
3 VS 1

The tension from the individual sparring had barely settled when Sakumo Hatake spoke, surprising his students.

"Let's see how you all work together. You three against me. Right now," Sakumo said, his voice calm but firm.

Haruto blinked in surprise. A 3-on-1? That was a real challenge, especially against someone as skilled as Sakumo. But before he could fully process the idea, Daichi grinned, already ready to charge. "Alright! Let's go!" Daichi exclaimed, his chakra already flaring as he prepared to launch forward.

But before Daichi could take a step, Haruto quickly grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "Wait," Haruto said sharply, his eyes not on Daichi but on Shuisi. "Rushing in without a plan won't work."

Daichi looked confused for a moment, clearly caught up in his eagerness to prove himself. "What do you mean? If we all go at him together, we might stand a chance."

Haruto shook his head and turned fully toward Shuisi, acknowledging the unspoken reality of the situation. "We need a plan. Shuisi's the most experienced here."

It was true. Though Shuisi held the rank of Genin like the rest of them, everyone knew his experience far exceeded that of a typical Genin. His time in ANBU had given him knowledge and reflexes that neither Haruto nor Daichi could match. Haruto respected that and knew this wasn't just about brute strength—it was about strategy.

Shuisi, already observing the situation carefully, nodded slowly. "He's right," he said, his Sharingan spinning, analyzing every movement Sakumo made as he waited for them to decide. "We need to coordinate. Attacking from different angles won't be enough. We'll need to funnel him into a spot where he can't escape easily."

The three of them moved back to form a small circle, standing a safe distance from their sensei, who watched with a slight smile. Sakumo's relaxed stance only added to the challenge—he was testing them, seeing how they would come together.

Haruto took a step back, deferring to Shuisi's experience. "What do you think?" Haruto asked, looking directly at Shuisi.

Shuisi crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing as he thought through their options. "His reflexes are too fast for any one of us to land a hit. He's waiting for us to rush in so he can split us up. We need to work together—attack from different angles, but we'll need a distraction."

Daichi, clearly eager to contribute, frowned slightly. "But even if we attack from all sides, he'll just dodge or block everything."

Shuisi smirked slightly. "That's why we need to force him into a tight space. I'll use long-range fire jutsu to keep him moving, while you," Shuisi looked at Daichi, "use your water jutsu to control where he can go. We'll funnel him into a narrow area."

"And then?" Daichi asked, still trying to wrap his mind around the strategy.

"That's when Haruto strikes," Shuisi finished, turning to him. Haruto could see the calm in Shuisi's eyes, the sharp focus that only came from real experience. In this situation, Shuisi was no ordinary Genin—he was leading, and Haruto knew it was the right move.

Haruto nodded but stayed silent, his two minds working through the strategy. The plan was good, but something was missing—Sakumo's agility and ability to predict attacks would still give him an edge. Then it clicked. "It's a good plan," Haruto said thoughtfully, "but we need more than that to land a hit."

Shuisi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Haruto glanced between Daichi and Shuisi, his tactical side kicking in. "We need an actual feint—something Sakumo won't see coming. When you two push him into that space, I'll use a Substitution Jutsu with one of my clones. He'll expect me to come in directly after you two funnel him, but instead, I'll substitute just before landing the attack. We'll make him think I'm going for the strike, and while he's dealing with the clone, I'll hit him from behind."

Shuisi's eyes gleamed with understanding, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Not bad, Haruto. That could work."

Daichi grinned, now fully on board with the plan. "Alright! Let's do it!"

The three of them moved back into position, ready to execute their strategy. Sakumo watched them approach, his calm smile unwavering. He had seen them strategizing, but he remained still, patient, waiting for them to make their move.

Haruto gave a quick nod to Shuisi and Daichi, signaling the start.

Without hesitation, Shuisi formed hand seals. "Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!" he shouted, sending a massive fireball roaring toward Sakumo. The intense heat of the flames radiated outward, a clear sign that Shuisi wasn't holding back.

At the same time, Daichi formed his own seals. "Water Style: Water Stream Jutsu!" A torrent of water erupted from his hands, moving in a wide arc, aiming to cut off Sakumo's escape route.

Sakumo moved with lightning speed, dodging the fireball easily. But as he tried to step left, Daichi's water jutsu blocked his path. With fire on one side and water on the other, Sakumo's space to maneuver was shrinking.

Haruto had already disappeared from view, moving silently through the trees, his Clone Jutsu activated. The clones were positioned perfectly, waiting for the right moment to strike.

As Sakumo prepared to dodge the next attack, Haruto's clone appeared, rushing toward Sakumo with enhanced speed from his Static Charge Jutsu. The clone lunged forward, kunai in hand, aiming for Sakumo's midsection.

Sakumo's eyes flickered with recognition as he effortlessly blocked the clone's attack. But something felt off. The timing was too perfect. Just as he realized this, the clone vanished in a puff of smoke. His sharp instincts kicked in, but it was too late.

Haruto had used Substitution Jutsu to appear behind Sakumo in an instant, his Chakra Scalpel glowing faintly as he aimed a precise strike toward Sakumo's shoulder.

For a split second, it looked like Haruto's attack would land—his scalpel was just a hair's breadth away from making contact. But at the last moment, Sakumo flickered out of sight, appearing a few feet away, his white hair swaying gently as he gave a rare, approving smile.

"That was close," Sakumo said, his voice filled with respect. "Very close."

The three Genin stood panting, their plan having pushed them to the edge of success. Haruto felt a rush of satisfaction despite the missed hit. They had come incredibly close, and that was a victory in itself.

"You worked well together," Sakumo continued, his gaze settling on Haruto. "That was a clever use of your substitution. You're thinking strategically—using your strengths and covering each other's weaknesses."

Haruto, Shuisi, and Daichi shared a glance, a quiet understanding passing between them. They had come close, and though they hadn't landed a hit, they had pushed Sakumo further than they ever expected.

Sakumo stepped forward, his usual calm demeanor returning. "You're progressing well. Keep honing your teamwork and tactics. This is how you'll grow into formidable shinobi."

The three Genin nodded, already thinking about their next strategy.
