
Chapter 26: Current Gym Leaders

On a lazy Sunday afternoon, Gladion found himself sprawled on his bed, surrounded by a sea of Pokemon League pamphlets and his dad's trusty laptop.

His Eevee was curled up next to him, occasionally batting at the papers with her paw, as if she too was conducting research.

"Alright, Eevee," Gladion said, his voice filled with mock seriousness, "today's mission: Operation Gym Leader Intel. Are you ready for this highly classified assignment?"

Eevee yipped in response, her tail wagging enthusiastically.

"Excellent. Let's begin with Pewter City."

As Gladion scrolled through the official Pokemon League website, he couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. Most of the gym leaders were exactly as he remembered from his past life's knowledge of the anime and games. But there were a few surprises.

"Well, well, well," Gladion mused, scratching Eevee behind the ears, "looks like Brock isn't the Pewter City gym leader yet. It's his dad, Flint. I wonder if Brock is still chasing after every pretty girl he sees?"

Eevee tilted her head, clearly not understanding the reference.

"Never mind," Gladion chuckled. "Let's move on to Cerulean City."

As he read about the Cerulean gym, Gladion's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Huh, Misty's not the leader either. It's her dad running the show. I guess those sisters of hers aren't putting on water ballets just yet."

Eevee yawned, clearly finding gym leader research less exciting than her trainer did.

"Oh, come on," Gladion teased, gently poking her nose. "This is crucial information for our future domination of the Pokemon world!"

He continued scrolling, nodding as he recognized familiar names: Lt. Surge in Vermilion City, Koga in Fuchsia City. But when he got to Cinnabar Island, he paused.

"Now that's interesting," Gladion muttered. "Blaine's not the gym leader. He's... an Elite Four member? Talk about a career upgrade!"

As he delved deeper into Blaine's profile, Gladion couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. If Blaine was in the Elite Four, that meant the Cinnabar Gym might be an entirely different challenge than he'd expected.

But his excitement quickly turned to unease as he clicked on the profile for the Viridian City gym leader. There, staring back at him from the screen, was the stern face of Giovanni.

A shiver ran down Gladion's spine, and Eevee, sensing his discomfort, pressed closer to him.

"It's okay, girl," Gladion said, trying to reassure both his Pokemon and himself. 'It's just... if Giovanni is here, does that mean Team Rocket exists in this world too?'

The thought was unsettling. Gladion had always viewed Team Rocket as more of a nuisance in the anime, bumbling villains who were more comedic than threatening. But he knew that in reality, a criminal organization like that could be incredibly dangerous.

To steal Pokemon, they would definitely be engaging in kidnapping, assault and murder. He shivered at that thought.

"What do you think, Eevee?" Gladion asked, looking down at his furry companion. "Should we start preparing for epic battles against nefarious villains? Maybe invest in some anti-Rocket gear?"

Eevee just blinked at him, then proceeded to lick her paw nonchalantly.

"You're right," Gladion laughed. "One step at a time. Let's focus on actually starting our journey before we start planning to take down criminal empires."

But the thought lingered in the back of his mind. If Team Rocket did exist, or if they were going to form in the future, how would he deal with them? Should he try to prevent their formation somehow? Or was that meddling too much with the timeline?

"Ugh," Gladion groaned, flopping back on his bed. "Time travel and reincarnation are so complicated. They really should come with an instruction manual."

As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, Gladion decided to try something he'd been practicing in secret. Closing his eyes, he focused on his psychic abilities, trying to sense the emotions of those around him.

At first, all he felt was a vague buzz, like static on an old TV. But as he concentrated harder, he began to pick up faint impressions. From downstairs, he sensed a mix of contentment and mild frustration - probably his mom enjoying a good book while simultaneously being annoyed at some household chore left undone.

From the room next door, he picked up waves of excitement and determination. That had to be Gwen, probably planning her future Pokemon team for the millionth time.

And right next to him...

Gladion opened his eyes and looked at Eevee, who was now watching him curiously. "You're hungry, aren't you?" he asked with a grin.

Eevee's ears perked up at the word 'hungry', and she let out an enthusiastic yip.

"Alright, alright," Gladion laughed, sitting up. "Let's go raid the kitchen. I think we've done enough research for one day."

As they made their way downstairs, Gladion couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about the future. The gym leaders, the potential threat of Team Rocket, his growing psychic abilities - it all swirled together in his mind like a complex strategy for a Pokemon battle.

In the kitchen, as he rummaged through the cupboards for Eevee's favorite treats, Gladion made a decision. He would prepare for the worst but hope for the best. He'd train hard, grow stronger, and face whatever challenges came his way - be they gym battles, criminal organizations, or just the everyday trials of being a Pokemon trainer.

"You know what, Eevee?" Gladion said as he watched his partner munch happily on her snack. "I think we're going to be just fine. After all, we've got each other, right?"

Eevee looked up at him, her mouth full of Pokemon food, and gave a muffled but affirmative "Vee!"

Gladion laughed, feeling the weight of his worries lift a little.

As he sat there in the kitchen, sharing a snack with Eevee and listening to the comforting sounds of his home, Gladion felt ready for anything. Gym leaders, Elite Four members, even the nefarious Team Rocket - bring it on. The Pokemon world had better watch out, because Gladion was coming, and he was determined to make his mark.

With a grin, he grabbed a cookie for himself and held it up like a badge. "To the future, Eevee," he declared dramatically. "May it be full of adventure, friendship, and hopefully not too many villainous organizations!"

Eevee yipped in agreement, and together, trainer and Pokemon shared a moment of perfect understanding. Whatever lay ahead, they would face it together, one step (and one snack) at a time.

------Author Notes-------

Thankyou David Lawson and Raff for supporting me.

Y'all can read 12 extra chapters on my pat*reon.

https://pat reon.com/mrmime24

[No Space]

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