
Chapter 39

"Wow! . . . you weren't a demon? Are you ok, Raven, or is that not your real name?" Peter asked with a caring tone, helping the girl to get up even if the lower part of her suit was completely broken and her pussy was exposed to the air.

The woman was about to get into a fight with the huge and demonic figure standing in front of her when all her worries were melted away with those words. "Yes . . . my name is Raven," she muttered with a stoic and calm tone while rubbing her forehead.

"Long story short, you were possessed by a demon, or maybe you had a demon inside you all along, and it just got free . . . anyway, it's all right now. I fucked her into submission after I tricked her into giving me demonic powers. By the way, on an off note, how do you feel about kids?" Peter added, ripping the bandaid as fast as possible.

Now the memories began to pour in—the fight, the mating session, and most importantly, the sensation of her getting pregnant. "You did what?!" She yelled, her matter-of-fact tones gone for a second, as the sheer ridicule of these events was too much for her. Well, of course, it was all a result of that villain's power, but still, she didn't know with whom she was angrier: Spiderman or Jynx.

"I fought the red version of you; I challenged you to a sex ritual; I defeated and got some cool demonic power from it, and you are kind of pregnant . . ." Peter muttered while rubbing the back of his head.

He took a small pause as the woman looked at him with sheer disbelief. "Well, not kinda; you are pregnant with seven kids. I promise that I will not be a deadbeat father!" he quickly added, making sure she knew that he would take responsibility.

"Are you sure there wasn't ANY other method apart from getting me pregnant?" Raven asked with a judging gaze that seemed to be melting Peter with sheer anger bottled up into her. However, that emotion was too scared to get out again.

Peter took a deep breath. "Well, I could have pulled out, but . . . the demon was hugging me really hard," he muttered as if that even mattered. There was no way that with all the demonic energies and drugs in his bloodstream, he would not stuff her like a turkey.

Raven rolled her kinda understanding of those words, but then reality settled up as she could feel the semen drizzling down her legs. "Hang on, with HOW MANY?! And how the fuck do you know that? It only just happened—how long have I been out and where am I?" She asked back as her body started to shake a little. The taste on her lips of that thick and manly saliva still lingered, a reminder of what had happened and how good it felt.

"Seven kids and my power kind of warn me when I am in danger, and getting a demon pregnant really counts as getting in danger," the hero explained with a calm tone.

The goth girl nodded a few times. "That makes sense. WAIT ah! This is bad," she barked back. She was trying to keep herself calm, but each word coming out of the man's lips made it harder and harder.

"Why? Did you have a boyfriend?" Peter asked with a worried tone.

"No. I am 18 and I am pregnant with seven kids. Do I really need to explain why that is a big problem?" She answered with a somber and controlled tone since now a wave of relief had come from a single fact: this wasn't the proper ritual. She had lost her virginity not to a follower of her father but to a random guy, solving that personal conflict without needing to do a lot about the topic.

"I will do all in my power to support you. I also got my two best friends pregnant, but with only four kids and, well, a cat burglar with another four, so . . .what does another strip do to the tiger?" Peter finally added with a joking tone.

Raven let out a small chuckle and shook her head before remembering that she needed to be a little bit angry. "You need to learn to pull out," she added with a serious glare in her eyes.

"Well, the milk is already spilled, literally so . . ." the huge man muttered before the goth woman raised her hands.

"Fine, we will fix things one step at a time. First I need a place to stay in New York while we deal with this," Raved said, solving one problem at a time.

Peter raised an eyebrow, a little bit confused. "You don't have a home here? For how long have you been in the city?" He asked with worry about the future of the mother of his kids.

"I was stranded after the merge two weeks ago, and since then I have done my best to keep the city safe while my team works in other parts of the country," the goth heroine began to explain, trying to get her head out the gutter as her eyes were trying to wander to those magnificent abs.

"Then where did you sleep?" Peter asked again as he shook some web to cover the lower parts of the woman, fixing her suit a little.

"I didn't," she answered with a dry and tired tone.

"Oh, this is part of your magic or . . ." he began to mumble before the black snake that was Venom came out of his shoulder.

"She had more caffeine than blood," the alien added; after all, she had inspected her blood while messing with her brain.

"What is that?" Raven inquired, raising an eyebrow toward the strange creature. She thought that more than the weird goo now covering her slit.

"Oh, she's Venom. My partner and kind of part of my body," Peter explained as if it was the most common thing in the world.

"Just a symbiote alien living with my darling; don't mind my presence," Venom added with a small smile on her maw.

Raven just shook her head and let out a deep sigh. "I have seen stranger things . . ." she finally said.

"You can live with Black Cat, one of my girls," Peter suggested. The apartment was small, but there was room for one more.

Raven just nodded with a defeated expression; she needed to sleep and then think about what to do. "Fine, I just need a place to rest," the girl finally said, accepting this fate for now.

The second that goth girl got inside that apartment, she was received by an Amazonian girl with blonde hair and at least two heads taller than her. "Hmp, let me guess . . . he didn't pull out, right?" Felicia asked with a smug smile, seeing the girl entering her apartment by the window after getting a call from Peter.

Raven took a deep breath and looked around, her tired gaze resting on the sofa, prepared for her to sleep. "Yes. . . " she muttered while looking at the abs of that tall woman wearing only a big white shirt covering her massive body.

"Welcome to the club," Felicia purred with a smug smile on her lips.

She rubbed her temple. "This will be a headache," Raven added as the interaction with her new roommate was not looking good.

"Don't worry, you will get used to getting him fuck you at least twice a day. It will hurt when my master goes after your ass, but you will love it," the cat said and grabbed that big and fat ass with her claws, sinking her fingers in the gray ocean of fat.

Raven quickly gave a step back, removing the hand from her posterior. "First, did you just call Peter your master, and second, did you just imply that he wanted to have anal sex with me?" The heroine asked, confused, and realized that she was in a kinkier situation than she initially thought.

"Yes and yes," Felicia said back without a single ounce of shame. She could imagine what Peter wanted to do to her, and she didn't want to spoil the surprise.

Raven just plummeted on the sofa face down. "Uggggggggg, he got me pregnant; is it not enough?" She barked with sheer frustration.

"Of course not; with that booty, you are basically tempting him to bend you over with each step you make. You don't like it?" Felicia asked with a curious tone. If Peter had fucked her like she did to her well . . . there was no way that Raven had not had the time of her life.

She took a few seconds to answer. Raven knew that she loved it, and she wanted more—more semen, more saliva, more gene mixing—as her body was fucked over and over. Sex was a new thing for her, and she loved it. "I . . . don't dislike it," she mumbled, evading the question.

"But?" The cat asked again while sitting next to her.

The reason was simple: changes terrified her, and she hated them. Living as a ticking time bomb was extremely stressful, and each minuscule change in her life was a reason for her to worry about exploding. This was another change, and she hated it ."It is just . . . I don't know. Just give me some space, ok?" Raven asked as she fell asleep, not even taking a shower as she reeked of pure semen.

"Fair," Felicia muttered and gave her some space; after all, they would be living together from now on, and she just wanted to tease her a little.

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