
Is the ‘Heir to Pokémon’ Phenomenon Happening Already?

"If you dare talk nonsense again, I'll challenge Cynthia, Lance, Steven, and even Diantha!"

That was the message in Johan's gaze.


A nervous drop of sweat formed on Haunter's forehead as it shuddered at the thought of such a scene.

Though it wanted to show off its "remarkable" memory by telling Diantha it had seen her entire photo collection, Johan's stern glare kept it silent.

Still, Haunter couldn't help but think: with the right "motivation," maybe it could score another move TM. It was trying to save Johan money, but it seemed the trainer just didn't understand such thriftiness.

Sigh… being a Pokémon sure is tough.


Cynthia's keen instincts kicked in, sensing something amiss.

But Haunter, now vigilant under Johan's watchful eye, reacted swiftly. It quickly explained to Diantha that it had seen her films since she was a famous actress, of course!

Diantha took no offense, as she was aware of her popularity; otherwise, she wouldn't have come disguised to the café.

Still, Cynthia glanced at Johan, who had already averted his eyes and put on his best "nothing happened" face. In the end, she let it go.

Once everyone had taken their seats, Diantha asked, "How about some cake? This place is famous for it."




Haunter and Vulpix made their choices quickly, having already read the menu on the wall when they came in.

Cynthia, however, slipped into her usual indecision.

Johan sighed, then ordered, "One chocolate mousse, two double mint-vanilla parfaits, and an espresso, please."

Diantha looked surprised as Cynthia sighed in relief. From what Diantha remembered, Cynthia generally enjoyed the process of choosing, even with her choice paralysis, and rarely accepted others' suggestions.

So this is the skill of a psychologist, Diantha mused, her faith in her plan for Johan growing stronger.

As they waited for the treats, Cynthia and Diantha casually caught up, until finally, they reached the main topic.

"Here's the thing. Johan's Haunter is working on Shadow Ball but having a bit of trouble," Cynthia said, taking a small bite of cake before continuing in a crisp, clear voice, "I thought maybe your Gardevoir, since it's great with Shadow Ball, could help?"

Diantha's main partner Pokémon was indeed a Gardevoir. Though primarily a Psychic and Fairy type, Gardevoir was remarkably adept at Shadow Ball.

In the original story, when Diantha first battled Ash, it was her Gardevoir's Shadow Ball that blasted Pikachu away, and it remained a favorite move of hers.

"Of course," Diantha replied with a smile, her quick response catching Johan by surprise.

Then she tossed a Poké Ball into the air.


As the red light faded, Diantha's Gardevoir appeared before them.


Haunter gulped down its chocolate mousse and its eyes sparkled as it eyed Gardevoir.

Heh, Gardevoir, heh...


Johan called it back just in time, seizing Haunter to prevent any foolish behavior.

The ghost-type looked confused.

"Let me take a look first," Diantha said gently.



Since Johan didn't object, Haunter shrugged and chuckled. It raised its darkened claws and worked up a Shadow Ball.

"Using Shadow Claw to set up Shadow Ball?" Diantha murmured, admiring the unique approach.

"It only got the Shadow Ball TM last night," Cynthia added.

Diantha's eyebrow rose in surprise.

To learn Shadow Ball in under a day? While the approach was certainly unconventional, Haunter's learning aptitude was clearly impressive.

And beyond that, it also reflected Johan's skill as a trainer. Despite being unfamiliar with Johan beyond what Cynthia had told her, Diantha was intrigued.

"Go ahead, release it," she encouraged Haunter.


Being the "rebel without a cause," Haunter naturally didn't hesitate, tossing the Shadow Ball toward the wall.

At a glance from Diantha, Gardevoir understood.

A powerful pulse of psychic energy radiated from Gardevoir, who formed a "frame" around the Shadow Ball with its hands.


Gardevoir's eyes sharpened in concentration, intensifying the psychic hold.


The Shadow Ball exploded within the psychic barrier.


Haunter's eyes widened, and it glanced at Johan in gratitude.

Thank goodness I didn't rush things.


Vulpix tilted its head, watching intently with an amused glimmer in its eye, as though it had found something entertaining.


Gardevoir turned back toward Diantha, signaling it was done.

Diantha smiled. "Haunter's skills are even better than I expected."

She continued, "There's actually a small training area behind this café. Why don't Gardevoir and Haunter train there for now? And once you're back at the hotel tonight, I'll send a document with some additional suggestions. It might need certain materials, though."

Materials, huh?

In Agatha's Notes on Dread, she recommended supplements to strengthen ghost-type Pokémon, though her advice was more of a general approach than a specific moveset.

"Thank you," Johan said, nodding thoughtfully.

There goes another fortune on materials, he thought wryly.

When Haunter scampered off to the training area like a model student beside Gardevoir, Diantha turned to Johan and said, "Actually, I have something I wanted to ask—or maybe it's a bit of a favor."


Johan blinked in surprise.

"I have a friend…" Diantha said, hesitating before continuing, "Someone who was once incredibly compassionate and kindhearted, always helping those in need."


Johan's heart sank as she spoke. This friend sounded awfully like…

"...but recently, when I saw him, I felt as though his mind—his entire outlook—had somehow changed. It's like his ideals have become... distorted. He's even started using the term 'eternal beauty.' There's no such thing as eternal beauty, yet he's growing so certain about it… and it worries me."

That settled it.

Johan now had a strong suspicion about who Diantha's "friend" really was.


The head of Team Flare in Kalos and the face behind Lysandre Labs. Team Flare, like Team Rocket, was a notorious organization with a sinister goal: to reactivate the ancient "Ultimate Weapon" from three thousand years ago to destroy all living beings!

Without waiting for her to go on, Johan quickly raised a hand, apologizing in advance.

Any more details, and he feared he'd be caught in something big.

"Uh... I'm just a Pokémon psychologist…" he said cautiously.

Diantha looked at Cynthia.

But Cynthia turned her gaze to the window.

In that moment, she wore the same expression Haunter had yesterday—except for the absent whistling sound.

Johan suddenly felt a pressure in his chest.

What was going on?

Had the "heir to Pokémon" trend really begun?



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