


I kicked back my legs, leaning on Harriet's sofa. 

"I think I might just move in with you. This sofa is to die for," I groaned with satisfaction, my body plaint and relaxed.

Noah was shooting aliens on one of Harriet's game pads, and my best friend handed me a glass of juice before she sat down beside me.

"You'll move in just for the sofa? Not because you can't live without me?" she raised her eyebrows, her words lifted in a teasing manner. 

"Well. That too, I suppose. Not that it's a very strong reason, but you get my point," I said back in the same teasing tone.

I had taken the day off like she suggested, and to be honest, I was glad I did. 

Since I moved back here, it had been very hard for me to meet up with my best friend. We had lunches together very occasionally, but it was always very rare. 

But being here with her made me realized how much I missed her, and I pulled her into a hug.

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