
A Taste of Erickson

Celeste had expected many things.

A magnificent office in one of the famous skyscrapers, a beautiful modern office building in the business district, or even the new popular suburban office building that looked like a Western house.

But not this.

Not a shabby, unsuspecting, warehouse-looking red brick office at the side of the harbor.

It stood among many other businesses that looked much more appealing and inviting. Although, as Celeste sat in the lobby, she couldn't help but appreciate how well it was decorated.

It was styled like a magazine model of a mountain cabin, which also looked like a modern hunter's den, with the head of a moose hanging at the top of the decorative fireplace in the corner.

Avond and Tiel returned five minutes after leaving to notify Erickson that they had found Celeste—or rather, that Celeste had returned.

Avond stood back, assuming his role as a future brother-in-law. He let Tiel take the lead as he offered her a hand once again, which she refused.

She heard Tiel take a deep breath as she walked past him, letting Avond lead the way as the three of them walked toward a hidden elevator.

They stood in silence and then entered a small hallway that smelled like smoke, seawater, and fish.

The wooden door was already open, revealing Erickson sitting behind a black wooden desk. His face relaxed, pleased as they entered the office.

"So, Celeste. Celeste. Celeste. My future daughter-in-law mustered some courage and returned. If I knew you had it in you, I would have relaxed," Erickson said, his voice heavy and drawn out. It was oddly soothing and inviting.

Celeste bowed deeply, then ripped a paper from her notebook.

It was a letter she wrote for him in the car, and now she was handing it over to him. Erickson raised his eyebrows as he accepted it, not for the first time reading a letter from Celeste.


Dear Mr. Erickson,

I want to sincerely apologize for my rash decision to run away.

I'm ashamed to admit that I am ignorant and naive. In the heat of the moment, I ran away without taking into consideration that there were many things in play, and that everyone else is as much in this situation as I am.

My father, mother, sister, Tiel, and even you. I understand that we don't always choose the situation we are in, but we can always choose what kind of person we want to be in that situation.

I don't want to be an apologetic runaway.

Please give me another chance. I'll do better.


Celeste Everhart


Erickson nodded, letting the letter fall on the table as he leaned back, eyeing Celeste with some acknowledgment and recognition.

"I'll have to hand it to Jordan. It's true when he said you are a better fit to be in this family than Orion. Of course, you will get a second chance. You're just a young woman who encountered a brutal man. Isn't that right, Tiel?" he asked, his eyes snapping to Tiel with a look that could kill. Erickson suddenly looked displeased, changing so suddenly that Celeste could only imagine it was like walking on eggshells with this man.

Tiel sighed. "I already apologized," he said.

"Have you? I don't remember," Erickson said with a hint of mockery, looking over to Avond as if in cahoots.

"What I remember was that it wasn't your fault and you were just trying to help our darling Celeste." He waved his fingers at Celeste elegantly, his fingers adorned with colorful rings.

"You're right, Father. I apologize for my wrongdoings and ignorance," Tiel said, bowing deeply beside Celeste, who looked on in awe.

She had been in so much fear of Tiel. In her mind, he was the scariest man. Bigger than everything else, no one could help her stop him. He was at the top of the food chain.

And yet here he was, bowing his head.

Celeste's gaze fell, realizing perhaps she had made him a worse villain than he actually was.

"Why are you apologizing to me? You hurt Celeste! Go bow to her!" Erickson's voice boomed in the silence of the office. Celeste looked up, surprised.

Beside her, Tiel turned to face her. His face was dark. Like a child who's been whipped, he put on a stoic face before once again bowing to her.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"What was that? You call that an apology?" Erickson demanded, slamming his hand against the table.

Tiel stared at the ground, then bowed again. "I apologize, Celeste," he said, his voice remaining calm and composed.

Unable to hold herself any longer, Celeste approached him and then gently put a hand on his back. She couldn't speak, but he knew to rise.

"So easily? Celeste, he scared you so much you had to disappear! My two sons couldn't find you. You deserve a proper apology!" Erickson declared.

Celeste felt her breath catch and her heart beating faster. This was not her intention. The first apology was more than she thought she would get. She had expected punishment for the stunt she pulled.

"Look her in the eyes, boy!"

Finally, Tiel met her gaze. His eyes were the gray of a storm. His face was like stone as he said, "I'm sorry, Celeste."

"What are you sorry for?" Erickson asked.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. It was wrong of me," Tiel said, finally looking away when she frantically nodded. She didn't even wait for him to finish. It was so uncomfortable.

"Haaah, this is my first daughter-in-law! She's so caring and understanding that she should not have the need to run away," Erickson explained, looking as if it had happened to him and not Celeste.

Erickson was silent for a moment then. The whole room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for what he had to say next. Even Tiel did not turn to face him, remaining with his face toward Celeste.

"Ben, Sam, Jo, you know what to do."

The three men jumped into action. Ben, who stood closest to Tiel, turned on one heel, high-kicking Tiel in the head, immediately followed by a second kick against his upper back, effectively sending him flat on the floor.

Before he even touched the ground, Sam and Jo followed suit and continued kicking him. Celeste screamed silently, horrified by what she was witnessing.

She soon felt two arms pull her into an embrace, shielding her view from the scene. But the sound was just as haunting.

"It'll end soon. Don't worry, Tiel is tough—he can handle it," Avond said, trying to comfort her. She held on to him hard, distracting her mind with the scent of evening air and his masculine scent.

But it didn't work. It was going on for too long. Celeste moved out of Avond's embrace and straight into the line of fire.

"No!" Avond yelled.

Celeste let her body fall on top of Tiel, who lay in a fetal position. Her chest and shoulders covered his head. Soon, the kicking stopped.

Erickson had lifted his hand, beckoning the men to stop just as Avond was about to fight.

"This... this is what family is supposed to look like," Erickson said, a smile blooming on his lips. Celeste ignored him, wondering what was wrong with this man.

Upset, Celeste put a hand on Tiel's cheek. Still tense, he seemed shocked by the gentle touch. It was as if it was the last thing he expected.

He looked up, his gray eyes wide with wonder. The corner of his lips lifted, then she mouthed, "Are you alright?"

Tiel nodded, still in a daze. She helped him up, which Tiel accepted, still staring at her as if she had grown two heads.

Celeste didn't blame him. She had been treating him coldly ever since she arrived. He must be confused as to why she cared. Perhaps such tenderness did not exist in his world.

"Look, the two of you are getting along so finely. Is there anything violence doesn't fix? Well, have you learned your lesson, my son?" Erickson asked Tiel, who was bloodied and blue. He nodded. "I have."

Just then, the door slammed open. They all turned to look at the intruder—a woman in her late forties with a fine figure. She was wrapped in a cozy summer dress, her hair done in such a way that she looked as if she popped out of a magazine, her sweet smile colored in the deepest shade of red, and her eyes smoky.

She examined her room with a relaxed pose, eyeing Erickson with a hint of authority and fondness.

"Rick, are you torturing our boys again?"

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