

Haruto woke up before dawn, the village still wrapped in the quiet calm of early morning. He stretched briefly, mentally preparing himself for the day. Today was going to be a tough one, with his first training session with Tsunade looming later in the morning. But that didn't mean he was going to skip his usual early conditioning workout. His body needed it, craved it even. He knew, thanks to his tier 2 stamina, that no matter how intense his workouts were, as long as he followed up with a good meal, his body would recover quickly.

The training grounds were empty when he arrived, the cool morning air refreshing against his skin. Without wasting a second, Haruto launched himself into his routine. Weighted push-ups, sprints, pull-ups, and resistance training—everything designed to push his body to its limits. Sweat poured from his brow as his muscles strained, but this was normal for him. He always pushed himself beyond the comfort zone. Only when his body felt the familiar burn of fatigue did he ease off.

The session was intense, but Haruto had grown used to it. The constant grind, the push for improvement. After about an hour, he finally began winding down, stretching his sore muscles and breathing deeply. His mind was already drifting toward his post-workout meal, knowing he'd need a large one to fuel up for the training ahead.

He wiped the sweat from his face as he began the walk back to his apartment. As he approached the path leading out of the training grounds, he spotted someone coming toward him—Tsunade.

She was walking in the direction of the training grounds, likely to set up for their session later that morning. Haruto's mind briefly registered how early it was, but he didn't think much of it. However, as they passed each other, Tsunade stopped, her sharp eyes locking onto him.

"Why do you already look like you've been through an entire day of training?" she asked, her voice filled with suspicion.

Haruto blinked, momentarily caught off guard. He wiped some more sweat from his forehead. "I just finished my conditioning workout," he replied casually.

Tsunade's gaze sharpened as she observed him more closely. Her medical instincts kicked in, and she began to assess him unconsciously. Despite the sweat and exertion, his breathing was steady, and his muscles didn't show signs of the stiffness or fatigue she'd expect after a strenuous workout.

"Conditioning workout?" She raised an eyebrow. "Before the training session with me? And how much sleep did you get last night? Can't have been more than five hours."

Haruto shrugged, downplaying the situation. "I usually wake up early for this. My stamina's good, and as long as I eat after, I'll be fine."

Tsunade frowned, her mind whirring as she analyzed him. This wasn't normal—not even for shinobi of his level. Pushing oneself this hard day in and day out, without proper rest, would lead to burnout. But Haruto didn't show any signs of exhaustion or wear and tear. His body, lean but muscular, appeared conditioned to handle the punishment. His breathing was calm, and despite the sweat, he didn't look like someone who was on the verge of collapse.

He's different, Tsunade thought. This level of conditioning… He's compact, strong, and freakishly resilient. Sakumo was right—there's something unusual about him.

She had talked to Sakumo before agreeing to train Haruto, and he'd warned her not to go easy on the kid. According to him, Haruto could take a beating, recover fast, and come back for more. Sakumo had even mentioned that Haruto seemed to thrive on pushing his limits. It was why Tsunade had chosen to work with him. He's a perfect candidate for learning the Enhanced Strength Technique.

"All right," Tsunade finally said, her expression softening into something that resembled mild amusement. "Just don't collapse halfway through our session. I've got plans for you today, and I'd hate for you to miss out because you overdid it this morning."

Haruto grinned, his excitement barely contained. "I won't. I promise."

Tsunade watched him for a moment longer, her eyes calculating. She had her work cut out for her today, but now she was even more intrigued. This kid was a physical anomaly—recovering faster than most, pushing himself harder, and showing no signs of strain. If he's this strong now, what will he be like once I teach him the enhanced strength technique?

As she continued toward the training grounds to set things up, she allowed herself a small grin. This is going to be interesting.

Haruto, on the other hand, continued on his way back to his apartment. His mind was already racing, wondering what Tsunade had planned for him. But first—breakfast. He needed to fuel up for what was bound to be an intense session. After pushing himself so hard in his early workout, he knew that with a good, nutrient-packed meal, he'd be ready to tackle whatever Tsunade threw at him.

As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement. Tsunade was a legendary Sannin—anything she could teach him would be invaluable. And if today was just the beginning, then the next month was going to be life-changing.
