
Chapter 11- Being too weak

The Imps were scared, by instinct they all wanted to turn tail and flee. But they couldn't, or it would be more precise to say that they didn't want to. Yes, they were explicitly told that all the members of the Yeager Corps are to be avoided on sight, too many of their brethren had fallen, mercilessly cut down by their blades. Only powerful demons had a chance at survival while the weaker bunch would be slayed.

Even if we were to run, we would just be hunted down one by one and eliminated. Run for the gate?, as if we could reach it in time. That woman did not look weak, her agility should be above normal human standards, she would catch up to us and kill us before we could go through the gate. This is without considering Lord Kraven's reaction to all this, he would not be pleased to see us coming back empty handed. Which only left us with one option, fighting back. It sounded dumb but, what else could we do?, just stand there and let her pick us off one by one.

Besides, it's only one woman, if we gang up on her we would at least have a 1% chance at winning, yes 1%. It's better than standing no chance at all.

Ailani calmly observed the Imps, her expression serious but it was obvious to one with keen eyes that she wasn't taking these weaklings seriously. But, remembering the Yeager Corps's code of conduct, she didn't let her guard down. Being strong doesn't necessarily mean you can't lose. Sometimes cunningness can win against strength or maybe if your enemy is arrogant, you could use their arrogance against them. So even though she didn't feel like going all out on a bunch of lower class demons, she had no choice.

With her wakizashi still resting on her shoulder, Ailani's eyes suddenly glowed golden for a few seconds before returning back to their original sky blue.

When her eyes turned golden, the Imps instinctively felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell what it was.

Ailani no longer waited, she slowly pulled her wakizashi out of it's scabbard before throwing the scabbard away. Just like Thea, she dragged her right foot back and lowered her stance, her blade pointed towards the imps. She then sprinted forward, targeting the nearest demon.

When one of the imps, one with blue skin, noticed that the human is coming towards it, it instinctively raised it's arm to block.


Ailani's blade bounced back, as if it struck impenetrable metal. She almost let go of her katana when the residual force made it continuously vibrate in her hands. She could feel the numbness caused by the clash. 'The heck'.

She wasn't the only one shocked, the other imps were shocked too, they thought for sure that they would see a head rolling. The blue imp that blocked Ailani's attack was the most shocked, he had no idea what happend just now, he looked at his arms as if he has suddenly gained some super power.

Ailani didn't allow the surprise to distract her, she gave the blue imp a wary glance before going after another demon. Her target was a brown skinned imp. She then moved forward with unmatched agility, determined to quickly end this.

When the brown skinned imp saw Ailani coming at it next, it also raised it's arms and crossed them Infront of it, thinking that maybe it too had also gained some sort of power. But after a few seconds of feeling nothing, it uncrossed it's arms and looked towards Ailani who at this moment was swinging her blade towards it's neck but... She seemed slow, no, she was slow, as if she was barely moving at all, frozen in place some would think.

The imp was suddenly confused. 'Why is she so slow?'. Without thinking much about it. The imp flicked the wakizashi's blade away from it's neck whilst also sending it flying away from Ailani's hand, Almost breaking her wrist with it's casual action. It then pulled it's fist back and punched her in the stomach with so much forced that she was sent flying, only to later crash on the trailer of a truck and going through it.

In Ailani's point of view everything happened too fast. She was going to decapitate the demon and then move on to another. But that demon showed speed that truly astounded her. It's movements were a blur to her eyes, while it's immense strength knocked the air out of her lungs and almost made her lose consciousness. Her insides felt as if they've been turned inside out with that single punch. After blasting through the trailer, she felt like her spine was a second away from splitting in half.

Again the Imps were shocked by this display of power they suddenly possessed. One Imp suddenly gaining unmatched defense was okay, weird things happen all the time in the realm of demons even if it was supposed to be impossible for a lower class demon to possess any ability, but two imps suddenly gaining strong powers, that was abnormal.

If two of our kind suddenly gained such abilities then what about the rest of us?, Did we gain powers too? There was only one way to find out.

They watched Ailani slowly crawl out of the trailer, a trail of blood following behind her. She was clutching her right arm, that had a bone protruding out of it. Though she displayed no signs of pain from such an injury. With absolute calmness, she slowly pulled her arm back and then knocked the bone back in position in a sickening display of ruthlessness, her expression briefly contorting into that of pain. Then, a few seconds later the wound started closing by itself, though it was a slow process. She raised her right arm and slowly wiggled her fingers. After she was done with her actions, she raised her left hand towards the wakizashi that was flung away, causing it to vibrate before flying back to her hand. She then gripped it tightly whilst wiping the stain of blood from her mouth.

The imps no longer felt fear towards the human, instead they felt like it was her who should fear them. What's wrong with her?, doesn't she see that were stronger than her?, why does she keep coming for more?.

Ailani went into her stance again, before shooting forward. Targeting another demon. This time she went after a dark skinned Imp, like before she was going for decapitation.

And again just like before she was sent flying. This time towards a traffic light, before falling and crashing down with a sickening thud. With her wakizashi still in her hand, she stood up, using it to support herself as her legs were too weak to stand. One of her legs was broken, she was also suffering from internal bleeding while her left eye could no longer see properly after being coverd in blood. Each heavy breath filled her with immense pain as her fractured ribs had punctured her left lung. Her current appearance looked pitiful.

The imps took this chance to slowly walk towards her and surround her, though she still showed no fear, something they found very disturbing. ' what's wrong with this human?, it's as if all she knows what to do is fight. But then again, she's so pathetically weak. Is she truly a member of the famed Yeager Corps or have they suddenly become weak for some reason, weak enough that even us lower class demons could handle them. Whatever, since we're here we might as well have some fun.

A black skinned imp walked towards the weakened Ailani and slapped her right cheek, causing her teeth to come out flying and the skin on her face to peel off. Losing the support of her wakizashi caused her to fall down on the cold, hard road.

The imp then grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up so that she faced him. He enjoyed her pained expression as he had never thought that they'd be a day were he would win a fight against a member of the Yeager Corps.

No longer feeling threatened by her. He allowed his eyes to roam all over her body that was tightly hugged by her armour, a truly appealing sight. He then brought his claw towards her chest and then tried to rip her breastplate off but failed. The metal it was made from seemed resistant to his sharp claws. But then he noticed the button behind her neck and pressed it. What followed next was the breast plate detaching from her armour, only leaving a black piece of fabric that had a zipper behind her. The imp hurriedly pulled the zipper down, her delicate white skin and perfectly round breast brought into view . He grabbed her bra and then easily tore it off, setting her breasts free.

Not wanting to wait too long, he tried grabbing one of her breast only for his hand to passed through her. This shocked all the Imps, as some of them were enjoying the show and were waiting for it to get to the best part. The black imp was thinking that he might be imagining things and so he tried grabbing her breast once more only for his hand to phase through her once more.

"What's going on?".

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