
Four Vs One

The Bandit leaped up to a nearby tree, the odds had suddenly fallen out of favor with him. Rophalin and Vaeril stood on the front line while the orc and I stayed at the rear. Observing out formation his darting eyes were devising a plan, possibly to run.

In the moment an idea from the other day came into my mind. Rophalin had suggested if we are dealing with a quick attacker I should stay as close to her as possible. She said she would carry me and fight if she had to.

Still on the shoulder of the Orc I climbed onto the Futa's back to give us even more of an advantage. This would allow the orc to attack and I could have a huge wall of protection. The idea wasn't perfect but allowed us to concentrate more of our party.

Using my wand a raised it to cast a dome spell around us, this wasn't for protection but instead one of the few buff spells I had practiced. Rophalin and Vaeril felt a new surge in energy as the dome around them gave an increase in their stamina and strength.

The Bandit seeing this darted down towards Rophalin, I tried to remove the dome but he entered the area to quickly. As he swung at Rophalin she was just barely able to dodge the blade he had revealed. I called out to my comrades, "Careful he got a small buff from the dome!"

Before I noticed the Orc leaped back as they noticed the attacker redirected his movements coming straight for us. 

Once he was in range, the Orc was prepared to swing their fist before the Bandit switched directions. This time for Vaeril who was prepared, their blades clashed as a few sparks lept from the blades. Before Vaeril could make another move the Bandit bent his knees and spun around as he moved back to chest with Vaeril. Grabbing the wrist of the bowless archer he quickly extended his arm and highper extended his elbow. In one swift motion the Bandit through Vaeril over his head.

He went crashing down into the grass as a flicker of light shone speeding down. The knife plunged into Vaeril's shoulder, he was just able to turn from a fatal blow.

Rophalin screamed as she stormed at blazing speeds and swatted the bandit away, the axe and knife's blade collided saving the bandit from any serious injury.

"No way!" I had never seen this before in real life. Sure in video games or movies a character would use a smaller blade to deflect and attack but for this to happen in real life? Something wasn't adding up, who was this Bandit?

Rophalin knelt down checking Vaeril, who was trying to get up. "Are you okay?"

He winced, "I'm fine."

"Not for very long." The bandit darted towards them once more.

"How?!" Rophalin didn't have time to react before the Bandit socked her in the face. She fell backwards, her axe landing near the Orc and I.

"Wait the Bandit doesn't have his knife, now is our chance!" the Orc ran and swung the blade while I began casting a healing spell.

"AAGH!" I yelled. The bandit ducked the swing and scaled the orc to kick the wand from my hand. It spun through the air, falling into some bushes a bit away.

The orc swung once more and the bandit began to focus on us, he dodged and inbetween punched the orc in their stomach, chest, thighs, and anything else in ranges. Every few punches a punch would land or a kick would strike me. I clung to dear life but the tall skinny man had much more strength then met the eye.

With one final blow the Orc couldn't stand any more, they dropped to their knee panting. "This Can't Be It!". I couldn't believe it either, on the back foot I raised my arm.

The Bandit walked to Vaeril and took his knife, he raised it above his head before plunging it downward-

Vaeril's hand grabbed the blade, green light encircled his body, as well as Rophalin and the Orc.

"What?!" The Bandit shot an infuriated glance at me still on the Orc's back.

"Looks like I picked the right wand."

Vaeril smiled as he kicked the Bandit away, we formed back again.

The orc went to give Rophalin her axe back, "You keep it for now." The blonde smiled.

I whispered some instructions in the Orc's ear as the Bandit slowly recovered. "Okay Let's Go!"

Vaeril and Rophalin ran forward the Bandit lept and kicked both in the face, but timed just correctly the Orc sent the axe flying down at the Bandit's skull. There was nowhere for him to go, it was checkmate!


A magical yellow dome surrounded the Bandit, a voice from a few meters away called out in a strong militaristic voice.

"What business do you nudists have with my Squire!"

We all turned to see a man dressed in heavily decorated gold plated armor, reminding me much of Alice's armor from SAO. He had about 20 men in silver armor all wearing a lion crest.

"Your Squire! This man is a bandit!" Rophalin yelled at the knight.

He laughed, his pitch black hair that was combed back slightly bounced and his strong eyebrows curled in enjoyment.

"Well not anymore, since a day ago this man is now resolved of any previous crimes. He now repays his debt to society by helping the Arms of Bastion." He laughed softly as he added. "And I am Bastion."

Vaeril stepped forward, "No this is unfair! He has been causing misery to those around him! He even attacked us!"

"Calm down fool, we are off to the battlefield. We came searching for recruits and to see if this Town and the college nearby were interested in siding with us but like fools they remain neutral." He waved the squire to his side. The Bandit walked with his body still shielded by the magic, it finally dispersed after he was with the Captain and his men. Putting a hand on the Bandit's shoulder he exclaimed, "Although even your best people refused to join us this brave man joined in a heartbeat. Seeing his fighting today I think we have made the right choice."

We froze, it was futile to even think about facing the 22 men if we couldn't even handle one. Looks like revenge was off the table today.

"I suggest you all go back home to this boring village and remember to wear clothes next time."

We grit our teeth and deciding to keep our heads left.

Next chapter