
One Last Visit

The next five days afterwards were both the longest and shortest days Severus ever experienced in his life.

The first day was spent finishing the final touches of officially making him the new Lord of the Prince Dynasty. In fact, they never even went to Clawlock's office. They instead went to the Ministry of Magic through the Floo Network of the bank, where they spent most of their time in a department of the Ministry. While signing the necessary paperwork to legalize his claim to the Prince Dynasty, Severus decided to change his middle name from Tobias to Alexander, wanting to erase his connection to that dreadful man as much as he could. While he debated changing his first name, he couldn't bring himself to do it, as it was the name Eileen had given him. He ended up considering it to be a small price to pay to honor her.

By the end of it all, he signed a legal form that stated and officially released him from the Trace, recognizing that he was emancipated and reserved special privileges to being a Lord. In the eyes of the Wizarding World, Severus Alexander Prince was not subjected to the rules of society, as long as he didn't violate the International Statue of Secrecy.

Before leaving the Ministry, Severus was allowed to get his License to Apparate, passing the test with high scores.

By the time when both Severus and Clawlock said their farewells and went their separate ways, agreeing to meet again at the same time for the next couple of days, Severus tried his ability to Apparate for the very first time, appearing in his room of the Leaky Cauldron with a smile on his face.

The next three days afterwards were spent overviewing the finances of Severus's wealth and power - liquid assets, business capital, overseas investments, landholdings, stockholdings, and even influence of his family name in the Ministry. Despite his grandfather being dead for the past ten years, there were still certain key figures in the Ministry who were loyal to the Prince Dynasty. The work both Severus and Clawlock had to go through was exhausting, since the fortune so huge. The good news was that due to the wealth not being touched for many years, it was allowed to triple in size than originally believed because of the interest in it.

The three days Severus spent in Clawlock's office taught him much, giving him a perspective of the economy of the Wizarding World. By the end of the fourth day, Severus realized how his investments, both mainland and overseas, were restricted to old fashion stuff like wizard farm products, potions, brooms, leather works, wand-making, wizarding textiles, and wizard shipping. Everything was wizard material, nothing that was really big in the 20th century. In the end, he decided his investments needed a serious, long-overdue upgrade, and told Clawlock to look into investing in Muggle financial world, specifically into energy, private corporations, automobiles, technology, electronics, films, aerospace and science programs.

While Clawlock didn't show it, he was impressed with the young wizard and began to admire him for having vision and for doing something that very few wizard lords actually did. In his eyes, he saw a promising young lord who showed signs of potential, even those of a leader.

On the fifth and final day, Severus was given a box by Clawlock, with the symbol of the Prince family engraved on the top. Using the golden key that was given to him on the day he visited the vaults, he unlocked it, surprised as the key shrunk in size to fit through the keyhole. The box lit up as it was opened, recognizing him as the primary owner and as the Lord Prince. The light engulfed him and reflected off the walls behind him, leaving only the shape of his body in the background. A second later, the light receded and Severus opened his eyes to look inside, finding a wand, a golden ring with the Prince symbol engraved on it, and also a golden chain with a pendant, which also had the Prince family symbol engraved as well. Taking out the items, he put the wand in his pocket, the ring on his right index finger, and the pendant chain around his neck, which glowed as it touched his skin.

Clawlock explained that both the ring and the pendant were to be worn at all times when outside the Prince Manor, or wherever he chooses to live, as they both represented his claim and lordship of the Prince Dynasty, and also acted as portkeys to the Prince Manor, allowing him passage through all the wards that guarded it. He also explained that the wand was one of the prize possessions in the Prince family, only passed down from lord to lord. A representation of a Prince's birthright.

For the next hour afterwards, Severus focused solely on eliminating certain loose ends to his former life in Spinner's End of Cokeworth. He had the house put up for sale and made sure to schedule to the place fixed up in order to be presentable for the next buyer. He also had the car sold to a small-time car dealership, having no need for it. Anything else in the house was to go with it when sold.


Back in his room at the Leaky Cauldron, Severus stared out the window, watching the sun as it began to get lower but was still high enough for him to make a final trip to Chokeworth and get whatever was left in his family home. Sighing to himself, he got up and Apparated from the Leaky Cauldron, appearing in the kitchen of his former home. He got all the supplies of his Potions and books from the small basement, putting them into a bag that he brought along.

After double checking the house to make sure he got everything, he found himself standing in the middle of the living room, his eyes studying the darkness around him. Chuckling at how appropriate the atmosphere was for the moment. His whole life at this very house was nothing but darkness and emptiness. Something caught his attention when his eyes drifted to the fireplace, seeing the golden jar resting on the edge of the stones.

Immediately Severus felt his heart harden as he looked at the jar that contained his father's ashes. Memories flooded his mind as he remembered every bad thing his father had ever done, questioning how his mother could defend and tolerate such a man, even if she was in love with him. The very fact that all of this was due to a man's weakness of refusing to accept the truth and drink himself into oblivion, only made Severus angrier. As far as he was concerned, his father didn't deserve to be buried or rest inside a jar of gold. He deserved to rot like waste.

Setting the bag down on the floor, Severus rushed forward and picked up the jar with his hands, making his skin scrawl. Going up the stairs, he went to the bathroom right next to his former bedroom and stood in front of the toilet. Once taking off the lid of the jar, he held it, dangerously, close to edge of the toilet.

"Rot in hell, you bastard!"

Without hesitation, he completely tipped the jar over and the ashes of his father fell into the water of the toilet. Once satisfied he had gotten all of it out, he pressed down on the silver handle of the toilet and stood in silence as he watched the water swirl around and disappear down the drain, along with his father.

Picking the jar back up, he put it in the sink and washed it, wanting to make sure the remaining ashes were taken care of. Once done, he went down stairs and placed it back on the stones of the fireplace, figuring it would be a nice addition to the next family who would buy the place. Even in his moment of anger, Severus hoped that whoever bought his family home would turn it into a place of happiness and love.

Just as he was about to Apparate back to his room at the Leaky Cauldron, with the small bag in hand, his mind drifted to Lily and how this would be his final time being there at Spinner's End, or even Chokeworth for that matter. He wanted to go see her again, just one more time.

No, said a voice inside his head. Lily made her choice on the train to have nothing more to do with you. You've tried to make peace three times already. Whether or not she forgives you is up to her.

Even he couldn't argue against the logic of that, no matter how much his heart begged to differ.

Right then he remembered Lily's parents and sister. If he was leaving Chokeworth for good, then he needed to at least pay his respects to the family before leaving, even if Lily is there.

His heart jumped at the thought of Lily, melting away the anger.

Sighing to himself, he went to the front door and exited the house, taking one last look before shutting the door behind him, walking down the sidewalk in the direction of Lily's home.

The walk usually took ten to fifteen minutes to reach Lily's house, having walked the path plenty of times before. He was lost in his thoughts when he found himself standing in front of the household, feet away from the steps of the porch. As the realizing hit, his heart raced, and his mind was buzzing with questions. He never considered that Lily might have told her parents about what happened between them at Hogwarts. If she did, they most certainly wouldn't want to see him, which he wouldn't blame them for if they did. He knew he would in their position.

Finding the courage within himself, he forced himself to climb the steps of the porch and knock softly on the door. He could hear footsteps on the other side and his heart sped out of control as he wondered if it was Lily, beginning to regret coming. He couldn't take the way she looked at him anymore. But his worries were put to rest once the door opened and a middle-aged man appeared.

"Severus?" said a surprised Richard Evans he pulled him into a hug. "It's been a while since I last saw you. How are you doing?"

Swallowing he replied, "Oh, you know, the usual. I just thought I would..." he stopped, trying to find a good reason why he came, not wanting anyone to know he was leaving, "... stop by and see how you are doing."

Once Richard had let him go of him, he had a look of suspicion and happiness in his eyes, "We tried to look for you at the train station, but we couldn't find your mother or you for that matter. When we asked Lily about you she said you have been spending time to yourself and also something about a family situation. Is everything alright?"

So, she didn't tell them about what happened, he noted to himself.

He debated with himself whether or not he should tell them about his parents. On one hand, it didn't really connect with his plans to go to America. But on another, it would raise questions about what would happen to him now, since no one knew he was the Lord of the Prince Dynasty. The last thing he needed was for someone to start asking questions.

To Severus's relief, he was rescued from having to answer when another voice came from behind Richard.

"Honey, who is it?" asked a middle-age woman, whose footsteps echoed from the small hallway. Richard turned and Severus met the eyes of Elizabeth Evans, who gasped at him. "Severus? Is that you?"

"Hello, Mrs. Evans," he nodded. "It's good to see you."

Without warning, Elizabeth rushed forward, right past her husband, and embraced Severus with a hug that knocked the wind out of him. Once she let go of him, she touched the side of his cheek and smiled.

"I won't have you calling me Mrs., Mr.," she winked. "You're no stranger to us, you know you can call us by our first names."

"Besides, it makes us feel old when you don't," Richard teased.

Severus couldn't help but chuckle.

"I didn't mean to intrude or interrupt anything, I just thought I would stop by and say hello. The last time I was here was a year ago."

Elizabeth waved her hand, brushing it off.

"You didn't interrupt anything, Severus dear," she came right next to his side and took him by his arm. "In fact, we were just about to have dinner. Why don't you join us! I've made my special recipe of lasagna."

Richard chuckled and teased, "If you can call it special."

Elizabeth shot him a glare and replied, "Oh really, Mr.-I-Know-How-To-Cook, is that what you think of all the meals I've made for the past twenty-two years of our marriage?"

"Oh, come on, I'm just kidding," he continued to chuckle at the sight of her. "You know I love it when you make that angry face."

"Bully!" she tried to hide her smile.

Severus was enjoying the show. Whenever he was over, he got a kick out of how these two always teased one another.

"I really don't mean to intrude," he protested. "I understand that it's been a long while since you've last seen your daughter and I'm sure you'll want to spend as much time with her as possible."

Turning their attention back to him, they smiled and led him inside the house.

"Oh, no worries about that, dear," Elizabeth patted his arm. "Lily is over at a friend's house tonight for an overnighter party, so she won't be back until tomorrow. Only Petunia is here, but we get enough of her as it is. Having you over is a special treat, although I do wish Lily could be here to make the special occasion complete."

Severus couldn't help but feel the complete opposite of her. If Lily was here, it would be very uncomfortable and awkward for both of them. She would have kept her attention away from him and not address him unless necessary.

He was led to the dinning room and sat down in one of the chairs, opposite of Richard.

"Petunia!" Elizabeth called up the stairs from the hallway. "Come on down for supper! And be on your best behavior, we have a guest over!"

Footsteps could be heard from the upper floor, making their way on down the steps of the stairs. Petunia Evans appeared around the corner, only to stop at the sight of Severus, surprised. Quickly getting herself together, she walked to one of the chairs and sat down, not once acknowledging his presence.

Richard had a look of disapproval, fully aware that she was ignoring Severus, but didn't say anything.

Elizabeth came from the kitchen with a large pan of lasagna, sitting it at the center of the table. Once taking her seat, Richard said a prayer and everyone got a plate full of food to eat. Throughout the whole time Severus ate very little, finding himself not in the mood. They talked and laughed at a few of Richard's jokes. Out of everyone Severus ever met, Richard was one of the very few who ever got a nice chuckle out of him. He knew how to make a joke, while also making the person it was intended for laugh as well. It was one of the reasons he was so well liked in the community.

During the whole time, Petunia kept quiet, eating her food slowly. Severus could tell that his presence was not welcomed to her.

"So, tell me, Severus, how are your parents doing?" Elizabeth took a drink of her water.

Thinking fast, Severus decided to answer without lying or giving anything way, "Um, not well. They got into another huge fight again. Worse than usual."

"Oh dear," Elizabeth had a look of concern, surprised by his honesty. "Is everything fine now? I feel terribly sorry for your mother to go through all of that."

Hesitating, he replied, "You could say that. But I highly doubt anything will change with how things stand now."

Realizing his wife was about to press on, Richard decided it was his queue to cut in, "Is there anything we can do to help, Severus? Me and Elizabeth are always here. If your father needs rehab, I can help him commit. I was once an alcoholic, you know."

Severus's eyes widened, completely shocked. He always known Richard as one of the most kindest men in the world, but never once did he take him as someone who used to drink.

"But you were never as bad as Tobias, my dear," Elizabeth immediately covered her mouth the moment the words left her mouth. "Oh, Severus, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-"

"No, no, it's okay," Severus put up his hands to reassure her. "Trust me, I know better than anyone that my father has earned that insult... and more."

"But still... he is your father."

"Father or not, I still don't blame you."

Elizabeth felt sympathy for him, becoming more aware that things back home were more worse than she originally believed. She knew that Tobias was a hard man, including how he talked to everyone. But now she feared the abuse went far past verbal and more physical.

"So, what are your plans for the summer?" Richard took a bite of his food.

"Well, I'm currently thinking about attending a summer school out of town, although I haven't made up my mind yet."

"During the summer?" Elizabeth's eyes widened with surprise. "You push yourself too hard, Severus. Young children like you should be enjoying the freedom that is granted to you, one day it won't always be there. I would do anything to be a young teenager again."

"I know I would," Richard teasingly elbowed his wife in the ribs, chuckling.

"Oh, shut up, you!" Elizabeth slapped him on the shoulder. "You're just lucky that my father never caught us doing the things that we did, or else you would be six feet under."

"You know you would have missed me," Richard winked at Severus, who couldn't help but smile.

When dinner ended, Severus offered to help clean up, but Elizabeth wouldn't have any of it. In the end, it was both her and Richard who cleaned up and did the dishes, while Petunia went back up to her room. From afar, Severus enjoyed how they teased each other, like they were teenagers again.

Realizing his chance, Severus went upstairs and easily found Petunia's room, knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" asked a voice on the other side.

"It's Severus."

A few seconds of silence passed until the door was unlocked and opened slightly, Petunia's head leaning out.

"What do you want?" she hissed, annoyed.

Severus found it ironic how he was getting a taste of his own medicine, considering that was his reaction to anyone who approached him. It really was as painful as it looked to his past victims.

"Um..." Severus couldn't find the words that he needed to say, realizing just how hard it was to open up. "Ah..."

Oh God, will you stop acting like a first year and just man up already! His Slytherin side of him screamed.

Petunia raised an eyebrow, "If you have nothing to say, then I'll just shut the door now."

Just as she was about to slam the door in his face, Severus's hand reached out and grabbed the side, stopping her.

"No, I need to speak."

"Then speak," she hissed, staring at the rug of her floor.

Taking a deep breath, Severus said, "I'm sorry."

Petunia froze in place before looking up, with a shocked expression on her face.

"Wait, what did you say?"

"I'm sorry!'" he repeated, his tone more serious as he looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry for what I did you to so many years ago. I never should have done or said any of them."

Petunia studied him as the words were processed in her head.

"Why?" she demanded, opening the door wider as she stood before him. "Why are you saying this now?"

"Because..." he paused. "... I need to make amends. Look, I don't care if you forgive me or continue to hate me, that's up to you. I just needed to say it."

Petunia continued to look him into the eye as she thought about what she would say next.

"Well, you've said your piece, and I don't forgive you," she turned away. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed."

"Wait!" he pleaded, keeping his hand firmly on the door. "There's something else."

Sighing in disbelief and annoyance, Petunia turned back around and folded her arms over her chest.

"Okay... what about?"

"You need to forgive Lily."

Her eyes widened in disbelief and shock.

"What?!" she nearly screamed. "Why on Earth should I forgive her? You are one thing, but my sister is another."

"Because if you don't, you'll end up hating her for the rest of your life. And trust me on this, I've seen that does."

"Don't act like you understand what I'm going through!"

"I'm not!" Severus fought back. "I can't understand what you're going through because I'm not you. But I know hatred, and I see how you treat her."

"Why do you care how I feel towards her?!" her face lit up red. "You've never cared about how I felt before."

"On that we can agree. But for your own sake, don't keep holding onto this grudge. It'll only get worse for the both of you."

"You don't know what it's like!" she raised her voice, looking back up at him with anger in her eyes. "You don't know what its like to be an outcast, to be alone and pushed to the side, believed to be a freak when the true freaks are people like you!"

Anger rose inside Severus, all surroundings escaping his attention, except Petunia.

"No... you don't!" he stated, completely breaking her confidence with those three words. "You say that you're an outcast and alone, but yet you have a family who loves you and a sister who wants to be with you. You say we are the freaks, when you have no idea what that word even means. And you dare say that you know what it means to be pushed off to the side. You don't!"

Petunia stared at him shocked, caught off guard in how to respond.

Severus calmed himself down, "Regardless of how you think of me, don't take it out on Lily. I'll admit that Lily isn't perfect. She's made mistakes, but everyone has. Especially me. Whatever grudge you have towards her, it isn't worth dwelling on."

Petunia shivered at his final words and closed her eyes. The moment she opened them and turned around, she found that Severus was already gone. Sighing to herself, she went back into her room and closed the door, getting under the covers of her bed and went to sleep, with Severus's words weighing heavily on her mind as she began to tear up.


The rest of the night, Severus sat in the living room with both Richard and Elizabeth, enjoying himself in their company. When Elizabeth had decided to retire for the night, Severus took his leave, wanting to get back to his room at the Leaky Cauldron, so he could make his decision about which school he wanted to attend and finally see the memories his mother left for him.

However, the moment he made it to the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to see that it was Richard.

"Care to stay just a little while longer?" he asked. "I figured we could talk outside on the porch. It's been a while since I've had a conversation with someone in my own house who wasn't my wife."

"I heard that!" came the distant voice of Elizabeth from the top of the stairs, making both of them chuckle as they went outside.

As they sat in the two wooden chairs, they let the cool air and peaceful atmosphere of the night settle in, admiring the cloudless sky and millions of stars.

"So, tell me," Richard turned to Severus. "How are things between you and Lily?"

A chill went down Severus spine, worried that he had pieced some of the clues together.

"Well..." he sighed. "... not good, sir."

"Hey, I told you not to call me that!" he teased, before making a sad expression. "And what do you mean by 'not good'?"

Severus thought about how much he should say, worried that he would be throw off the porch or worse.

"We... we had a fallout earlier this year. Since then, Lily hasn't taken it well, which I don't blame her for."

Richard sighed and nodded, "I figured as much. I saw the way how she acts whenever she hears your name. I haven't seen that kind of behavior from her in a long time, not since the time I had to ground her for getting into a fight. It broke my heart to see her ignore and avoid me. If there is one thing that Lily gets from me and my father, it's our temperament. If provoked right, we can easily get angry and hold grudges. Hell, even Petunia gets that from me."

"I hope you don't take offense, but I thought they got that trait from their mother."

Richard chuckled and replied, "Well, Elizabeth can seem that way, easy mistake to make. But no, the qualities my girls get from my wife is her good looks and intelligence."

Severus smiled.

"As easy as Elizabeth can be to make angry, she gets over it pretty easily. The Evans family is known for their temperament, despite how kind and happy we may appear to be." He waved it off. "Care to explain what it was that drove a rift between you and Lily? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, its just me being curious."

Severus thought for a moment and replied, "I said something that I shouldn't have. It was in a moment of anger and embarrassment for me, but in no way does it excuse me from any of it. I would give anything to go back and change it."

Richard nodded, understanding that he didn't want to go into detail, satisfied with the information he had got.

"This might shock you, but I once had a similar situation happen to me when I was dating Elizabeth back in the day. You remember what I said that I was once an alcoholic?"

Severus nodded, leaning forward in his chair, hoping he would continue.

"Well, I was a wild child back in my teenage years, especially Elizabeth. It was the very late 1940s and that was around the time when the age of teenagers was beginning to rise. My friends and I would do all sorts of things that parents would disapprove of, but nothing illegal or seriously bad. The age for alcohol was as low sixteen during that time, so I was able to get away with it. It was also the time when I met Elizabeth and became best friends with her. A few months later, we started dating. But anyway, I always limited myself to how much I drank, especially in front of her. At first it was easy, but the more I drank the more I found myself pushing the limit."

Richard stopped, sighing to himself.

"As it turned out, I wasn't the only one who had their sights on Elizabeth. Some high school football player who always got everything his way, I never could remember his name, but he was out to win Elizabeth over and I got jealous, actually believing that the bastard had the chance of winning her, when she was already dating me at the time. It was during our final year as high school students when my drinking started to get out of control. On a Friday night, I was out with my friends and I so happened to see that very same football player succeeding in stealing a kiss from Elizabeth, who was slapped him right across the face for doing that, and as you can image, I had one too many beers that night. I tried to get into a fight with him, only for Elizabeth to hold me back and we ended up arguing. I still can't recall all the words I said, but I know I hurt her feelings that night and sent her home crying."

Severus couldn't help but see the parallels between Richard's story and his.

"By the next morning I was so ashamed with myself for what I did, even threw away every beer bottle I had and never drank again. It was a total of five days before Elizabeth spoke to me and forgave me, understanding that I was under the influence. But even to this day I still regret that night, even though I don't remember what I said to her. Elizabeth tries to reassure me that not even she remembers all of it, but I can tell that she is only lying to spare me the pain of knowing what I said. But that was when I knew I was in love with her. I could never understand how she could forgive me and love me after what I did. But anyway, after we graduated, we went to the same college together in London and married a year later, deciding to start a family after we finished our degrees."

Severus smiled, happy that the story had a happy ending. But he still couldn't shake the feeling of how closely similar the story was to his, only except for him there was no happy ending waiting.

Looking at him, Richard laughed to himself, "Oh, look at me, talking about my past mistakes to a teenager, like a sad old man. The past is full of what-ifs and the unknown, my friend. Just like the future."

Severus nodded in agreement, letting the silence settle in between them as they stared at the sky.

"It was a sunny day at Hogwarts when it happened," Severus began his story, making Richard turn to look him, while he still looked up towards the stars. "I was doing my normal thing, until James Potter and his small gang decided to bully me like they always do. Lily came to my rescue and I felt so embarrassed and humiliated that I said a certain word to her that is highly looked down upon in my world. The moment I said this particular word, I instantly regret it, but the damage was already done. I saw the hurt and anger in Lily's eyes.

"I tried so many times to seek her forgiveness, but I know she can't grant me it. I crossed a line, one that I know I can't come back from. I'm not saying this to get your sympathy, I know I don't deserve it. No amount of justification or excuses can make right what I did."

Tears started to appear at the corner of his eyes, threatening to break the barrier.

Richard nodded and got up from his chair, moving towards Severus as he laid a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Severus," he spoke softly. "I may not know what word you may have called Lily, but I can tell that you did not mean it and that you highly regret it. You must understand that we all make mistakes in life, even the wisest and most powerful of us do. But it is through our mistakes that make us better people, as long as we choose to recognize and acknowledge our mistakes. While we must live with the fact that we made these mistakes, we must also let go of the guilt and move on." He paused. "Give Lily some time, she'll come around and forgive you."

Severus sniffled and replied, "I don't know if she can this time."

"She will," he smiled, taking a few moments before he spoke again. "You love her."

Severus turned to look at him, shocked.

"How... how did you know?"

"I knew by the way how you look at her. It was the same look I gave Elizabeth when I was your age."

Severus laughed.

"You should wear that smile more often," Richard yawned. "It really does suit you." He stretched. "Well, I'm going to go to bed. Will we see you around, Severus?"

Severus thought for a moment and replied, "Maybe."

"Well, I wish you good luck then. And please remember, Elizabeth and I are always here for you. S,o if you need anything, all you need to do is ask. Have a good night."

"Goodnight. Oh, and Richard?"

'Hm?" he turned around.

"Thank you."

Winking at him, he opened the front door and replied, "No problem, kiddo."

Severus watched as the man disappeared inside the house as the door closed behind him.

Once satisfied that he was safe, he walked off the porch, along with the small bag in his hand, and Apparated just a few blocks from the Evans house, reappearing in the room he rented at the Leaky Cauldron. He sat on the bed as he thought about his visit with the Evans, happy that it went better than he hoped it would. 

Sighing, he immediately remembered something else that has been on his mind for a long while.

His mother's memories.

Now that he had tied up the last loose ends, he was now free to go into the memories without worry. But even then, he was anxious about what he would find inside them. He had everything prepared for what he needed to do. The Pensieve was already setup in the corner of the room, having bought it from an old store in Diagon Alley. The potion bottles are all lined up in the order they were meant to go. The only thing left to do was to go through them and see what they had to reveal.

Getting up from the bed, he walked over to the Pensieve and looked at the potion bottles for a few moments, his heart racing with excitement and worry. Pushing those feelings aside, he took each potion and spilled the memories into the Pensieve, one by one. When there were no more left, he prepared himself and pushed his head into the Pensieve, a bright light engulfing him as he began to witness the first memory before his eyes.

Next chapter