
Chapter 5

After Leon left, I took a few books and left for the garden. I'm getting bored now reading the same useless information written in these books, my time is better used on something else. As I strolled through the garden I saw a flying blue butterfly-like creature. 

If I remember correctly this is called a crystalfly. I wonder if I can take the core and use it to make condensed resin... probably not, I don't even know where to get resin or if it even exists here, maybe it's just in the game.

I followed the crystalfly as it flew and left some ice dust that instantly vanished. It led me to the iron walls of the manor and flew away.

I wonder how they're born. 

The skies is going dark, I should go back.

Going back inside I searched for Leon.

He surely caused trouble again.

Time passed and I couldn't seem to find him. I wonder where he is?

I saw a maid walking passed by and decided to ask his whereabouts. I pulled on her sleeves and asked.

"Um, did you see Leon?"

"Young master Leon is at the library, Young master Leo." She answered respectfully and bowed before leaving. 

"Leon is at the library?!" I was so shocked. How could that Leon, who doesn't like reading, be at the library?! It's unbelievable!

I instantly walked towards the library.

I opened the door, and my eyes scanned the whole room. I roamed around the large library. Minutes passed and I still can't find him. 

Where is he?

I suddenly heard a rustling sound on the corner near the entrance. I slowly approached it as if expecting a monster to pop out and eat me.

In there, I saw Leon reading a book!!! It looks like he even enjoys it!!!

I stared at him for a few seconds until he finally noticed me.

"Leo! Why didn't you tell me there's a fun book to read like this?!" He stood up and showed me the book.

The book is simple, with drawings and simple words for kids to read; yes, its a picture book.

I looked at the book and read the title. "The Hero and the Shadow" It's that one huh.

"This is so cool!" He exclaimed. I then asked him. 

"What did you like?"

"Everything! The hero, the Shadow, and the Princess, they're so cool!" He then showed me one of the pictures in the book. A princess is being carried by the hero while the shadow is following behind.

"Good for you I guess." I smiled and thought that I could use this to make him read more.

"Hey, Leon, wanna read more books like this?" I asked.

"There's more like this?!" He beamed with joy and started begging me to show him more.

He followed me to the left part of the library where these types of books are gathered and handed him one that has a young prince and a princess.

We then go back to our room, waiting for our dinner while reading books... Weird, the room is so peaceful.

After eating, I read one more book about Sumeru and then went to sleep.


Deep in the night, I could feel someone shaking me, the intensity gets stronger and stronger as time passes. 

"Leo...Leo...Leo wake up." I heard Leon's voice. Refusing to wake up, I pulled the blanket and covered myself with it.

"Tsk, Leo come on, wake up!" He snatched the blanket away from me with force forcing me to wake up.

"Leon, it's late, what do you want?" I said softly as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"I can't sleep and it's your fault!" He said while pointing his hands at me.

"Stop accusing me, I didn't do anything." I took back the blanket and covered myself back; not wanting to be bothered. He then sat near the window at the bed and opened the window.

"Leon! Its cold!" I protested.

"Oh come on, the wind is nice. Come here, look! The moon is beautiful!" He urged me as he pointed at the moon in the sky.

I sat beside him, knowing he wouldn't stop bothering me until he got what he wants. It's better to get this over with and go back to sleep.

The moonlight seep through the open window, it felt majectic and romantic; I feel like I live inside a fairytale.

"Leo, I decided."

"Decided what?"

"I want to be a hero when I grow up! And you will be my shadow!" He proclaimed.

"Don't want to." I flatly said.

"Ohh come on! It'll be fun!"

"..." I stayed silent knowing the fate we will probably have will be far from that of a hero since our father is deeply related to the Fatui.

"Wouldn't it be nice! Two brothers, fight to save the world! Everyone will cheer for us and we will meet a princess!" He stood up. I could see his enthusiasm. He looked stunningly cool for some reason; it might be the moonlight enhancing his looks.

"It would be cool! And I promise! I'll get you your princess since the first princess is mine!" He seems so sold in this, I guess its fine to play along. 

"Alright." I said.

"I would also make your name known to the wor-" He looked at me, then he grabbed my shoulders.


"Yeah, so, let's go back to sleep now." 

"Wait! Let's stay here for awhile. I want to stare at the moon some more." I didn't know he could appreciate such things. I guess its fine to humor him just this once. We stayed glued staring at the moon for minutes.


"What is it, Leon."

"I love you."


I could not answer him. It's the first time in my life that someone said that word to me. Not even Papa said I love you to us. Moments passed, a short but long silence engulfed us.

The memories of that person resurfaced in my mind. The times that he stayed at the orphanage, his first love, his first breakup. His life flashed through my mind, and I finally replied.

"I love you too, Leon."

The cold wind came in and we had to close the window ending our makeshift stargazing. As we lay on the bed, Leon held my hand tight.

"Leo, we'll be together forever, right?" I don't know why he asked but for some reason I feel compelled to answer.

"Yes, brother, nothing will separate us." I assured.

He smiled. It's the happiest smile I've ever seen from him. Perhaps I look at things differently since I have my past life's memories. I might have neglected my brother. 
