
Obliterating Judgment of Shamash Consciousness

"Spill it, what secrets are you hiding, Sampo Koski?"

Kevin leaned back on the ice chair, looking at Sampo with a calm expression, as if he wasn't too interested in whatever Sampo was about to say.

Seeing Kevin's indifferent attitude, Sampo got the feeling that no matter what he said, this guy wouldn't be very interested. For a moment, Sampo wasn't sure where to start.

"Uh... Big brother, please don't take offense if what I say doesn't sound right!"

Sampo put his hands together and gave Kevin a bow. Kevin, surprised by his actions, looked a little taken aback.

He hadn't said anything threatening, so what exactly was going through this guy's head?

Kevin nodded without a word, signaling Sampo to continue.

"That guy Dan Heng came to me earlier saying you guys were looking for something called a 'Stellaron'—just hearing the name sounds impressive. If there's any clue about that, 'Wildfire' are your best bet."

Sampo explained why Dan Heng ended up fighting in the arena.

Kevin nodded in understanding. If Dan Heng was participating in matches for the sake of the Stellaron, it made sense.

Seeing that Kevin had no objections, Sampo began explaining more about the Wildfire.

"The Wildfire are sort of like Belobog's Ironmane Guards underground. They're a group of hard working people who organized themselves to maintain the order of the Underworld."

"After the Ironmane Guards pulled out, the Wildfire were the ones keeping the peace in the underworld. They've been around long enough, so if anyone knows about the Stellaron, it'd be them."

Kevin narrowed his eyes at Sampo, a faint red glow flickering in his pupils—a sign of his special abilities.

"You should have some way to introduce us to the Wildfire, right? You might fool Dan Heng, but you won't fool me."

"The Wildfire' leader is... Oleg, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Sampo quickly nodded with a laugh. He didn't know where Kevin had gotten this information, but it was no secret.

"Ah, big brother, you're so sharp and observant. You figured it out in no time..."

Before he could finish his flattery, Kevin interrupted him.

"Oleg isn't the real leader of the Wildfire. The one at the clinic is, isn't that right? And also, you're with—"

"Enough! Kevin, if you look too deeply, you might regret it. Sometimes, being too smart can backfire."

Sampo's face turned cold as he stared at Kevin.

"Joy... Memory... Destruction..."

Kevin stood up, pulling out his weapon, Judgement of Shamash.

"This sword, it was also crafted by one of you, wasn't it? But even so..."

Red energy began to spread from Kevin's body, slowly crawling up the blade of Judgement of Shamash.

The moment the red energy touched the sword, it began to tremble violently. The force threatened to erase its consciousness.

Judgement of Shamash struggled with all its might, trying to break free from Kevin's grasp, but Kevin held it tightly, refusing to let it escape.

As the sword realized it couldn't outmatch Kevin's strength, it ignited in dark red flames, attempting to burn him alive.

"A sword becomes a weapon of mine because only I can break it. Do you really think you have the power to kill your master?"

The flames, carrying the essence of "Destruction," burned all over Kevin's body, but they didn't harm him in the slightest. He used his powers over ice to perfectly block the flames' heat.

The red energy swiftly engulfed the sword, intensifying its efforts to wipe out its consciousness. Over time, the trembling of the blade subsided, and the burning flames slowly extinguished. Its consciousness had been successfully erased.

Ever since the space station, Kevin had felt something was off about Judgement of Shamash, with its strange black flames that carried the aura of destruction but lacked the intense feeling of ruin that should've come with it.

Then, after obtaining the black gem filled with "pure destruction" and fusing it into the Judgement of Shamash, Kevin noticed something else. Even after the fusion, it didn't carry that reckless, furious, and destructive aura one would expect from destruction.

Kevin started to suspect that something else had tainted the aura of destruction. Then, when he saw the bizarre, performance-like deaths of the monsters he fought using the Judgement of Shamash with the black gem, he realized something was wrong.

After observing the sword's odd behavior and personality after it gained sentience, along with the vague sense of being watched, Kevin finally understood the truth—Aeon of Joy, Aha.

Perhaps it had always been Aha from the beginning. There's even a legend that Aha once struck a crack into Nanook's chest.

Would Nanook really wear that like a badge of honor, claiming it as a mark of blessing? That doesn't seem very likely, does it?

"Misinformation spread by rumor, it's just a bunch of riddle-makers confusing the truth!"

When Kevin first received that golden blessing mark, he had felt the purest, most authentic force of destruction.

He still couldn't fully conclude anything now, but perhaps the mark was real. Otherwise, how could he explain his ability to absorb the power of the Stellaron, to sense the destructive force? Could Nanook have wanted him to experience His disgrace?

As for Fuli, Kevin suspected that the one who had been speaking while pretending to be Nanook earlier was actually him. The impression he gave off was similar to the memory crystal obtained from the Simulated Universe.

This particular Aeon had fixated on him for reasons unknown. Now, Kevin couldn't help but suspect some kind of connection between these Aeons.

Kevin glanced down at the sword in his hand, the Judgement of Shamash. As its consciousness was erased, the black aura dissipated. The impurities were purged, and the true essence of destruction began to reveal itself. The entire sword grew brighter, its previously murky form now unified.

He reverted the Judgement of Shamash back into its dual-gun form. The once black gemstone had now turned a clear, glowing gold—this was the purest form of destruction.

After stowing the weapon in his space, Kevin lifted his head and looked at Sampo.

"Anything you'd like to say?"

"When did you figure it out?" Sampo asked warily, preparing himself for any sudden moves.

Kevin looked at him indifferently, but still offered an explanation.

"The aura... the one on you is similar to the one that was on my sword, the aura of a Pathstriders on the Path of Elation."

"There are plenty of people in the universe walking the Path of Elation. What's so strange about that?"

Sampo feigned innocence, still hoping to get away with his scheme.

"You seem like someone who came to watch a performance."

Kevin made no attempt to hide his ability.

"So it's true... You really can see my thoughts…"

Kevin's straightforwardness confirmed what Sampo had been suspecting.

Kevin frowned and asked, "You've had your eye on me from the beginning. What's your real goal? Did He send you?"

Sampo smirked coldly. "Heh, you already know. Just like you said earlier, I'm here to watch your little show."

Kevin said nothing. It was indeed what Sampo was thinking at the moment. The man hid everything else so well that Kevin couldn't read anything further.

Just then, a voice called out from behind the ice wall.

"Kevin! Sampo! Are you guys in there?"

It was March 7th. She had found them with two of her companions.

Kevin gestured slightly with his hand, and the ice wall began to melt. March 7th and the others took the opportunity to walk in.

As they entered, they saw Kevin and Sambo standing face to face. The group assumed they had interrupted a conversation.

"What were you guys just talking about?" Stelle asked as she walked up, sensing something wasn't quite right.

"We were talking about 'Wildfire'…"

Kevin didn't reveal Sampo's true identity to the others. Since he had already removed the tampering of Elation from the Judgment of Shamash, it served as a warning not to pull any tricks. Pointing it out now might just push Elation toward becoming a direct enemy.

Besides, he was also curious to see what Sampo—or rather, what Elation—was truly planning.

"Yeah, we were just discussing how to introduce you all to the Wildfire," Sampo quickly played along, taking advantage of Kevin's silence to mislead the group.

March 7th immediately sensed something was off and pointed accusingly at Sampo.

"The Wildfire? You can introduce us to them? Then why'd you trick Dan Heng into entering that tournament?"

Sampo stammered a reply, "Uh… uh, right, right! He needed some fame first. Once he's famous, the Wildfire would be more willing to meet him. There's no harm in that, right?"

"So, does the Wildfire really have information about the Stellaron?" Stelle scratched her head and asked, "Wasn't the Stellaron with The Great Guardian?"

"Well, tge Great Guardian is definitely connected to the Stellaron. But regular people can't handle its power. If it really were with The great Guardian, the entire fort of Qlipoth would've been torn apart by now," Dan Heng clarified.

Stelle nodded thoughtfully, though it wasn't clear whether she fully understood.

"The Wildfire has been active Underworld for years. It's full of experts. They should know something about the Stellaron you're looking for," Sampo explained. Hearing the same lines again, Kevin urged him.

"Lead the way. We can talk while we walk."

Sampo looked at Kevin and smiled. "Same thing I've said before: Sampo never lets down the people who help him out. Follow me."


Also Check out another Fanfic i translate: Producing Genshin Impact : Elysia Helps Me Speak For Myself

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