
Chapter Three- Cover Up!

Not typical.

Not typical…

What I need isn't exactly typical…

After he has left the office, I continue to ponder over his last words.

What did he mean when he said he may require me to do things that aren't typical? Surely, he doesn't need me to do anything illegal right? I hope not.

I'm very desperate right now and this job seems like my last saving hope. I have been applying for jobs in different companies all over the country for the past five months now but not even one considered me for an interview.

There was this one time I almost got a job though. I was scheduled for an interview but a day before the interview, the hiring manger called to inform me that I could not be interviewed because apparently 'something' came up.

No other words were spoken but I knew it was because of my family's reputation no one wanted to employ me. Once any prospective employer heard my last name, they always connected me to my family and turned me down immediately. Probably because they didn't want to give their organization a bad reputation.

Ever since the mind-blowing scandal that involved my family at the beginning of this year, my life has been one downfall after another.

To stand on my two feet again and escape the stigma, I had to make a lot of hard decisions – like changing my surname from Hartfield to Cole, moving to another state halfway across the country to start a new life where I practically knew no one– and taking a huge loan from someone I had previously vowed never to talk to again. I'm sure the threatening note from this morning was sent by him. Life does have a way of making you do certain things you're not proud of.

Also, I had been applying for high job positions like managing, directing and even the role of a COO once but since I wasn't hired, I swallowed my pride and decided to apply for minor roles instead, which is how I got this secretary position.

Obviously, Mr Crane doesn't know about my family's reputation or my real identity which is why he hired me. So, if he asks me to do anything unusual, I would gladly do it without saying a word. I will do ANYTHING to keep this job.

"But how far are you willing to go, Aria?" My subconscious whispers."What if he asks for something truly out of line? I shake the thought off, I can't afford to think like that. Not now.

Even the salary is enough reason for me to work efficiently. Two months worth of work should be enough to cover my debt and I'm pretty sure there are other work benefits too.

My legs are cramped from sitting too much so I stand up and pace around the room. I come back to my chair but instead of sitting, I stand at the foot of the desk to look around some more.

Opposite the cityview which is on the right side of the room, there is a door that leads to, I don't know, maybe a restroom?

The massive mahogany desk is surprisingly scanty for an executive. A few files are stacked up at the bottom left. The other items on the table are a leather-bound book that looks like a journal, a bottle of water and some customized stationary. There are several pens, I pick up one which has 'NC' boldly engraved on it. Nolan Crane. I quickly stuff it into my pocket.

What? It's not like he'll even notice.

There's only one other object on the table and it grabs my attention. It looks like a glass turtle and it shimmers from the sunlight coming in through the glass.

I look through the glass walls overlooking the hallway to see if anyone is passing. No one is out in the hallway so I pick it up to take a closer look at it. Oh, it's heavy. I gingerly turn it around and let my hands slide all over the smooth surface.

A sudden shrilling sound startles me and I'm so shocked that before I have time to properly compose myself, it slips from my hands and crashes to the floor.


I put my hands over my face and close my eyes. I can bet it shattered into a million pieces but I'm too scared to take a look. Mustering all my courage, I slowly open my eyes and take a peek between my fingers.

It lays on the floor at the side of the desk, unbroken.

Oh sweet mercy.

I drop my hands and take a deep breath of relief. The shrilling sound came from an antique clock on the wall behind the desk which now says 12:00.

I frown. It's over an hour already? Have I been thinking for that long?

I quickly bend down to retrieve the glass turtle and I hear a low ripping sound.

What is it again this time?

I ignore the sound and squat, picking the turtle up and cradling it in my hands. As I stand up once more, I hear the sound again, louder this time.

It surely can't be…?

I think my pants just ripped. Uh-oh.

It's at that moment that Mr Crane coolly walks into the office, hands in pocket, with a woman in tow, holding some files. His deep blue eyes first fall on me, then to the turtle in my arms before coming back to me again. He looks angry. I gulp.

"You can drop them and leave." he says sharply to the woman.

The little woman hurriedly drops the files on the table and scampers out of the office, looking flustered.

"What is that doing with you. I told you to sit still, Miss Cole." I can sense annoyance in his voice.

"I'm sorry. My legs were cramped and I just stood up to stretch my legs."

"Which explains the why that is in your hands." He says drily.

"Oh, uhm…it looks really nice. I just wanted to have a closer look. I am quite an avid lover of art and I appreciate artistic pieces like this."

"I see" He pauses briefly before adding "Keep your hands where they belong, Miss Cole. I don't appreciate people getting all over my stuff especially since your stay in my office is now permanent."

"Excuse me?"

He shoots me a look. "You heard me right, Miss Cole. All my previous secretaries stay in the office next to me and I wanted to have it set up for you but I've changed my mind. I want you to stay here so I can keep an eye on you at all times." 

Stay here? With him? At all times! I really don't understand what is going on. First, he wanted to handle my interview personally and now he wants me to stay in his office? Is there something I'm missing here?

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"You are my secretary after all. You should stay with me. Or you don't want to?" he raises an eyebrow and folds his arms across his chest.

Damn, when he raises his eyebrow like that, it makes him look so hot. NO! NO! I reprimand myself. Now is not the time to think of that. Stop it, Aria.

"Yes… I mean, no it's okay" This comes out as a croak. I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Good." He nods approvingly. "We still haven't discussed the terms of your employment though. Your salary was included in the job description but there are still other things that must be discussed. You appointment is yet to be formalized and there is so much else to do. You'll have to meet with the hiring team." He pauses "But first I need to show you something."

All I can do is nod.

"Are you going with that?" he points at the turtle.

I quickly put it down on the table as he walks to the door.

He opens it and stands aside, directing me to go outside first. I walk out to the hallway and he follows suit, shutting the door behind me.

"So, where are we going sir?" I ask, in my most polite tone.

No response.

"Sir?" I turn around to see him looking intently at me.

Sweet mercy! Why is he staring at me like that? His gaze is intense and unsettling... and yet, it's hard to look away


His gaze lingers for some more seconds until I'm forced to look away.

"I have no restrictions to the outfits my employees wear provided it's quite decent, Miss Cole." He says at last, his tone husky all of a sudden "But I think this is a bit too much. If you plan to keep everyone's eyes on you, maybe save that for a less… professional setting."

I'm struck dumb. What is wrong with my outfit? "I don't understand" I say.

"Don't you think you should cover that up? People will stare." he says , with a bemused tone in his voice.


Cover up what? I look down at my shirt which is buttoned all the way to the top. Only the first button is open to let in room for air. Does he want me to button this up too?

"Oh." I quickly tug at the top button.

"No, not that." He snaps in exasperation, then raises an eyebrow. "You really don't know, do you?"

Know what?

"Miss Cole" He says rather gently as if reprimanding a child. "Your pants are ripped at the back. It's exposing quite a lot and your uh… and I don't think it's appropriate to move around with everybody seeing that!"

My jaw drops. What in the world?

My pants. Oh no!

Oh wow! is all I can say.

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Lots of love xx.

NaomiAbucreators' thoughts
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