
Awakening %$&$#!@#$

Eraser Head and Midnight, battling Toga, couldn't help but be amazed by her ability to put up a worthy fight even in a situation where she was facing two professional heroes at once.

He had thought that of the pair, only Kimika was the one constantly evolving, but this was his greatest mistake. Toga, too, was ceaselessly developing — not just in experience and adaptability to situations, but also in her fighting style.

She effortlessly evaded Midnight's whip, targeting her as the weakest opponent while simultaneously ignoring him. Her movements were precise and calculated, growing increasingly unpredictable with each passing moment, and the situation was gradually tipping in her favor.

This made Eraser Head realize just how fatal a mistake it had been to let All Might change the initial plan. Their plan with Nezu had been perfect for containing and exhausting Toga's energy, preventing her from helping her partner while he would quickly deal with Kimika using his quirk.

In an instant, Toga successfully attacked Midnight, knocking her off her feet and disarming her of the whip. The blade of her knife flashed several times, leaving cuts on the hero's costume. As Toga swung for the final blow, Midnight, overcome by panic, instinctively activated her quirk "Somnambulist" A gas began to emanate from her skin, quickly enveloping everything around them.

For Eraser Head, who was closest, the scent took effect almost instantly, as Midnight's ability was most effective on men. He felt an overwhelming drowsiness beginning to take hold. His head was spinning, his consciousness clouding, and he realized that if he didn't retreat, he would simply fall asleep.

But he couldn't allow himself to retreat, as it would mean his partner's death. Yielding to the last surge of willpower to stay awake, Eraser Head lunged forward and, with all his strength, pushed Toga away from Midnight. Her eyes immediately widened in surprise when she realized he had dared to inhale even more of the sleeping gas in order to save his partner.

This move, though unexpected, ultimately worked in her favor. Toga knew all too well that Eraser Head was on the verge of collapse. Right before her eyes, his legs were starting to give out, his eyes were closing, and it was only a matter of time before he lost consciousness.

Rising to her feet and circling around them, she simply waited for that moment to come, her smile growing wider with each passing second. She watched as Midnight, with a pitiful attempt to help, deactivated her quirk in a futile effort to stop the spread of the scent.

"You're wasting your effort, beauty" came Toga's mocking tone, as she slightly tilted her head to the side, enjoying their hopelessness.

But Eraser Head once again did something she never expected. Gathering the last of his strength, he grabbed the knife that lay nearby and, with incredible resolve, drove it into his own leg. The pain was so sharp and intense that it immediately brought him back to his senses. His eyes flashed with clarity as the drowsiness retreated.

"You think that's all?" Eraser Head rasped, shakily straightening up, despite the wound on his leg. His eyes burned with determination, and he braced himself for another surge, gritting his teeth to endure the pain.

This spectacle only entertained Toga. She grinned even wider, tilting her head slightly. Her eyes gleamed with mockery and cold calculation.

"You really are stubborn," Toga said, barely concealing her laughter. She took a step forward, carefully watching his unsteady movements, savoring every second of the struggle. "But it's just a matter of time before you fall asleep... and then, you'll die, and that's it!"

Toga began to relentlessly attack, her strikes growing faster and more precise. Eraser Head could no longer even react due to the drowsiness that had once again overcome him — his body was covered in cuts, and each movement became more and more uncoordinated. He was almost losing consciousness, and Toga was ready to deliver the final blow to end his life.

With a smile, she raised her strike, poised to kill him, but stopped at the last moment, the knife barely missing his heart.

Her heart froze at the sound of the explosion and Kimika's scream. It was so unexpected and deafening that Toga instinctively paused her movement, and her gaze, which had been fixed on Eraser Head, snapped away.

"Kimika?" she whispered almost without a voice, seeing her friend unconscious on the ground. Kimika's horn had exploded, and her condition was so severe and shocking that Toga stood motionless for a few seconds, forgetting everything that was happening around her.

The entire fight, the whole struggle, suddenly lost its meaning when she saw her friend in such a state. For a moment, everything around her stood still, and her own world came to a halt. "No... No... this can't be happening..."

It was a fatal mistake. The moment Toga became distracted, Midnight seized the opportunity and immediately captured her. At the same time, Eraser Head quickly restrained her with his capturing weapon, halting her struggle. And in that very moment, when everything seemed decided, All Might glanced over to check if they needed help.

Present Mic rushed over, having only just managed to get the bound Nezu off the battlefield. His face was focused, and there was concern in his eyes as he saw his injured colleagues.

"Is this the end?" he whispered softly, looking at All Might, by whose side Kimika lay unconscious.

Nearby, Recovery Girl stood, doing everything she could to help. He shifted his gaze to Toga, who was caught in Eraser Head's capturing weapon, struggling futilely to break free while gazing at her friend with an expression of indescribable pain and despair.

Eraser Head was breathing heavily, barely able to stand on his feet, feeling each second turn into a battle against sleep. His body was on the brink, but he forced himself to survey the battlefield, trying to understand what had happened.

Scattered chairs from the initial strike of All Might that separated Kimika and Toga, numerous whip marks from Midnight's attacks, and drops of blood left on the ground after the fierce fight with Toga — everything vividly displayed how tough this battle had been.

He realized how much they had underestimated Toga's strength, thinking that Kimika would be the primary threat. This mistake had nearly cost them their lives. If All Might had delayed for just a few more seconds, he would already be dead, and likely Midnight as well.

Bitterly smiling, Eraser Head recognized how quickly he and Nezu had made the wrong call, believing Toga to be the lesser threat between the two.

"You stubborn 'beauty.' You have no idea how satisfying it is to see such helplessness after you fought against us," Midnight said with a mocking smile, her gaze fixed on Toga's eyes, which burned with fiery determination.

She didn't avert her gaze from Toga, pressing her hand closer to Toga's nose, releasing an even more concentrated sleepy fragrance. The girl tried to hold her breath, but it was already too late—soon, her eyes began to flutter shut, and she finally lost consciousness.

The heroes watched as both girls lay unconscious, each for their own reason: Kimika from the pain after her battle with All Might, and Toga from Midnight's sleepy scent, looking more like she was dead than asleep.

They knew: this wasn't the end. Even though the two had been captured, it didn't mean they had lost.

Meanwhile, Recovery Girl was doing everything she could to help Kimika, but she had no idea what to do. The girl's left eye wasn't just blind — it continued to bleed profusely, and the blood was flowing faster with each passing moment.

No matter how hard she tried, stopping the bleeding without the proper equipment or medical tools was nearly an impossible task.

From the exploded left horn, thick black liquid continued to leak, staining the girl's face and hair, spreading outward. Recovery Girl had never encountered anything like this in her long years of service.

"What the hell is this?" she muttered, suppressing her fear and shock. However, she quickly refocused all her attention on the main task — to save the girl.

She began carefully wiping the girl's face, trying to clear it of the strange liquid. Unaware of its nature or origin, she was concerned about possible infections and made sure to act as cautiously as possible.

What struck her most was that the liquid seemed almost alive. It slowly trickled down to the girl's right horn, which absorbed it, gradually darkening. But what was most astonishing was that bright sparks began to appear within the horn, as if it were fighting against the dark substance, struggling to overcome it. "Is it trying to defend itself?"

The only explanation that came to her mind was that it seemed Nezu hadn't told them the whole truth about the girl's quirk, perhaps trying to hide it for his own plans. 'How could he? How could something so important be kept secret?'

Seeing the girl's condition worsening and the right eye starting to bleed for unknown reasons, Recovery Girl decided to use her quirk, hoping that whatever stamina Kimika still had left after her battle with All Might would be enough to endure the process, even at a minimal level.

Her only hope was that Kimika would survive long enough for them to get her to the academy, where all the necessary equipment for more effective treatment was available.

She kissed the girl on the cheek, and to her surprise, not only Kimika's eyes and horns began to heal, but her entire body as well. Recovery Girl couldn't understand why this was happening, as the appearance of her body seemed normal, but the regeneration process looked as if every cell had been damaged and required repair.

Rising to her feet, her gaze pierced through All Might. Her voice, usually calm and confident, was now filled with anger. "What did you do to her? Her entire body is regenerating as if every cell was broken! Look at her eye! And what the hell happened to make her horn explode?"

All Might, who had been standing by and watching the process, suddenly exploded into smoke, and in his place appeared a man. He looked like a thin man in clothes that were too large for him, standing with a bewildered expression on his face. This new form was the result of his time using his quirk running out, and now he could no longer maintain his hero form without serious harm to himself.

"I... I don't know! I only tried to disable her ability through overload, to end the fight! But he... you... can you help her?"

"Ugh... You... God... Yes, I... I'll be able to help her, and the fact that her body has started regenerating already suggests that she doesn't have any life-threatening injuries from the fight with you, but I still don't understand what's happening to her..." 

Before she could finish her sentence, her quirk suddenly dissipated, and at that moment, the girl's right horn began to crack, making ominous sounds as if it were about to explode just like the left one.

"No, no, no, no! What's happening?!" Recovery Girl exclaimed, her voice filled with confusion and panic. She felt the situation, which had already long since spiraled out of her control, intensifying even further.

She kissed the girl again and again, but each time, moments after the kiss, the effect of her quirk dissipated, meaning the girl's wounds, for some unknown reason, were becoming fatal.

With each kiss, the girl's horn cracked faster, until it suddenly shattered into dust, and black liquid began to leak from it as well.

"What's going on here?" Sleepy Eraser Head asked, barely keeping himself from falling asleep.

Recovery Girl ignored him, focusing entirely on her goal. She kept trying over and over to activate her quirk, concentrating all her attention on Kimika. 

Each time her lips touched the girl, she desperately attempted to trigger the regenerative power. And finally, to her surprise, it worked — Kimika began to glow, and her body started to regenerate.

With a sigh of relief, Recovery Girl watched as the girl's body healed before her eyes—slowly but steadily. 

Gradually, only the eyes and horns remained, the areas that had been the most damaged, requiring more time for full recovery. 

The girl's face, which had been twisted in pain, began to relax, as if unwinding after the exhausting healing process. 

"Phew, finally managed it..." sighed Recovery Girl, wiping the sweat from her face as she watched the girl continue to heal.

"But we need to get her to the academy's infirmary as quickly as possible, before her condition worsens again." Pulling a sedative injection from her backpack, Recovery Girl carefully administered it to Kimika to stabilize her condition. 

Soon after, it seemed like an idea struck her, and she reached for her backpack. After rummaging through it for a moment, she pulled out an empty glass vial and scooped some of the black liquid that was leaking from both of Kimika's horns. "And we definitely need to investigate what this is." 

Fortunately, thanks to the regeneration, the bleeding from her eyes stopped, and, with time, the black substance ceased leaking from her horns.

Suddenly, all the black liquid that had leaked out, along with the one in the vial in Recovery Girl's hand, began to move toward the girl's body, being absorbed into her until only the liquid in the vial remained, unable to escape. The girl's horns started regenerating before their eyes, forming new, larger, and darker ones that resembled the previous ones, but now looked as though they were made from this black liquid. 

The girl slowly opened her eyes and turned her gaze toward the unconscious, twisted Toga behind Recovery Girl, who saw that the girl's eyes were anything but human. 

They had become completely unnaturally black, and within this dark abyss, small stones of the previous colors — one red, the other blue — could barely be seen, flickering weakly through the darkness, like faint flashes from the past.


Well... maybe what happens next isn't the best decision for the plot, but at least it will be something new and unconventional (after all, everything new is just old forgotten things). By the way, didn't I mention I'm a fan of Glitchtale?

In the next chapter, we'll find out what exactly happened in Kimika's dream and what this transformation is all about! And I promise, it will be an interesting plot twist. Because you don't think I'll just let the heroes capture our beloved Kimika and Toga, do you?

Want to see the continuation even faster than the next day? Or perhaps you want even more chapters? Head over to my Patreon — it's all there! But don't worry, sooner or later, it will be here too! patreon.com/Zoi4erom



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