
Day 5: Power Play (Amina/Beckett)

Day 5: Power Play (Amina/Beckett)

The dimly lit bar on the Cerritos was almost empty, save for a few off-duty officers nursing drinks in the corner. Beckett Mariner leaned back in her chair, her boots kicked up on the table, and her usual cocky grin plastered on her face. She had just won yet another bet with Boimler, and her mood was sky-high. Nothing quite like rubbing in a win, especially when Boimler practically handed it to her on a silver platter.

Across from her sat Amina Ramsey, Captain of the Oakland , a woman who could match Mariner drink for drink, joke for joke, and—when the situation called for it—command for command. Their history went way back, their shared academy days filled with mischief, competition, and an unspoken tension that hovered between them.

But tonight, that tension felt different.

"You still can't believe I outmaneuvered you in that last training exercise, huh?" Mariner teased, swirling the drink in her hand. She leaned forward slightly, her grin widening as she watched Amina's eyebrow twitch. "I mean, it was practically a clinic in tactical brilliance."

Amina crossed her arms, her posture rigid but not without a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Tactical brilliance?" she repeated, her voice dripping with skepticism. "Please, Mariner, that was sheer recklessness, and you know it."

Mariner shrugged, unfazed by the accusation. "Same difference, babe. Recklessness, brilliance—it's all about getting the job done, right?"

Amina's lips quirked into a half-smile, though she quickly masked it with her usual composed demeanor. "Maybe on your ship. On mine, we follow the rules."

Mariner let out a laugh, leaning back again. "Oh yeah, I remember those rules. Real fun at the academy, too."

Amina's eyes narrowed, her expression shifting from playful to something more serious, more intense. "Speaking of the academy," she said, her voice lowering slightly, "do you remember that time we had to do that late-night run through the Klingon obstacle course?"

Mariner's grin faltered for a second, her eyes flicking to Amina with a mix of curiosity and something else—something that had been simmering between them for years. "Yeah, I remember. You were all 'by-the-book' even then. Almost made me look bad."

Amina leaned forward, her gaze sharp and unwavering. "You didn't follow a single regulation that night, Beckett. And yet... you still managed to get us both through it." Her eyes flickered with something Mariner couldn't quite place, but it sent a spark of excitement through her.

Mariner shrugged, her voice casual but her pulse quickening. "What can I say? I'm good under pressure."

Amina's eyes never left hers, the intensity between them growing with each passing second. "Is that what this is? Just pressure? Or is it something else?"

Mariner's grin returned, but it was softer now, almost challenging. "You tell me, Captain."

Amina's jaw tightened, and for a moment, the playful banter between them shifted into something deeper, something that neither of them could ignore any longer. Amina stood up slowly, her eyes locked on Mariner's as she took a step closer, her posture commanding in a way that reminded Mariner of just how much power Amina wielded, not just as a captain but as someone who had always known how to keep Mariner in check.

"You think you're in control, don't you, Mariner?" Amina said, her voice low and dangerous, though there was an unmistakable smirk tugging at her lips. "You think you can just coast by on charm and reckless stunts."

Mariner raised an eyebrow, her grin never faltering. "Seems to be working so far."

Amina's smirk widened slightly, though her gaze remained sharp. "Not tonight."

Mariner's heart skipped a beat as Amina stepped closer, her presence suddenly overwhelming in the best possible way. Amina's hand brushed against Mariner's, a light, deliberate touch that sent a jolt of electricity through her.

"Oh yeah?" Mariner quipped, though her voice wavered ever so slightly. "What're you gonna do about it, Captain?"

Amina leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper as she said, "I'm going to show you what it feels like to really follow orders."

Mariner's grin faltered, her mind racing with the implications of Amina's words. The unspoken tension that had always hovered between them now felt like a live wire, ready to spark at any moment. She wasn't used to being on the receiving end of authority—not like this, not from someone who knew her so well.

Amina's eyes gleamed with challenge, her hand moving to grip Mariner's wrist with just enough force to make her sit up straight. "Get up," Amina ordered, her voice calm but firm. "We're not doing this here."

Mariner hesitated for only a second before standing up, her body buzzing with anticipation as she followed Amina out of the bar and down the quiet corridors of the ship. They moved in silence, the tension between them thick enough to cut with a knife, and Mariner couldn't help but wonder where this was going—what Amina had in store for her.

When they reached one of the unused conference rooms, Amina stepped inside first, her hand still wrapped around Mariner's wrist as she pulled her in and closed the door behind them. The room was dark, save for the soft glow of the emergency lights, casting long shadows across the walls.

Amina finally let go of Mariner's wrist, but the intensity in her eyes never wavered. "You've spent your whole career dodging authority, Beckett," Amina said, her voice low and controlled. "Always getting away with whatever you want. But not tonight."

Mariner's pulse raced, her usual cocky demeanor slipping just enough to reveal the excitement bubbling beneath the surface. She had always liked the back-and-forth with Amina—the challenge, the push and pull of their dynamic. But this? This was something new. Something that put her in a position she wasn't used to.

"Alright, Captain," Mariner said, her voice a little softer, a little more serious now. "What's your play?"

Amina's smirk returned, her eyes dark with intent as she stepped closer. "My play? Simple. You follow my orders. And tonight, you're going to learn what it feels like to submit."

Mariner's heart pounded in her chest, her body reacting to Amina's words in ways she hadn't expected. The power dynamic between them had always been a game, but now it felt like the stakes were higher, more personal. She had never thought of herself as someone who could be controlled, not really—but Amina wasn't like anyone else.

"What if I don't?" Mariner asked, her voice almost teasing, though the challenge in her eyes was real.

Amina stepped even closer, her breath warm against Mariner's skin as she whispered, "Then you'll see just how much you've underestimated me."

Mariner's pulse quickened, her usual cocky smirk wavering as she met Amina's intense gaze. There was something electrifying about the way Amina commanded the space around them. Beckett had always been one to push boundaries, to test limits, but this? This was unfamiliar territory, and it made her heart race in a way that had nothing to do with fear.

Still, Mariner couldn't help herself—she had to push back, even now. "You really think you can get me to submit, Captain?" she teased, her voice a little lower, a little more serious than usual, but still laced with defiance. "I don't make it easy for anyone."

Amina's lips quirked into a knowing smile, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "You don't need to make it easy, Beckett. I like a challenge." She took another step forward, closing the distance between them until they were nearly chest to chest. "But tonight... I'm in charge."

Mariner could feel the heat radiating between them, the tension so thick she could practically taste it. Every instinct told her to fight back, to keep pushing, but there was a part of her—a part she rarely let anyone see—that wanted to see what would happen if she let go. If she let Amina take control.

Before Mariner could come up with a retort, Amina's hand was on her chest, pushing her back with a firm, deliberate pressure. It wasn't aggressive, but it was clear that Amina wasn't asking for permission. She was taking it.

"Sit," Amina ordered, her voice calm but commanding as she pushed Mariner down into one of the conference room chairs. Mariner's body responded instinctively, her legs folding beneath her as she sat, her eyes never leaving Amina's.

The shift in power was sudden and palpable. Mariner had always been the one in control, the one calling the shots. But here, now, Amina was the one holding all the cards, and it sent a thrill of excitement through Mariner that she hadn't anticipated.

Amina circled around her, her movements slow, deliberate, as if she were assessing her prey. "You've spent your whole life running from authority," Amina said quietly, her fingers brushing lightly against the back of Mariner's neck as she leaned down, her breath warm against her ear. "Always doing whatever you want, whenever you want. But not tonight."

Mariner's heart pounded in her chest, her body reacting to Amina's closeness in a way that made her feel both excited and vulnerable. She could feel the power shift between them, and though every instinct told her to push back, to regain control, there was something intoxicating about the way Amina spoke to her—commanding, confident, unyielding.

"What are you going to do, Amina?" Mariner asked, her voice quieter now, the playful defiance still there but softer, less certain.

Amina's fingers tightened slightly on the back of Mariner's neck, her touch firm but not painful. "I'm going to show you what it feels like to follow orders," she said, her voice low and smooth. "To let someone else take control for once."

Mariner swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry. She wasn't used to this—to being the one on the receiving end of authority, especially from someone she respected as much as Amina. But the tension between them was undeniable, and she couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to let go. Just this once.

"Fine," Mariner said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Show me."

Amina's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she straightened up, her hands sliding down Mariner's shoulders before she stepped back, taking a moment to look her over. "Take off your jacket," Amina ordered, her voice firm but calm.

Mariner hesitated for only a moment before complying, her hands moving to the zipper of her uniform jacket, slowly pulling it down and slipping it off her shoulders. She tossed it aside, her eyes never leaving Amina's as she waited for the next command.

Amina's lips curled into a small, approving smile. "Good," she said softly. "Now stand up."

Mariner rose to her feet, her body buzzing with anticipation as Amina moved closer again. There was something in the way Amina looked at her, a mixture of challenge and satisfaction, as if she were testing Mariner, pushing her to see how far she could go before Mariner pushed back.

But tonight, Mariner didn't want to push back. Not yet.

Amina's hand slid up Mariner's chest, her fingers trailing over the fabric of her undershirt as she stepped even closer, her body pressed against Mariner's. "You're not used to this, are you?" Amina murmured, her voice low and teasing. "Not used to letting someone else be in control."

Mariner swallowed hard, her pulse racing. "Not really," she admitted, her voice quiet but steady. "But I'm willing to try."

Amina's smirk widened slightly as her hand moved to Mariner's chin, tilting her head up so their eyes met. "Good," she whispered. "Because tonight, you're mine."

Mariner's breath hitched at the words, her body responding to the power in Amina's voice, the way she claimed control without hesitation. It was both thrilling and unnerving, and Mariner couldn't help but feel a strange sense of relief at the idea of not being the one in charge, even if only for a moment.

Amina's hand moved from Mariner's chin to her waist, her fingers slipping under the hem of her shirt as she slowly pulled it up and over Mariner's head. The cool air of the conference room brushed against her bare skin, sending a shiver down her spine as Amina's hands roamed over her body, exploring her with a deliberate, measured touch.

"You're tense," Amina murmured, her voice soft but commanding. "Relax."

Mariner's jaw tightened slightly, her body still buzzing with the need to push back, to regain control. But Amina's touch was firm, grounding her in a way that made it impossible to resist. Slowly, Mariner let out a breath, her muscles relaxing as she allowed herself to submit to Amina's control.

"Better," Amina said approvingly, her hands moving to Mariner's waistband, her fingers teasing the fabric as she began to undo the button.

Mariner's heart pounded in her chest, her body on edge as Amina's hands moved lower, her touch sending sparks of heat through her with every movement. The power dynamic between them was intoxicating, and Mariner found herself caught between the urge to fight back and the desire to see just how far Amina was willing to take this.

Amina's fingers slid the waistband down Mariner's hips, her touch lingering on her skin as she stepped back to admire her work. Mariner stood there, exposed, vulnerable, and completely at Amina's mercy. And for once, she didn't feel the need to resist.

"Good girl," Amina whispered, her voice filled with satisfaction as she stepped closer again, her hand brushing lightly against Mariner's cheek. "Now let's see how well you follow orders."

Mariner's breath caught in her throat at the softness of Amina's touch, the praise threading through her body like a live wire. She wasn't used to being on the receiving end of someone else's control—especially not like this—but something about Amina's commanding presence made her want to comply. Maybe it was the history between them, the years of competition and tension, or maybe it was the way Amina carried herself, unyielding and sure.

Whatever it was, it had Mariner hooked.

Amina's fingers trailed down from Mariner's cheek to her throat, her touch both tender and firm, sending a ripple of heat through Mariner's body. "You've never been good at following rules," Amina continued, her voice low and teasing. "But tonight, you're going to listen. You're going to do exactly what I say."

Mariner's eyes flickered with challenge, her lips curving into a small smirk. "You think I'm just gonna roll over that easily, huh?"

Amina's smirk widened as she leaned in, her breath warm against Mariner's ear. "I think you want to," she murmured, her voice a soft, dangerous purr. "I think you've been waiting for this... waiting for someone who can finally put you in your place."

Mariner's heart pounded at the words, the thrill of Amina's dominance sending her mind into overdrive. She had always pushed back against authority—against anyone who tried to control her—but with Amina, it felt different. She trusted her, and that trust made all the difference.

"I'll follow your lead," Mariner said quietly, her voice softening as she looked into Amina's eyes. "But don't think I'm not going to push back."

Amina chuckled, her hand sliding down to rest on Mariner's waist, her grip firm. "I wouldn't expect anything less," she said with a grin. "But remember—tonight, I'm in charge."

Before Mariner could respond, Amina's hands were on her again, more insistent this time. She pushed Mariner back against the edge of the conference table, her body pressed close, radiating heat and control. With a swift motion, Amina guided Mariner onto the table, her back hitting the cool surface as she lay there, looking up at Amina with a mix of defiance and anticipation.

Amina's hands slid down Mariner's body, fingers tracing over her skin with purpose. "I want to hear you beg," Amina said softly, her voice like a command wrapped in silk. "I want you to admit that you need this."

Mariner's eyes darkened with challenge, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "You really think you can break me that easily?"

Amina's eyes gleamed with amusement as she leaned down, her face inches from Mariner's. "I don't need to break you," she whispered, her lips brushing against Mariner's ear. "I just need you to admit that you want this. That you want me in control."

Mariner's pulse quickened, her body responding to Amina's words before her mind could catch up. There was no denying the pull between them, the way Amina's dominance made her feel both vulnerable and exhilarated. She had always prided herself on being untouchable, unbreakable—but with Amina, she didn't need to be.

Amina's hand slipped between Mariner's legs, her touch light but deliberate as she traced over her inner thigh, teasing but not yet giving in. "Come on, Mariner," Amina said, her voice thick with control. "I know you can do better than this."

Mariner's body tensed, the anticipation nearly unbearable as Amina continued to tease her, her fingers dancing just out of reach. The power dynamic between them was intoxicating, and though every fiber of Mariner's being told her to push back, to keep resisting, she found herself wanting more. Wanting to see just how far Amina would take it.

"You're gonna have to do better than that," Mariner quipped, her voice breathless but defiant. "I don't beg that easy."

Amina's smirk widened as she pressed down more firmly, her fingers grazing against Mariner's entrance in a way that sent a shock of pleasure through her. "We'll see about that," she murmured.

Mariner bit her lip, her body trembling under Amina's touch as the tension between them built. She didn't want to give in too easily—didn't want to lose that edge of control that she always clung to—but the way Amina moved, the way she commanded the moment, made it hard to hold back.

Amina's fingers moved with practiced ease, her touch deliberate and measured as she worked Mariner with a slow, steady rhythm that had her hips arching off the table. The sensation was overwhelming, each stroke sending a fresh wave of heat through her body, but still, Mariner resisted, her pride keeping her from giving Amina what she wanted.

But Amina wasn't letting up. She leaned in closer, her lips brushing against Mariner's neck as she whispered, "I can feel how much you want this... how much you need me to take control. So why are you still holding back?"

Mariner's resolve faltered, her body betraying her as she gasped at the intensity of Amina's touch. The teasing, the taunting, the power play—it was all too much, and she could feel herself unraveling under the pressure.

"I—" Mariner started, her voice shaking slightly as she struggled to hold on to her last thread of defiance. But the way Amina moved, the way her fingers pressed just right, sent Mariner over the edge, and before she could stop herself, the words slipped out.

"I need it," Mariner whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I need you in control."

Amina's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she pressed harder, her grip tightening on Mariner's hips. "Good girl," she whispered, her voice full of approval. "That's all I needed to hear."

Mariner's body responded instinctively to the praise, her hips moving in time with Amina's movements as the tension inside her built to a fever pitch. She could feel herself teetering on the edge, the pleasure almost overwhelming as Amina continued to push her, both physically and mentally. The dynamic between them had shifted entirely—Amina was in control, and Mariner, for once, found herself giving in.

Amina's fingers pressed harder, her touch becoming more insistent as she leaned down, her lips brushing against Mariner's ear. "You're close," Amina whispered, her voice low and commanding, filled with the kind of authority that made Mariner's pulse race. "I can feel it."

Mariner bit down on her lip, her body trembling under the pressure as she tried to hold back, to resist the pull of Amina's control. But the way Amina moved, the way her fingers worked Mariner with that perfect balance of power and precision, made it impossible to hold out for long. The sensation was overwhelming, each stroke sending a fresh wave of pleasure coursing through her.

"Amina..." Mariner's voice was barely a whisper now, thick with need as her body arched against Amina's touch, her muscles clenching as the pleasure surged through her. She was right there, right on the edge, and she knew there was no stopping it now.

Amina's smirk widened as she pressed down just a little harder, her movements steady, precise, and perfectly in sync with Mariner's growing desperation. "That's it," she whispered, her voice a soft, commanding purr. "Let go. Come for me."

It was all Mariner needed.

With a sharp cry, her body tensed, every muscle locking up as the wave of pleasure crashed over her, pulling her under. Her hips bucked against Amina's hand, her entire body trembling as the orgasm ripped through her with an intensity that left her breathless. It wasn't just the physical release—it was the mental one, the act of finally letting go, of submitting to Amina's control and giving in completely.

Amina's hand never stopped moving, guiding Mariner through the aftershocks, her touch firm and grounding as Mariner's body rode out the final waves of pleasure. The sensation was overwhelming, but it was also exactly what Mariner needed—what she hadn't even realized she'd been craving.

When the intensity finally began to fade, Mariner slumped back against the table, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. Her entire body felt like it was buzzing, her mind spinning from the release. She had never experienced anything quite like it, and it left her feeling both exhilarated and utterly spent.

Amina's touch softened, her fingers sliding gently over Mariner's skin as she leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Mariner's temple. 

"You're not bad at this whole power play thing," Mariner muttered, a lazy smile tugging at her lips.

Amina chuckled softly, her fingers tracing over Mariner's arm. "I told you," she said, her voice full of quiet satisfaction. "You just needed someone who knew how to handle you."

Mariner let out another soft laugh, shaking her head slightly as she lay back against the table, utterly spent but entirely content. "Yeah, well... I guess I'll give you that one, Captain."

Amina's smirk widened, her hand sliding down to rest on Mariner's waist as she leaned down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to Mariner's lips. "Good girl," she whispered against her mouth, her voice full of warmth and approval. "You did exactly what I wanted."
