
Chapter 28 - Our Powers

Country: [Democratic republic of Glavia]

Location: [Moon City, Affluent District, Yeager Corps safehouse]

Time: [ 11:06 am]


Within a beautiful garden, full of different types of colourful flora, was a man with midnight black hair. He wore a white shirt and black jeans and was sitting crossed legs with his arms on his lap under a field of freshly cut grass with his eyes closed. From time to time, a gentle breeze would blow his way and rustle his hair. With his closed eyes and the slow breaths he was taking, one might think he was asleep.

[Try to relax your body and clear your mind]

"Why are we doing this again?". Zyran opened his eyes and stretched his arms.

[We are trying to familiarise your body with psychi essence, so you can be able to use my powers]

"Psychi essence..." Zyran held his chin with a thoughtful expression "It's the essence that derives from the soul and fuels your powers".

[Yes, Not just my demonic powers. Humans rely on Psychi essence to use their powers as well. I'll explain this one last time, so listen carefully]

"Okay". Zyran uncrossed his legs and lied down on the grass, staring at the clear blue sky.

[Psychi essence or more commonly known as soul essence, is essence that derives from the soul. When an organism either demon or human unlock their power, it is because they've tapped into the inner parts of the soul. This powers you humans call dormant abilities, actually come from the soul, you are born with them. And when your finally able to access them, your soul will act as fuel for your powers by providing you with essence. This also occurs in demons as well but unlike humans who can only unlock their powers under life threatening situations, a demon only has to feed on miasma to get stronger in order to evolve into a more powerful demon]

"Question". Zyran raised his hand and used it to block the sun. He watched as the sun rays went through his fingers.


He lowered his arm and placed it underneath his head before closing his eyes. "How many abilities does one have?".

[For humans it will be one, while on rare occasions it will be two. As for demons, it depends on the race. It may be 3 and sometimes maybe 4".

"How do you know so much about human awakened?".

[ I am thousands of years old. I would be a joke if I didn't know anything about human awakening]

"True... Next question. How many powers do 'you' have?".


"Why are you quiet?". Zyran opened his eyes.

[I have a total of 9 abilities but... When I fought Croviel, I was only able to use one. Gravity manipulation]

"Why is that?". Zyran closed his eyes again.

[I theorise that it is because of you]


[Yes, you. You are pathetically weak, specifically, your body]

Zyran opened his eyes again and frowned but didn't refute back. "I know that I'm weak" he covered his eyes with his arm and spoke softly. "How do you think I lost my sister".


"It's fine, you can continue".

[As your human body is too weak, I am unable to use all of my powers, you included]

"So what do we do?".

[Get stronger]

"Like training?".

[Yes and no]

"Your confusing me".

[Yes training is what we need to do to get you stronger, no because not just any training will do]

"What kind of training then?".

[For now we should focus on familiarising you with your Psychi essence]

"That reminds me, the powers I'm going to use belong to you, they aren't mine, so how I'm I going to familiarise myself with psychi essence when I'm not even an awakened?".

[You'll see]

Zyran sat up, crossed his legs and then closed his eyes.

[Good, your finally getting serious]

"Just explain to me how I'm supposed to do this".

[Relax your body and clear your mind of any thoughts]

Zyran relaxed his body and stopped thinking, making his mind blank.

[Slowl down your breathing and focus all your senses on your body. Hear the drumming of your heart, feel the flow of your blood]

"Is that possible?".

[It is, now proceed]

Zyran took a deep breath and then exhaled. He tried focusing his senses on his body, at first he failed to hear the drumming of his heart but then...

'Ba- thumb'.

'Ba- thumb'..

'Ba- thumb'.

'I can hear it, the sound of my heart'.

[Good, now try feeling the flow of your blood]

Zyran tried concentrating on his blood flow but even after ten minutes had passed, he couldn't feel anything, "I can't".

[Try again, Imagine feeling the rhythmic pulsation of your heartbeat, like a drumbeat echoing through your body. The flow of blood might feel like a gentle caress, a soothing massage, or a dynamic energy coursing through your veins.]

Zyran took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air and then exhaled. He repeated this five times and then tried feeling for his blood flow. Just like before he felt nothing at first but then, he began to feel something.

It felt like a gentle, constant hum or vibration, similar to the sound of a quiet engine or a soft buzzing in the veins. The sensation became more noticeable in areas where blood vessels were closest to the surface, like the wrists, neck, or temple.

"I think I can feel it".

[Good, now we can begin".

"What do you mean?". Zyran abruptly opened his eyes.

[Just now we were deepening your senses over your body. Remember were trying to get a feeling of your psychi essence not blood essence]

"What's blood essence?". Zyran asked curiously.

[Something for later. Now close your eyes]

Zyran closed his eyes.

[Now we're going deeper]

"Don't say it like that". Zyran opened his eyes again with a weirded out expression.

[What did I say wrong]


"Nothing..." he closed his eyes " continue".

[The soul is seen as the essence of who we are, beyond our physical bodies and minds. It is the spark that makes us alive, the source of our consciousness, and the seat of our deepest emotions and values. Imagine the soul as a radiant, shimmering light that animates our being, connecting us to the world. It's the whisper within us that guides our intuition, creativity, and passions, the soul is an intangible, and profound concept, resonating deeply within each individual.

Cut of all your senses. Touch, scent, hearing... Cut it all off and concentrate on the deepest reaches of your body. Search for the light, and go to it]

Zyran tried following Telos's instructions. He first tried to shut off his hearing. At first he could hear the sound of birds flapping their wings, the sound of the gently swaying flowers and grass caused by the gentle breeze and then everything went quiet. It suddenly became silent, he couldn't hear a thing anymore and then he found himself no longer being able to feel the chilly breeze. And then it happened...



Zyran opened his eyes and found himself in a dark place... again. He couldn't see any part of himself, as it was completely dark 'This is starting to become a natural occurrence'.

[Don't lose concentration, Focus]

Zyran heard Telos speaking but this time, it didn't come from his head. He turned around and found a purple orb floating behind him. "Telos?".


"Where are we?".

[We are in the deepest parts of your soul and before you ask how I'm here, it's because I'm also a soul within this body]

" That's obvious". Zyran tried looking around, but it was too dark. "Now what?".

[We search for the light]

"What light?".

[You'll know when you see it]

"That's helpful" he said sarcastically and began walking forward, with Telos following behind him."How long will this...Nevermind".

Before Zyran could complete his question, he saw a blue light shining brightly up ahead.

"Is that the light you've been talking about?". He stopped and observed it.

[Yes, now go to it]

Zyran began to walk again, going towards the light. "What is that light?".

[The core of your soul, it is where you'll find your Psychi]

Time began to pass as Zyran drew closer and closer to the light but then he suddenly stopped and turned around, noticing that Telos stopped following him. "Why aren't you coming?".

[This is as far as I can go, if I go any further my powerful soul might damage your core, killing you in the process]

"Uhm... I see". 'That doesn't sound fun'.

[Once you reach the light, you'll instinctively know what to do next. Now go, it's almost noon. If you real body is disturbed while your in this state, there will be irreparable consequences]

Zyran turned around and continued to make his way towards the light. As he drew nearer to the light, he began to feel it's warmth, it felt inviting but, after a while he could feel the heat reaching uncomfortable levels as he got closer. He stopped again, even though he couldn't see his body, he could feel it burning up. "Why is it so damn hot?" He asked himself but received no reply. After adjusting to the heat, he began walking forward again, looking warily at the blue light

20 metres

13 metres

7 metres

4 metres

Zyran was now close enough to the light to see what it actually looked like. It resembled a glowing blue cloud. The heat radiating from it was making it hard for him to continue forward. It felt like sunbathing naked under the hot summer sun. He took a step forward and felt the ground burning his foot. Gritting his teeth, he tried to ignore the pain and continued forward.

'one step'

'Two steps'

'Three steps'

Zyran drew closer and closer to the blue cloud, ignoring the unbearable heat radiating from it. He closed his eyes and kept walking until he entered the blue cloud.

When he opened his eyes again...

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