


As if the universe decided that my current misery was not enough, Father invited me to a family dinner. 

Invited was a mild word. Ordered me to attend, was more like it. 

I had never been in contact with any member of my family, despite the fact that Father had finally acknowledged me and given me the rein to head one of his numerous companies.

My interactions with my step siblings and my father's wife was limited to nods across ballrooms, very very rare and almost nonexistent greetings, and just flat out pretending that each party didn't exist.

I knew what they thought of me, they never particularly tried to make it a secret. So I stayed away. 

My only point of contact with the family was Father, and when his invitation was delivered to my residence, to say I was surprised would be an understatement.

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut.

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