
Going to the Town(3)

After passing through the swamps, Leen finally reached the Muvill Town.

In the distance, he could see the silhouette of a rock fortress over 10 meters high that looked impressive.

"I'm the kid who managed to survive the village destroyed by the Demon King's Army, I am..."

In DOL, there is an interesting hidden fact about the character used by every Player.

Every player is free to do anything.

They could even become a nobleman ruling a region from a beggar if they did well and with enough luck.

However, they cannot or should not completely ignore their backstory.

This is very important.

Because otherwise, a unique concept called Faith with several debuff effect will attack their characters.

Leen wants to avoid this because the Faith is very unpredictable and the case is different for each character.

Of course, Faith not just about debuff. There is also much type of useful Faith. However, Leen thought better to be careful than regret later.

Leen Brawn is an orphan who escapes from the pursuit of the Demon King's Army after his village is destroyed.

What kind of action is suitable for Leen to do?

Lena thought about this, then decided to take revenge-seeking action with the determination to fight the Demon King's Army.

"What job is suitable for that? Knight?"

Leen began to ponder what kind of Job he should choose later.

As expected. DOL is a Role Play game.

Following the character's backstory is important.

It can also strengthen their character to some extent and even provide a chance to awaken a useful Faith.

Leen checked his items and money before approaching the Town gate.

Traveler's Robe ×1, Traveler's Shoes ×1, Branch ×1, Toad Beast Thigh Meat ×8, Toad Beast Eyeball ×10, Toad Beast Skin ×5, and 234 Bronze coins.

The stones that Leen had collected had been exhausted due to the use of the Toad Beast. The stones were at least capable of angering the Toad Beasts.

Leen approached the Town gate.

There, two soldiers were guarding it with stern faces.

They were aware of Leen's existence.

"A child? What are you doing here, kid? Where are your parents?" one of the soldiers asked.

Leen looked down and gritted his teeth.

"They were killed..."

"What? Could it be..."

The soldier began to discover the truth.

And Leen confirmed it.

"That's right, the Demon King's Army...! They killed them all!"

The expressions on the soldiers' faces instantly changed.

However, they weren't really surprised.

After all, they had long since realized the potential of the Demon King's Army's movements.

They only felt sorry for this little child.

Sighing, one of the soldiers asked: "Do you want to enter the Town?"

Lowering his head, Leen nodded.

They smiled.

"We actually have to charge 20 bronze coins for the entrance fee of people without identification. But... Please come in..."

These two soldiers had their own children, so they naturally couldn't just cold their hearts and force a boy as young as this to pay that much money.

"Thank you very much."

Leen was still lowering his head as he thanked them and walked in through the gate.

Then, he smiled faintly.


Leen is not someone who is an expert in acting.

However, thanks to the difference in height and the fact that Leen lowered his head and covered his head with a hood, the two soldiers couldn't read the expression on his face and thought that Leen was really sad.

In reality, Leen didn't really have a sad expression on his face.

"However, they didn't look too surprised by the news of the Demon King Army's attack..."

Leen thought that this needed to be noted by him.

Apparently, this Muvill Town official is quite indifferent to the villages in their area.

His character had to be someone who hated the Demon King's Army, so this kind of action shouldn't be allowed by him.

"Hm, Role play like this is actually very interesting because it feels real in this game. No wonder there are so many people who play it!"

Leen admired the DOL game-play while looking around and looking for a shop willing to buy Items from the Toad Beasts, a shop that sold weapons, then, of course, an inn.

However, Leen's view was immediately blocked by the game's System screen shortly afterwards.

[You have reached the Muvill Town!]

[You reach your first Town!]

[You gain +1 SP.]

"Oh, that's good!"

Leen was very happy to get another additional SP.

However, the notification he got didn't end there.

[You successfully opened the Player Server Menu feature: Muvill Town's Player Server.]

[You can now interact face-to-face and exchange Items within the Server with other Players!]


Is there such a thing in the DOL as well?

Leen was confused because he didn't find such a thing anywhere in Fandom.

Leen sat down in the fountain in the middle of the Town and opened the Server Menu.

In the menu, there are Player identity, Shop, Privacy Chat, and Server Chat menus.

Leen opens the Player identity menu.

[Player name: Leen Brawn.]

[Level: 1]

Underneath these two columns that are already settled by default and cannot be changed, Leen finds several other columns that seem to be displayed to other players on the Server when they see them.

Leen didn't intend to reveal too much about his character, so he left it as it was.

He opened the Shop Menu.

"Oh, there are so many Items!"

A long list of items scrolls there.

From food items, to weapon items.

Unfortunately, most of them are quite expensive.

[Item: Swamp Serpent's fang.]

[Item class: Rare.]

[The fangs of the Swamp Serpent that lived in the swamps that existed deep in the Fhotoir Forest. These fangs are extremely poisonous and useful as weapon and poison materials.]

[Price: 5-8 silver coins.]

[Item: Swamp Wood Log.]

[Item class: Rare.]

[Log of the trunk of the Swamp Wood, a rare type of tree in the Fhotoir Forest that has absorbed a small amount of Swamp essence. It is highly resistant to fire and is useful in forging various types of weapons.]

[Sale price: 12-20 silver coins.]

[Item: Swampnite.]

[Item class: Rare.]

[A special mineral that can only be found in places with strong Swamp essence content such as the Fhotoir Forest. Very useful in many ways.]

[Sale price: 3-10 silver coins.]

[Item: Swamp orb.]

[Item class: Rare.]

[Crystallization of Swamp essence. A mysterious object. It is said to have the effect of amplifying one's Earth magic.]

[Sale price: 10-89 silver coins.]

It was very difficult to find a Common Item among them and the minimum money used there was silver, no longer bronze.

Maybe it was because all of these items were mostly something that was difficult to sell to this Town's NPCs considering their rarity. Therefore, in a remote Town server like Muvill, players could only hope that there were other players willing to buy items that were no longer useful to them.

"It seems like I'm still very noob."

Then, Leen opened the Chat server.

A series of chats continue to roll regularly there.

Red 4: "Hey, do you have any information about the Mud Slime? I'm willing to buy that information for a few silvers!"

Theven: "Mud Slime? Level 3 monsters? Dude, have you leveled up again?"

Stone-wielding Girl: "Level 3? This bastard is going up so fast..."

Lovely Qiqi: "I've seen it! I was still level 1 back then and was swallowed up by it!"

Theven: "You resurrected?"

Lovely Qiqi: "Hehe, My elder brother is a priest in the Capital, so he resurrected me!"

Then, various other chats continued to roll.

"From what I can see, level 2 is the average level of players around here?"

That's pretty low according to Leen considering the threat from the Demon King's Army at the other end of the Fhotoir Forest.

After pondering for a moment, Leen decided to send a chat.

Leen Brawn: "Hello everyone. I'm still a beginner. Can you guys give me a recommendation on where to sell Common Items in Muvill Town?"

Leen starts with a fundamental question.

Soon, the answer came to him.

Theven: "Oh, Newbie! It's very rare to find you guys these days in this Town!"

Lovely Qiqi: "After all, this Town is very remote..."

Jack: "There's a merchant company near the Town's fountain called the Black Leaf Company. You can try to go there."

Theven: "This guy's promoting his own trading company again!"

Jack: "This is how business works."

Leen thanked him before standing up and started looking for the Black Leaf Company.

The Black Leaf Company turned out to be really close to the Town's fountain, so Leen could find it easily after walking and asking with a few pedestrians.

A two-floors building with a [Black Leaf Company] signboard stood in front of Leen right now.

As Leen pushed the door open, rows of merchandise such as clothes and accessories, as well as various weapons, entered his view.

A large number of customers are currently walking around and choosing the items they want to buy.

Leen didn't come to buy, so he immediately came to the cashier's desk.

A woman with chestnut hair tied up was sitting there quietly.

The smile on her face was the calm smile of a typical mature woman.

In the woman's hand, there was a book, and she was reading it.

Therefore, she didn't realize that Leen was approaching her.

"Excuse me. I want to sell the materials from the Toad Beast..."

The woman quickly raised her head when she heard Leen's voice.

"Toad Beast? Yes, we are happy to offer you a reasonable price..."

However, the woman immediately fell silent when she saw Leen's young appearance.

"A child?"

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