

"Beautiful isn't it?" Said a man with a deep velvety voice.

Looking back I see a tall man was possibly the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. His strong and demanding aura gave me goosebumps. His eye were the most electric blue I have ever seen. He had thick tousled black hair and a just sun kissed tan giving him this glowing effect. He wore an all jet black suit, so dark he could blend in with the night. His collared shirt and tie were also black. His overbearing confidence was intimidating, I felt squashed standing net to this ridiculously tall man.

"Y-y-yes" I stuttered over my words, this mans charisma was overpowering it was almost scary. His beauty looked deadly.

"It looks like a happy beautiful painting on the outside, by I can't help but feel a sense of longing hidden in it, like something you love and want is just with in sight but forever unreachable." I said finally tearing my gaze away from his seductive grin.

"Really? That is a very interesting take on the painting. I think it's the first I've heard it since I let them display it here." The man said.


What did he just say?

"You are the creator of this piece?" I said so shocked I was not expecting such a well dressed man in a name brand black suit. Such a beautiful piece filled with light was painted by a man shrouded in darkness.

"I am." He gave me another devilish grin, making me so weak in the knees I thought I'd faint.

"My name is Lucas Morning. It's a pleasure miss?" He said picking up my hand and leaning down to kiss it. For a moment he stopped my heart from beating.

"I'm Seri, Seri Kinsington., pleased." I said I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. They must be redder than a cherry right now. Oh good lord get it together girl. It's just a man.

A very beautiful man.

Ah hell.

"Do you live around here Miss Kinsington?" Lucas asked me.

"I don't I'm only in town for the day actually."

"Oh, that's a pity." He paused his face seemed momentarily unhappy about it. "I am here for a few days on business."

"Yeah, today's actually my 21st birthday, we're in town for a private concert."

"We?" He asked me raising an eyebrow.

His interest should set off alarms, but it doesn't I couldn't help but answer every question with complete honesty, it was like I was compelled to speak when I looked into this deep into this electric blue eyes.

Wake up girl.

"Yes, my two best friends, who are somewhere in this museum, I seem to have lost them while staring at your work."

"Do you like it that much?" Lucas asked me.

"I do, it's truly a beautiful piece of art, what inspired it?"

"A lost love with a hope of a reunion one day." Lucas said "You were right, this photo expresses longing, but also hope." His tone had a hint of sadness as he looked into my eyes.

"That's beautiful and sad." My heart felt this ache when I looked at him seeing the sadness in his eyes.

I wonder if she died.

"I have a feeling we may be reunited soon." He said but this time his face expressed something dangerous. "Would you like to have this painting?"

"What? Oh no, you can't do that. I couldn't except such a gift when we just met." I was so shook by his question, I wasn't prepared to answer it.

"Well then maybe you could give your phone number and we won't be strangers." His voice slick and seductive.

"Ah, yeah, here put your number in." I said pulling my phone out handing it to him.

He puts his phone number in and dials his own.

"Now that my work has found its rightful owner, leave your information with the director and when the exhibit is over I will have the painting shipped to you." His words were melting my heart my mouth was feeling so dry.

"Are you serious? I can't afford to pay you."

Lucas laughed, "Miss Kinsington, I am by no means short on cash, please take it as a gift. A reward even for knowing the truth behind the painting.

I was stunned. He was serious.

"Ms. Kinsington is my mother, call me Seri.

"Seri, beautiful, is short for something?" Lucas asked.

"No my mom said she named me after Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes daughter Suri." I laughed, I don't know if it's true but it's always good quote for a laugh.

"Hey, Seri, lets go grab some coffee." Josie said walking up arm and arm with Brooke.

"I will take my leave, Seri, it was wonderful to meet you, I look forward to future encounters." He said kissing my hand one more time and parting.

He paused and looked back at me with a devious and dangerous grin, "Don't forget to leave your information with the exhibit director." He turned and walked away without another word.

I was so shocked I hadn't even noticed how fast my heart was beating. I clutched my chest trying to catch my breath, once he left his thick heavy aura left with him, making it so I could finally breathe.

"What the hell just happened?" Josie asked me. "That was the hottest man I've ever seen."

"What did he mean by give your information to the exhibit director?" Brooke asked nervously.

"He gave me this painting." I said surprise and disbelief still in my tone.

"Gave you?" Brooke asked raising her eyebrow.

"I know, I'm shocked. He even asked for my number." I said.

"Be careful, he gives off dangerous mysterious man vibes. That's a red flag." Brooke warned.

"A guy that hot who cares how dangerous? Bring on the red flags" Josie said clutching my hands. "Tell me everything."

"Okay, okay, let me give the director my info and I'll tell you everything on our walk to the café."

"You better tell me everything, leave nothing to the imagination." Josie repeated.

Tell me what you think about Lucas?

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

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