
Chapter 62: Mission: Martial Arts Hammer Exploding Spider Beast Peter Parker

Connery hung up the phone, his eyes shifting nervously as he watched a young man with short black hair, dressed in casual clothes, enter his villa with measured steps. This young man was none other than Ethan Hayes.

Ethan, despite being just a high school student, had already made a name for himself as a titan in the capital markets. At the same time, he was also known as the "Ice Demon," one of the most formidable super-powered individuals in New York.

Connery, who had always been proud and haughty, now found himself trembling with fear. The sweat on his forehead glistened under the soft lighting of his villa, despite the air conditioning being on full blast.

"Mr. Hayes, I didn't have any direct dealings with the military," Connery said, his voice quivering as he bowed his head. His normally composed and authoritative demeanor crumbled in front of Ethan, making him seem more like a dog pleading for forgiveness than a high-society figure.

"Dear Connery, how could I blame you? You are, after all, my chosen partner," Ethan said calmly, lounging on a luxurious sofa. "As for the military's attempt to ambush me, it was just a post-dinner exercise," he added, crossing his legs and leaning back.

Connery forced a nervous smile, but the tension in his heart only grew.

"Was that General Ross you were just speaking to?" Ethan asked softly.

"Y-Yes, it was General Ross. Would you like me to provide you with some information about him?" Connery stammered, trying to please Ethan as he walked over to his side, much like a servant eager to curry favor with his master.

Ethan shook his head, uninterested. "No, that won't be necessary. I'm just curious about the man who created the Hulk and those two monsters," he said with a casual smile.

In truth, Ethan knew that if General Ross had approached the Hulk with a softer hand, none of the disasters would have unfolded. But he also understood the nature of the military, especially in the U.S. When faced with something uncontrollable, they only saw one solution: eliminate the threat.

"Is the contract ready?" Ethan asked, shifting the conversation.

Connery breathed a sigh of relief, finally on more familiar ground. "Yes, Mr. Hayes. The Osborn share transfer contract is ready. I'll have my lawyer bring it over immediately."

"Good," Ethan said, his kind smile masking the power behind his words. "This is the happiest news I've received tonight."

Connery's heart sank. He was losing his hold on Osborn, but to survive, he had no other choice but to comply.

"Don't worry. I won't steal your wealth. I'll buy your shares at today's market value," Ethan added.

Connery's eyes widened in surprise. He had been prepared to lose everything, but Ethan's words reassured him—his wealth would remain intact.

"But," Ethan continued, "I need you to take control of the Osborn Group. Straighten out the internal affairs. I don't want Osborn falling into my hands only to find it's in chaos."

Connery's heart swelled with newfound hope. If he played his cards right, he might still have a future within Osborn. With Ethan's financial backing, there was no way Harry Osborn could stand in his way.

"Rest assured, Mr. Hayes. I will rid the company of all Osborn family influence and make sure the group is impenetrable," Connery promised eagerly, now more excited than ever.

"Good. In ten days, you'll contact Mr. Smith at Wells Fargo. He'll support you in becoming the new chairman of Osborn," Ethan instructed.

Connery nodded, hiding the glee that surged within him. The Osborn family had suppressed him for years, but now, with Ethan's help, he could destroy them from within.

Ethan, satisfied, signed the contract Connery's lawyer had brought over, quickly scanning through it with his sharp mind before handing it back.

"Come by my villa tomorrow to pick up the check," Ethan said, standing up and patting Connery's shoulder. "Don't disappoint me again."

As Ethan left, Connery collapsed into a chair, shaking from the weight of what had just transpired. His bodyguard, Luka, rushed to his side, but Connery waved him off.

"I need to be alone," Connery muttered, dismissing everyone from the room. The powerlessness he felt was suffocating. For the first time, he yearned for power beyond wealth—he yearned for superhuman abilities.

Elsewhere, in an underground lab, Dr. Connors lifted his head. "Feel it, Peter?" he asked, his eyes glinting with an eerie calmness.

Peter Parker, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, nodded. "Yeah, Doctor. My Spider-Sense is going crazy. It's that damn Ice Demon. He's letting his power loose on the city."

Dr. Connors' reptilian eyes betrayed no emotion, but deep down, he harbored a growing resentment toward Ethan Hayes. If it weren't for his lizard genes, he'd still be imprisoned by S.H.I.E.L.D., forced to endure endless experimentation.

"Doctor, we need to move faster. If we don't, our plans will fall apart," Peter said, his voice filled with urgency.

Dr. Connors studied Peter carefully. His student had changed—he was becoming more ruthless, more cunning, a product of the spider genes enhancing his darker nature.

"Tell me your plan, Peter," Dr. Connors said, curious.

Peter smiled, his expression cold and calculating. "We need to eliminate Harry. He's a loose end, a threat to both our goals. And once he's gone, we'll take full control of Osborn."

Dr. Connors nodded. "You're right. Harry's position at Osborn is tenuous. If we can deal with him, the company will be ours."

Peter's bloodthirsty grin grew wider. "Then let's make our move. We'll take care of Harry's allies first, starting with Connery."

As Ethan was about to leave Connery's villa, he sensed something—a powerful presence approaching rapidly.

"Peter?" Ethan muttered, recognizing the unique life signature.

He had no doubt. It was Peter Parker, and he was heading straight for the villa.

So, after killing Norman, you're still chasing revenge, huh? Ethan thought, recalling how the movie never clearly identified the Parkers' killers. But if Peter believed Osborn had a hand in it, then Connery was likely next on his hit list.

At that moment, the system, which had been quiet for some time, suddenly chimed in:

[Mission: Martial Arts Showcase—In the name of a martial artist, defeat Peter Parker. Ensure Connery survives. Restrictions: No use of Frozen Fruit powers or water control magic. Do not kill Peter Parker. Reward: Red Blind Box.]

"Seriously?" Ethan groaned inwardly. "You're asking me to beat Peter without killing him, and you're not letting me use my powers? That's asking a lot, system."

[Please note, host, this is a Red-Level mission.]

Ethan sighed. The rewards were too good to pass up.

[You have ten seconds to decide whether to accept.]

"Fine. I accept," Ethan said without hesitation. He had been itching for a fight anyway, and Peter would make a perfect sparring partner.

Just then, Karu, Connery's bodyguard, approached. "Sir, is there anything I can assist you with?" he asked.

"Take your men and secure the perimeter. No matter what you hear, do not approach the villa," Ethan ordered.

Karu, though confused, obeyed without question, clearing the area around the villa as instructed.

Ethan re-entered the villa, and Connery, who had been trying to gather his thoughts, looked up in shock.

"Mr. Hayes, what's going on?" Connery stammered.

Ethan handed him the contract. "Keep a close eye on this. You're in danger."

"D-Danger? From who?" Connery asked, confused.

Before Ethan could answer, a figure in a red-and-blue Spider suit swung through the window, landing gracefully in the center of the room.

"Good evening, Mr. Connery," Peter said, his voice dripping with malice.

"Who—who are you? Ghost Spider?" Connery stammered, recognizing the suit but confused by the presence.

"No, Mr. Connery. This is the real Spider-Man," Ethan said, his expression calm. "Though, he's not exactly like the Spider-Man you've heard about."

Peter stared at Ethan, his blood boiling. This was the man standing between him and Gwen. He had to eliminate him.

But Peter knew better than to underestimate Ethan. If Ethan activated his powers, Peter wouldn't stand a chance. However, Peter had a new trick up his sleeve—one that might just give him the upper hand.

Without warning, Peter launched a web, ensnaring Ethan. At the same time, he sprang forward, his body bursting with power as eight sharp spider legs extended from his back, aiming for Ethan's vitals.

Ethan's smile didn't waver as the attack unfolded. "Let's see what you've got, Spider-Man."


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In Doulou With The Dionysian System
