
Cold Heart

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After the festival was over, the students were not dismissed, but sent to their classrooms. I had warned the girls in advance that I would be a little late, but I didn't specify that I was going to discuss a future date with a bondage-clad milf.

After the conversation, walking along the path to the academy, I saw Bakugou behind one of the trees, and when I got closer, I noticed tears streaming down her face....

- Hey, Bakugou. - I sat down on the ground next to her.

- Leave me alone! - she wiped her eyes, a little puffy from tears.

- If you're crying because I'm calling you a bitch, I'm sorry. - I apologised. I don't like it when girls cry, especially if I'm the cause of the girl's tears. Sometimes, I overdo it, and forget that Bakugou, no matter how mean she is, is a simple girl, she also feels sadness, sorrow, resentment, like everyone else.

- Are you trying to make fun of me, hmmm? - Katsuki sniffed her nose.

- No, I'm really sorry. I can't stand it when girls cry because of me.

- Why is that...ever since I was a little girl, I've been the best. - she said, obviously wanting to get it out. - Always excelled in school, I have a cool quirk, and I know I'll be first in anything...but since the very first day in Yuei, I've lost to you every time. Even the two-face made you get serious, and I didn't....

- And you live up to your name. - I responded to what I heard. Katsuki's name, if you don't go into the complicated kanji meanings, translates to 'to win', and Bakugou means 'explosion'. - Is that why you're always badmouthing me? - I raised one eyebrow questioningly.

- Can you shut up? I'm trying to pour out my soul, and when you open your mouth and say something, I have a wild desire to punch you. - she snapped at me.

- Bakugou...are you serious now? Are you upset just because you're not the centre of the earth and the world doesn't rest on you? - I asked, and without getting an answer I continued. - You yourself realise that the world is huge and there are a lot of people worse or better than you, and you're making a mess of yourself. Please don't act like a child.

- ...why did you even come here, get out of here already. - she replied, looking away, this time choosing not to yell at me or use uncultured language.

- I saw that you needed help, you think I should have walked by and pretended like I didn't see a beautiful girl crying alone? - I put my hand on the cheek of the bewildered girl and wiped away a tear with my finger.

Last time, when I defeated her at the trial by battle, I did not try to talk to her, I thought she herself will rethink everything ... but no, I forgot about one 'but', the nuclear character of the blonde.

- ...Now, you remind me of a guy...just as annoying. - She sniffed once more and got up and went to class.

- Great, now I don't get sent to the male reproductive organ, that's progress. - I said into the air.

At the class hour, Aizawa didn't even bother to speak, saying that we rested for the next two days while the academy processed all the internship offers from professionals. It's funny, for the entire class hour, I caught a thoughtful look from Ochako...and a surprised, somehow interested, look from Bakugou.

In the meantime, I had already figured out something to do. Originally, I was going to have another threesome with Mina and Kazuho, but the former had promised to go shopping with her mother, and Poppy had exams for the next two days. I was also thinking of asking Ochako out, to give her extra motivation to answer positively...or trying to seduce her. Unfortunately, she ran away almost immediately after class ended.

- Mizuiro, do you have a minute to spare? - Shoko asked me at the end of class.

- For you, Todoroki, I always have a few minutes. - I smiled radiantly at her.

- I have a small request. - she said. - Could you go out with me tomorrow?

- Sure, I'm not doing anything. - I agreed immediately, I would never refuse to go out with such a beauty. Of course, her request sounds a little strange, but after all, it's not like she's taking me to the hospital.....


- Why are we at the hospital again? - I went into the hospital lobby with Shoko.

- This is where my mother is being held. After she left me a scar, the Prospector sent her here for treatment. Since that day, I've never visited her. - Shoko explained to me, and I noticed that she was shaking a little, so she was nervous about seeing her mother.

- Your goat-boy is worse than I thought. - I took her hand, trying to calm her down a little.

- Your words made me rethink a lot of things, but I'm afraid to talk to my own mother...I'm sorry I dragged you into this. It's just, I didn't have anyone else to turn to. I could go with my brother and sister, but they don't understand what it's like. - she put her free hand on the scar.

Shoko called me because I realise more than anyone what it's like to be hurt by your own parents. Before I went to the hospital with Todoroki, I found out something about their family circumstances. In the official version, Todoroki Rei had a nervous breakdown and her husband sent her to the hospital for treatment. And all would be nothing, but, not long before that, their fourth child, another older brother Shoko, Toya, died in a fire, most likely, it was this case, and broke up the family Todoroki.

- What are you talking about, we're friends, and friends help each other. - I replied, trying to cheer her up as I walked up the stairs.

- Friends...yes, you're my friend Mizu...Akira. - A little stiltedly, she said.

- And you're my friend, Shoko. - I addressed her, also by name. The two-faced beauty stiffened a bit, and the rest of the route to the ward, we walked in silence.

When we entered the room, we saw a beautiful white-haired woman sitting on a bunk, pensively looking out the window. It was clear who Shoko had taken after with her beauty.

- Mum...' Shoko said softly, squeezing my hand tighter.

- Shoko, is that you?' said Todoroki Rei, not expecting to see her daughter here.

Shoko was very nervous, it was noticeable how she was shaking a little. I had to help her a little by gently pushing her towards her mother, and I sat down on a nearby bunk, trying not to disturb the family reunion.

- I came to visit you...here. - Shoko said, not knowing what else to say to her mother.

- I... - the woman did not finish, noticing the scar on her daughter's face, left by her. - Shoko, I don't know if you will ever be able to forgive me...' she said with droplets of moisture in her eyes, feeling guilty for the pain she had caused her daughter.

- I already have, and you forgive me too, mum. - Shoko hugged her mother, feeling sorry for her. A couple of minutes, they hugged, and when they calmed down, Todoroki senior, noticed me, peacefully sitting on the sidelines.

- Shoko, who is this young man? - She asked her daughter.

- Allow me to introduce myself, Mrs Todoroki, I am Mizuiro Akira, a friend and classmate of your daughter. - I introduced myself. - Shoko asked me to come with her to see you.

- It's nice to meet you. I'm glad my daughter has such a wonderful friend. - She greeted me warmly, unlike Shoko's father, who almost hit my head with a fiery fist.

- And I'm glad to have such a wonderful friend as your daughter.

Shoko and Rei talked to each other some more, and I tried not to interrupt them. Mostly Todoroki's mother asked how Shoko was doing, her brother and sister, and surprisingly, the Prospector. Shoko still answered crumpled, still getting used to talking to her mother again. At the end, she said goodbye to Rei, promising to visit her again, and I added that I'd be happy to keep her company.

- You see, it went well, you should have been afraid. - I smiled encouragingly at her as I walked out the front door of the hospital. - I didn't expect your mother to ask about your father, though.

- Neither did I. - Shoko agreed with me, and remembered something and blushed a little. - Akira...why did you tell the Prospector about the kiss.....

- Oh, that's what you mean, I was just having fun watching him react. He got so mad, he was gonna hit me just to keep me away from you.

- So that's it...after our match, I talked to him. He was saddened by my defeat, but more happy that I used the fire side of the quirk. He also demanded that I stay away from you, not even a metre away, then I didn't quite understand why Prospector said that. - she replied.

- Really? You know, I had an idea. - I grinned. - What do you think about the possibility of getting on your dad's nerves even more?

- How would that be? - Shoko was interested.

- Let's start dating, fake. Your father will scream if he finds out we're dating. - I suggested my idea, while my inner raccoon was rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

- Dating...' she said thoughtfully.

- Not for real. All you have to do is do something that couples usually do. I think the most effective thing would be a kiss, you take a picture of the kiss on your mobile phone and send it to your father, it would make him mad.

- I'm up for a kiss. - she agreed, but it's not clear what she agreed to.

To avoid embarrassing Shoko in the middle of the street, I took her to the domain where no one would bother us.

- I can imagine my artificial space.

- Why do you need such a big bed? - She pointed her finger at the fuck bed.

- I like to sleep. - I sat down on the edge of the bed and put Shoko on my lap. - I couldn't get a good taste of your lips last time. - I pulled her to me for a kiss.

I didn't limit myself to kissing her, but kissed her entire body, from her delicate legs to her equally delicate shoulders. Todoroki's whole body, from head to toe, was as fragile as a snowflake, and her left and right sides were also slightly different in temperature, but not as much as her tongue.

- You forgot to take a picture, you didn't even have your phone out. - I bit the ear of the cute two-faced girl, receiving a quiet sigh in response.

- Akira...I don't want to be your pretend girlfriend, I want to date you for real. - Shoko, who was blushing from my caresses, said, and kissed me herself.

- Unexpected. - I said. - Shoko, you realise that this is a serious step, and we know each other, just nothing.

- Honestly, I have never thought about relationships with anyone, I always thought it was not important. All my life, I've only tried to be a heroine without using my father's cursed fire, but when you kissed me at the stadium...I felt the same feeling when my mother greeted me warmly and hugged me as a child.... - she pressed herself harder against me. - ...I realised that everything I did didn't really matter. When I'm around you, I forget about hating my father, and your kisses, fill me with such a nice feeling.

- This time, you're confessing your love to me, right? - I asked, receiving a nod in reply. - I'm happy to accept your feelings Shoko, but there's one 'but'.

- Is it because you're dating Ashido? - She surprised me again.

- How do you know?

- She told me about your relationship after our conversation at the entrance and said she wouldn't mind if I joined you. - Todoroki said seriously, which in this situation, sounded rather comical.

- Oh that Mina, I'll have to punish her harder later, ahem. Shoko, are you okay with this kind of relationship?

- I don't know...but I'd still like to try it. - she answered uncertainly.

- I'll take that as a positive answer. And since you are now officially my girlfriend, do you want me to remove your scar? - I asked Shoko, and after receiving an incomprehensible look, I continued. - I can heal almost any minor wound with energy. But to remove the scar, I'll have to erase the damaged skin so that the new skin will be free of defects. If you want to keep it, I won't mind, with or without it, you're equally beautiful.

- My scar...' she touched the red scar under her eye with her fingers. - Before, I would have left it as a reminder, but now, I've made up with my mum...I think we can forget about the past by leaving this scar behind.

- I covered the end of my index finger with a thin layer of plasma and gently began to run it over the scar, erasing the damaged skin, and then, immediately followed by another finger, filled with vital energy, restoring the skin, but without defects.The whole procedure took about three minutes. - Tadam, sign and sign. - I made a mirror out of the pseudo-mother and let Shoko examine herself.

- I thought it would hurt more. - She said, looking at her reflection and touching the spot where the scar had just been.

- Now, let's talk about payment. - I grinned lasciviously, and began to get rid of Shoko's clothes, leaving her in just her panties and tank top, which she didn't resist.

Laying her back on the bed, I removed her panties, revealing a pale pink pussy with a few red and white pubic hairs.

- Oh, that's lovely. - I ran my tongue over her labia - Yum, your lower labia are just like her upper labia, just as fiery and icy. - I stuck my tongue all the way into her hole.

- It feels good, I like it... - Shoko threw her head back, crossing her legs over me.

Shoko didn't last long, it took her only five minutes to cum, splashing my face with her fluids violently

- It's time to make you all mine. - I moved all the clothes I was wearing into my inventory and laid down on the bed, sitting Shoko on top of me.

- This...' she touched my "tower" resting against her pubes. - ...how big it is.

- It will make you a woman, my love. - I grabbed her thighs and lifted them up.

- Good...love. - She took my cock in her hand and guided it to her hole, squatting down to insert it fully. - Ahhh - she moaned, it was good that I had time to fill my cock with life energy, otherwise this process was very painful.

Shoko quickly adjusted herself and continued to ride my cock, giving me incredible pleasure. Inside my pussy, too, it was half the temperature, a little unusual, but I liked it. With Shoko I got it off even too quickly, there are a number of reasons for that. Based on Shoko's words, she grew up without parental love, having spent her whole life fomenting hatred for her father. And then I show up, trying to help her realise her power, talk to her mother, and just trying to be a good friend. It's no wonder that in such a short time of knowing me, she fell in love with me. It was only easier with Mina, and that's because she's a pervert, and Shoko, deep down, is a little girl longing for love and support.

- Aah! - Shoko cried out as I abruptly lowered her hips and cum inside her with my hot seed. Sweating, Shoko lay right on top of me, trying to catch her breath. - Haa...haa...that was wonderful...love. - she said with a look filled with love.

- What do you mean it was? - I turned the surprised girl on her back, and without taking my cock out of her pussy, I continued to pound her gut, to the voluptuous gasps of the beautiful girl. I made love to Shoko for another two hours before she passed out exhausted. Since she was covered in my secretions, I had to leave the domain and fly home, where I retrieved Shoko from subspace, washed her in the bathtub, and changed her clothes, borrowing Kazuho's clothes that I had forgotten, then laid the sleeping princess on my bed. After spending time with the fiery icy beauty, I was in high spirits and decided to work in my lab.

My exoskeleton, almost completely completed, was waiting for me there. The exoskeleton was additionally covered with removable segments of armour, in case it exploded. I quickly ran diagnostics, and then installed the photon reactor in the central chest mount. Despite my fears, the reactor did not explode and worked properly, as I was informed by the glowing elements of the exoskeleton.

I made a test run, and in principle, everything worked without brakes, there are some minor faults, but I can easily fix them in a couple of days.

In addition to the exoskeleton, I've recently taken up firearms. Well, I had an idea to create a gun that shoots not cartridges, but bursting plasma clots.

The gun, unlike the exoskeleton, didn't take me that long. Mostly because I had recently started using my light constructs to speed things up. I made myself two additional sets of glowing hands with tools, increasing the workability factor.

I tried not to go overboard with the material, but I was pleased with the final work. The main difference between the regular cannon and mine is that I added two barrels, between which is a special regulator of plasma density, and in the drum, there is an acceleration of plasma, instead of just storing bullets. As a result, the power and speed of the shot depends directly on how long the trigger is held. If you pull the trigger immediately, the shot will be low in power, but faster, and vice versa. It doesn't require ammunition, I can load the gun with my quirk.

I named the gun 'Flash', I'll probably use it in the guise of a vigilante.

Lastly, I threw Shinso's DNA into a homemade analyser to find the subtleties and nuances of his quirks. I shove all the interesting DNA, mostly evil, into the analyser and then store it on my shelf.

I do this because I'm trying to figure out the nature of the quirks, but every time, it all comes down to one thing, the Plus-Alpha gene. So far, the nature of the quirks remains a mystery to me, but I'm not going to give up hope.

I returned to Shoko, who was sleeping peacefully, in the morning, and snuggled up to her, not noticing that I was dozing off. Technically, I don't need sleep at all, just like food...and air. To maintain my body, it's enough to recharge with photons, but it's hard for me to get rid of human habits. Especially in the arms of my favourite girl, sleep seems even more tempting.

While I was snoozing, Shoko had already woken up, and after getting out of my embrace...took out her mobile phone and took a picture of my face?

Next chapter