, but this is just how things are, for now. We're cursed." His voice sounded warn down and exhausted.

"Why? I don't want to die, to leave you." I could feel my life draining with each tear dripping down my cheeks. He lifts his fingers to my face and wipes the wetness away.

"I'll find you again. I always do, you know it deep down. I love you. I'm so sorry."

Suddenly a sharp force was plunged into my chest. Smashing it. Coughing, my blood spit from my mouth covering my face. The smell of iron began to fill my nose before I couldn't breathe, it felt like hours. Every breath was an endless pain.

I'm drowning, drowning in my own blood. With each inhale more blood filled my airways. I was dying. I can't believe this.

He killed me.

I wake up again coughing and panting, my throat dry from screaming. My bed wet from sweating. My body felt hot. It was like I've been stabbed. My chest was throbbing in pain. I look inside my shirt expecting to see some kind of wound but I find nothing.

Clutching my chest trying to slow my heart rate and catch my breath.

Taking deep breaths. I finally find a slower rhythm in my breathing and heartbeat.

I change out of my sweat drenched clothing and into something dry. Roll a joint, grab me and Sammy a blanket and head outside.

"Come on Sammy, lets go out for some air."

Opening the back door a wall of chill hit my face sending shivers down my spine.

Taking my spot on the porch swing sitting cross cross. Sammy curled up with his blanket next to the swing on the ground. I fold the left overs of his blanket over him. Together we sit in silence taking in the familiar and calming sounds of night. But tonight was different. It felt like someone was out there waiting and watching.

Taking a long deep drag, I just brush off and lean back closing my eyes.

Suddenly, Sammys starts giving off a low growl.

"Sammy, whats wrong boy?"

Sammy doesn't growl ever, except maybe when we play. Or at moose. He'll growls at moose. Something tells me this is no moose.

I hear branches moving in an isolated area in the distance. But close enough it was uncomfortable.

"Come on Sammy let's go back inside, it's cold."

Sammy at first, doesn't move but with a small nudge of my foot, he gets up I quickly move us inside and lock the door. I walk around the house checking the windows and front door. I check the alarm status before heading up stairs to do the same.

I wake my parents and tell them too. Mom always said if something spooked me to tell her, her research is valuable. She I didn't scare easily, so when I did, my mom knew it was serious. Something was off, something that shouldn't be there was out there. The fear was igniting a response from my body I've never felt.

I check the spare room and my room. All

locked. Heading into my parents room I hear sounds above me on the roof.

Gasping startled by the sound, I quickly wake my parents.

"Mom, Dad wake up. Sammy was growling, there's someone outside." Shaking them awake some.

"What, what did you say?" My mom answered.

"I think we have an intruder on our property." I state again.

My mom shot right up when she heard it a second time and reached over to her night stand pulling out a gun and a clip of bullets.

"You have a gun?" Surprised my mother was such a baddie.

"I have several all over the house. I should have taken the time to show you how to shoot." My mom mentioned.

"Honey, wake up, it's a code 1534."

Code 1534?

My mom pulls out a safe hidden in under

the box spring. Grabbing two clips of some glowing white and black bullets.

"What are those?"

Seriously though, what the hell are those. I've never heard of glowing bullets, didn't even think black could glow, but these do.

"They're bullet's I designed awhile back, they're special." She answered. My dad up and armed with a shot gun.

"Dad! What the hell? You're a nurse what are you doing with a gun?"

I didn't even know he knew how to use one?

Both of my parents have guns? Why didn't I know about this side of them?

"That's a story for another time. Take this just in case." My dad says tossing me a small silver gun.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no… no.. I don't know how to use it, take it back." I shove the gun back.

"Seri, this is serious. I promise you if the time comes you'll know how to use it." My dad was trying to reassure me.

But I doubted that was the case. People didn't magically know how to aim and use a gun.

"Seri, I need to go to my lab." Mom said.

"What's going on, seriously? What aren't you telling me?" I am truly confused.

"Honey, My research is extremely valuable and it threatens a lot of people. We could be dealing with a hired thief or assassin, some people don't want me to continue my research. So I need you to be safe. Now let's go."

I thought she just worked on forest fires?

My mom moved in front and my dad followed behind us. Making our way downstairs I go to the basement.

"We're going to three way call and you're going to get on the computer and check the Camera's. Did you check the security system and arm it?" Dad asked.

Armed security?

They've got some explaining to do later seriously.

I went down to the basement locking the door and slamming down the barricade.

"Locked up"

"Good now get the computer, use your

log in for your laptop, you have access to everything and check the cameras,

quickly, I can hear creaks on the porch out back."

When did that happen?

I rush to the computer and log in. Quickly locating the video of the camera broadcast and began scanning them.

Seeing nothing. Looking at each different camera.

Then, I see a pair of glowing eyes by the cell tower at the end of our property. The eyes were looking right at the camera, I couldn't make out the figure but the eyes were unmistakable.

"I can see someone by the cell tower. Do you think they're trying to cut out our coms?"

"No, I think they're scouting the place, that's why they didn't check the windows and doors. We'll replay the cameras in the morning and I'll call my boss.." My mom answered.

'I'll drag some mats and blankets downstairs, turn the heater on. We're sleeping in the lab tonight. Remember the rules." My dad said.

"Okay." We hang up the phone, I keep looking back checking the camera's as I set up the heater; until I hear a knocking at the door.

"Unlock it, I've got the blankets." Dad said.


They always told me to use a password before letting anyone in here once the door was locked. To ensure I don't let someone in by mistake.

"My parents hate marijuana." My dad answered.

"What does it mean to live in peace?" I asked my mothers password.

"Acceptance." She answered.

"Okay." I unseal and unlock the doors letting Sammy and my parents inside. And leave it to my mom to bring snacks and my laptop.

"Movie night?" She asked.

"Sounds like a plan." My dad answered as he set up our mats making us sleeping pallets.

Taking the laptop and putting it on the rolling stool, locking it in place, the three of us curl up with some snacks for a movie.

Even though my high was gone because of

this, I felt sleep creep up rather quickly and doze off with my hand in my popcorn bag.

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

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