
Chapter 4: Returning Home


"We're home," I said, taking off my shoes.

- Tch...

Katsuki, as usual, threw his shoes around and then headed upstairs to his room without saying a word. Still sulking... Heh...

- Oh? Koji! - Mom appeared from behind the kitchen, in her usual apron, and with a knife... Not a good sign. It was not for nothing that the little one ran away...

- How did it all go?! Tell me, quickly! - she demanded, almost attacking me!

- Ahem... - her breasts were too huge, she almost shoved them in my face... I coughed, after which I answered with a grin:

- It wasn't difficult. You know us, right?

- Really? - Mom immediately narrowed her eyes and looked suspiciously at Katsuki's shoes:

- And this bastard... He didn't do anything, did he?

I nodded:

- Everything was calm. I was keeping an eye on him.

"Hmm..." she was still staring warily: "Okay... I believe you."

Well, and then, as always, she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled brightly, energetically ordering:

- Now wash your hands quickly! Dinner is coming soon! Dad won't be here today, so you're in charge. Drag that bastard here and let's eat!

- Mom... Put the knife away already... - she waved it in front of my nose, again...

- Ah... Yes... I need to chop up the salad! Tell me everything at the table.

- Yeah... - I yawned and moved to the bathroom.

I had to wash off all the dirt... Not that I didn't do everything perfectly. But, dust is dust...

In general, my position in the family was quite acceptable. My mother constantly demanded excellent results from me, and she got them. Katsuki also studied well, although he constantly got into trouble, especially in elementary school. It was my duty to always look after him and "educate" him if her hands did not reach.

My whole life, my mother almost never raised her voice at me, except recently when Katsuki got into a situation with a mud monster... She was angry that I wasn't there and I let it happen. That's the fate of an older brother. Because of my mature behavior, it might seem like I was several years older than Katsuki. Although, in fact, I was born only a few minutes earlier.

Well, yeah... I was training then, and I didn't know when exactly that event would happen. I couldn't watch that blockhead every day, could I? I had more important things to do.

True, my mother apologized afterwards. However, I wasn't angry. My brother and I, although we fought, always covered for each other. He did whatever he wanted and tried not to get into trouble after elementary school, while I trained calmly. Everyone wins. Of course, there were cases... But none of that matters.

So I climbed up...

"Go eat, stop sulking," I kicked my brother's door, and in response I heard only a disgruntled mumble:

- I'm not hungry.

And he kicked again:

- This is not a request, idiot. Do you want her to come up here with a knife?

- Grrr...

Good answer.

Now it's time to wash away the dirt...

After the shower we gathered for a family dinner, and the first thing I heard was...

- Bakugo, damn you, you reek of sweat! Didn't you wash yourself?!

- Shut up, hag!


- Argh!

Having received a slap from his mother, Katsuki temporarily fell silent. I calmly stirred the broth with chopsticks, very much hoping that their squabble would not affect my food. There were times when dishes were used...

- Get off the table! No food until you wash up!

- Grrr! I didn't even want to eat! To hell with you all!

Typical Katsuki...

As he stalked upstairs with an angry gait and then slammed the bathroom door, Mom finally exhaled.

- What a pest he is... God... Can't he follow your example?

I kept quiet. Being a favorite isn't bad, but being her favorite... Let's just say it's pretty tough. That's probably why my father only showed up a couple of times a week. Not that I sympathized with him... I've been living here for over ten years. I'm used to it.

I wish I could take advantage of this... Alone, at the table, mm... In part, I put up with her character only because sometimes I liked it, and most importantly, her luxurious body.

I started to be overcome by peculiar thoughts again. And the task came back to me... Hormones gave a sign...


- Hm?

- Are you asleep?

I blushed slightly, then put on a serious look and began to nod:

- You're right, Mom. You're right about everything. You have beautiful skin.

- Hm! That's better. My skin really is just right.

Yeah... Here she is, my mother in all her glory. Katsuki is arrogant? Well, there is someone to take after... She doesn't show it so openly and even scolds him for it, but in reality she rarely listens to anyone but herself. She likes to criticize others, she loves praise and long conversations.

- Now tell me what kind of exams you had...

As I said... It's for a whole hour, no less.

But do I have a choice?


Having finished dinner, I returned to my room late in the evening. Finally, peace, and finally I can get down to the most important thing...

Time to collect the quest reward. After passing today's tests, even without officially joining UA, I completed it, which meant I could count on system points and take another step towards strength.

Well, I guess we should first go back to the details of the system?

The first thing to note is this: limitations, development and genetic improvements.

I have already mentioned that the development affects the strength of the quirk, its usefulness, its combination with the body's capabilities, and so on, and the speed of development is affected by talent. However, as is known, everything has a limit, as with people with quirks - these are limitations. Only the system allowed them to be surpassed with the help of Genetic Enhancements.

Physical limits? Easy.

Limits of whimsy? Same thing.

My talent was stuck at 100, but thanks to GI (gen. improvement) I could surpass this indicator and develop even faster. All it took was spending system points...

Talent didn't affect recovery after training, but it did affect results. Let's say that an ordinary person trains for ten years, but for me, two or three is enough. Of course, I'm exaggerating too much, considering how long it took me to reach 55%. My talent was clearly above average, but it was far from enough to reach the abilities of "pro heroes" at ten years old. Although, if I had an imbalanced quirk, then even with a development of ten percent, I could easily compete with them. But, it is possible that in this case, my body would not keep up with the quirk and this could become a problem.

It is worth noting that people with quirks surpassed quirkless people not only in their "special ability", but also in growth potential. Even without using a quirk, they could eventually become stronger, faster and more resilient than ordinary people by tens of times. Most "pro heroes" did not have quirks that affected their physical characteristics, but some of them could easily smash walls with their bare hands. I believe that this is due to the fact that people with quirks have some kind of limiter removed. Perhaps in order to maintain the quirk itself. I do not know exactly what this is connected with, but it was useful. The current me could easily knock out a grown man with one blow. Although, this was connected not only with hard training ...

It's all about Genetic Enhancements, for completing one task I got one for strength and one for endurance. In theory, I could develop strength to the level of Almighty even without a quirk, GU was enough.

In general, a quirk develops along with the body, so I had no problems. But now I completely understood Midoriya, who had already received a developed quirk. If Explosive Wave had been developed to 55% in me at four years old, it could have ended sadly... Especially if I was a quirkless person who had never lifted anything heavier than a bucket of potatoes.

Luckily, when I bought other quirks in the system, they were given out in the weakest version and I would need to develop them. If the body did not match, then the development also stopped. So, if you think about it, more talent would not be superfluous. As well as endurance and everything else...

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