

"Keep it moving! A bit more! More! More! WAIT! Stop! That's perfect!" Azuma shouted, gesturing to the large construction crane in front of him. The crane dropped the sign into place, unintentionally sending a piece of wood flying at Azuma. He didn't move, letting it bounce off his hard helmet.

"What the hell is going on out here?!" Aphrodite shouted from behind him, the goddess floating out from the cave entrance into the DxD realm, "I'm trying to sleep!"

"It's two in the afternoon," Azuma deadpanned at her, and she had the decency to blush.

"A-Anyway! What's all this?" Aphrodite asked, gesturing in front of her. Next to the cave entrance was now a huge, towering wooden building. 

"A hot-springs resort," Azuma answered as if it was obvious.

Aphrodite blinked, her body language suddenly becoming a lot more excited, "A hot springs?! Really?! Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've been one of those! This will be so awe- wait, why are you building a hot springs resort?"

"Because I'm a fuckin' genius," Azuma responded bluntly. Aphrodite just stared at him blankly.

"Fine. You remember that wolf pup we captured?" 


"You literally fed him last night," Azuma deadpanned, and Aphrodite's face lit up.

"Oh, the doggy! Yeah, I know him!"

"Well, we get a point for every day that wolf is in the dungeon," Azuma continued, "I tested it out a bit more with Ravel, and it's not just monsters that give us points. Any living being that's not a part of the dungeon that stays within it will give us points every day."

"..." Aphrodite stared at him blankly.

"So," Azuma explained further, "When the dungeon level ups, I'll be able to expand it further. I'll include the resort in the dungeon radius, then when people come to stay in it, we'll get points!"

"But," Aphrodite frowned, the bimbo goddess being strangely smart for once, "The doggy only gives one point a day. Unless you get a lotttttt of people to stay here, wouldn't it just be better to focus on expanding the dungeon underground and getting more ores?"

"The level one pup only gives one point," Azuma nodded, "But, I had Ravel bring a level ten hellhound pup from the underworld yesterday, and it gave 25 points a day. That was just for a weak shitter mob, but we're living right in the supernatural epicenter of the world…"

"Oh! So super strong guys will stay here, and the dungeon will get a bunch of points!" Aphrodite finished, and Azuma nodded.


"But, don't we get points for the doggy because it's a prisoner?" Aphrodite asked, actually making an intelligent point for once, "Staying at a hot springs resort doesn't sound like imprisonment to me."

"It is when I lock the doors," Azuma responded bluntly, "We'll just lock them every night at a certain time."

"Ohhhh! You are a genius, Azuma!" Aphrodite exclaimed, letting out a small cheer as she stared at the building being constructed. 

Well, two smart questions in a row is a new record. Can't expect a third one.

There were a lot more problems that came with Azuma's idea, but Aphrodite wasn't smart enough to ask about them. Luckily, Azuma had thought the plan through.

He'll use Ravel's money to both build the resort and hire employees. While the Yen couldn't be converted to points very efficiently through the system, using it to fund an operation that would bring in a lot of points was almost like converting the Yen to points.

The initial problem with the resort idea was the one that Aphrodite had mentioned - keeping powerful supernatural beings as 'prisoners' was difficult. From his testing with the wolf and hellhound pups, there had to be something physically preventing the monster from leaving for it to count as a prisoner.

The wolf pup was currently living in a small hole - which Ravel had kitted out with so much food, bedding, and toys that it was more like a hole mansion - that prevented it from leaving. However, if Azuma took it out of the hole, then nothing was stopping the pup from running out of the dungeon. 

But - Azuma had found a bit of a loophole in this. While something had to be preventing a prisoner from leaving, it didn't have to make it impossible for them to leave. In fact, it didn't even have to make them work all that hard to leave. In the specific wolf-pup instance, that meant that the curtains hanging over the tunnels to each realm counted as something that prevented prisoners from leaving. The wolf pup could just push past it and leave, but it was still technically blocking its escape route.

By that same line of logic, a locked door would prevent someone from leaving the resort. Even if practically any supernatural being in Kuoh could just rip down the door, it was still technically preventing them from leaving, even if it wasn't doing a very good job.

The next problem was a bit trickier.

"Master," Ravel's voice came from around the building, the woman wearing an overly big hard hat and construction vest for her petite body, "I'm sorry for doubting you, but… most people won't stay an entire 24 hours in the resort, right?"

"That's correct," Azuma hummed, "When most people go to a resort, they won't stay there the entire day. They might check in one night, and then leave the next morning. Or, if they're a tourist, they would leave to go check out the local area. Even if they're a local, they would still probably leave to go eat dinner or somethin'."

"Oh, that's true," Aphrodite frowned, staring up at the huge building as a devil worker slammed their hammer onto it, attaching another piece of wood, "So, no hot springs?"

"Yes hot springs," Azuma said bluntly, "I have a work around that. They wouldn't stay an entire 24 hours at a normal resort, but they will at ours. Ours won't be a normal resort."

"Oh, I see! Sorry for doubting you, master!" Ravel nodded, bowing her head slightly at him.

"Yup, good job, Azuma!" Aphrodite nodded, smiling again now that the hot spring resort was staying.

"You're not going to ask how it's gonna be different?" Azuma deadpanned.

"Nah. You'll figure it out."

"I trust you, Master. I don't need to know the specifics," Ravel nodded. The trio fell into silence as Azuma's eye twitched.

"B-But, if you want to explain it…" Ravel cleared her throat, looking up at him with a fake curious look, "How will our resort be different from a normal one, Master?!"

"Ah, I'm glad you asked, my dear Ravel," Azuma nodded, ignoring the way she blushed at his words, "We will be using… that!"

Azuma pointed dramatically at the small rock-like ball on the ground a few feet away.

"The Tallac Berry?" Aphrodite asked questioningly.

"Yup!" Azuma nodded, "Remember how you were all like 'it's silver! I love silver, so it has to taste good!'"

"Do I sound like that?" Aphrodite muttered.

"No, you're more bimbo-y. I can't replicate that."


"Anyway," Azuma continued, "While your reason was stupid - like, really stupid. Incredibly stupid. One of the stupidest lines of reason that I-"

"Ok, I get it! Get on with it!" Aphrodite whined.

"Right. While the reason was stupid, you were actually right," Azuma said, almost looking appreciatively at Aphrodite, "The berry tastes good. Really good."

"I knew it!" Aphrodite nodded, her finger cupping her chin sagely, "Something silver can't taste bad! It's impossible!"

"It's definitely possible," Azuma deadpanned, "But, you were right. Taga prepared it for me, and he did a pretty shit job - he just slammed a hammer into it a bunch of times and tossed it on a plate - but it was still amazing. It was that good, and it'll be even better when Phenex Clan-trained chefs make it instead of a random rat! Do you see where I'm going with this?"

"I do!" Aphrodite nodded excitedly.

"Where am I going with it?" Azuma asked, and Aphrodite's grin faded away. She blushed, turning away and not looking at him.

"...I don't know…"

"Didn't think so. We have an S-Tier food item on our hand, and we're the only ones who can produce it," Azuma explained, "It'll be one of the pulls for the resort. Serving it will bring in a ton of guests, and we'll serve specific dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to incentivize guests to stay for the entire day."

"Oh, that's a great idea, Master!" Ravel nodded supportively.

"Is it really that good? Good enough to make people eat in at the resort to have it?" Aphrodite asked doubtfully, then flipped a complete 180 as she started nodding rapidly, "It's silver, of course it is! Good idea, Azuma!"

"It maybe is," Azuma corrected, "We'll have to see. If the guest-to-point ratio isn't good enough, then I have some other ideas as well. But, I'll save those for after it doesn't work. Wouldn't wanna do more work than I have to."

That's the plan - get as many points as possible for the least amount of effort. The true billionaire mindset.

"Oh, right," Azuma turned to Ravel, "Can you contact the devils here for me? Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri?"

Ravel nodded, "I can. What for, Master?"

"They technically own this whole city," Azuma said, waving lazily at the area around them, "I need to get in contact with them before the resort is finished, or they'll throw a fit."

"Would it not be better for you to contact them, Master?" Ravel asked, tilting her head cutely at him, "It might raise suspicions if I ask on your behalf."

"Nah, it's fine," Azuma shook his head, "It'd be better for them to be contacted by someone they at least know of rather than a random human magician that appeared out of nowhere. Just tell them that you're my girlfriend and funding the resort."

"Y-Your girlfriend?" Ravel stuttered, blushing slightly at his words, "You're so forward, Master… but of course I accept! It'll take some time to convince my parents to accept that I'm marrying a human, but once they meet you and see how awesome you are they'll definitely understand!"

Azuma stared at her blankly, and Ravel's face turned even more red.

"It's just a cover-up," Azuma said bluntly, "We're not actually dating."

"R-Right!" Ravel nodded, her face looking dejected as she stared down at her feet.

Fine, I can't just leave her like that. I'll give her something.

"...yet," Azuma said, then quickly continued speaking as Ravel looked up at him with big eyes, "Set up the meeting for some time this week, alright? Towards the end of the week preferably."

Having the meeting soon would be good so I can get the resort up and running as soon as possible, but I also need some more time to train. I need to make a good first impression.

"Yes, Master! I'll go do it right now!" Ravel said excitedly, still energetic after his previous implication. She snapped her fingers and a magic circle appeared under her, whisking her away from the area.

"Was that smart?" Aphrodite asked, looking at him questioningly, "The Gremorys don't really get along with the Phenexs, right?"

Azuma stared at Aphrodite blankly for a moment, "Are… are you really Aphrodite?"

"What? Of course I am!"

"No, the Aphrodite I know isn't this smart," Azuma hummed, walking up and poking at the flying woman, "She wouldn't think of questions like this. She'd be demanding to eat the silver berry or something instead!"

"Hey! I can be smart sometimes!" Aphrodite whined, fighting off Azuma's giant finger.

"Anyway, the two clans not getting along is actually a good thing," Azuma explained, "It means that they won't be in contact at all."

While the resort was being built with Phenex family funds, the Phenex family hadn't exactly signed off on it. To be more specific - they had no idea it was happening. But, when you have a near-infinite supply of money, and you gave your daughter access to that near-infinite amount of money, then you don't notice some disappearing.

Picking Ravel was turning out to be the perfect choice - the girl could buy practically anything without raising suspicions. Due to none of their sons being good fits for taking over the clan - Ruval being more focused on growing his strength and competing in rating games, Riser for being a moronic womanizer, and the other one for being so unimportant that he didn't have a name - Ravel was being trained on the ins and outs of running the Phenex Clan. That meant that she had direct access to all the family funds, and could hide any transactions easily.

"If the two clans were all buddy-buddy, then me being here and being close to Ravel could become known to the rest of her family," Azuma continued, "But, since Rias hates Riser and wants nothing to do with him, she won't say a word about this to anyone from the Phenex Clan."

"Oh! That's smart, Azuma!"

"I know."

"It was a compliment! You're supposed to say thank you!"


And so, the Dungeon Master and Goddess duo continued to bicker as the resort slowly continued to be constructed.


"How do I raise my INT, Aph?"

"I dunno."

"Yeah, I thought so," Azuma sighed, walking towards the exit to the DxD realm.

"Where are you going, Master?" Ravel asked, the woman watching TV on the couch.

"Gonna go read a bunch of shit and hope my INT goes up," Azuma replied lazily.

"Should I come with you?" 

"Nah, it's fine. It'll be boring. I'll probably get bored outta my mind and come back soon anyway," Azuma waved back dismissively, walking into the tunnel. 

Where do you go when you need INT? The library, of course!

For most of Azuma's stats, it was pretty self-explanatory. For STR, you needed to level up a strength-related milestone, like punch, pushups, kicking, etc.

For AGI, a speed-related milestone! Running, jogging, jumping, etc.

For END, an endurance-related milesto- you get the idea.

However, for INT, Azuma hadn't found anything yet. Granted, he hadn't really tried either. 

Azuma walked out of the cave exit, entering the huge forest surrounding the cave. Or, what had once been a huge forest, as it was now a dirt road with a huge building on the side. 

The resort's almost done.

Azuma tensed his legs, pushing off the ground and starting to run down the long dirt road. His foot hit the ground, and then he disappeared entirely, appearing a couple dozen feet ahead. He continued jogging forward, quickly exiting the forest and entering into the city-like area that was Kuoh.

If I was a library, where would I be?

Azuma thought for about half a second before giving up and pulling his phone out of his pocket. He quickly looked up the nearest library and then headed over. He reached the building in mere minutes, looking up at the rickety sign hanging over it.

Kuoh City Library? What a basic ass name.

[Reading] training started!

[3/10] Until Milestone!

Azuma blinked in surprise, staring at the notification.

Wait… I read three words… and got three points of progress?

Azuma quickly spun around, looking at the sign on a nearby restaurant. It was only two words, but he quickly read it in his head.

[5/10] Until Milestone!

Every word I read gives me a point of progress?!

Slowly, a huge grin formed on Azumas face. He glanced around, his eyes quickly rolling across every word he could see in the vicinity.

[Reading] Training Milestone Reached!

+1 INT!


[0/25] Until Milestone!

[Reading] Training Milestone Reached!

+1 INT!


[0/50] Until Milestone!

In not even 10 seconds, Azuma gained two intelligence. He promptly turned around, heading back towards the dungeon as an idea formed in his head.

This game is so fuckin' easy!


"Hey, um, A-Azuma? Are you busy?" Aphrodite asked, looking worriedly at her Dungeon Master.

"Nah, you need something?"

"Just wondering why you're… doing that," Aphrodite said, watching as Azuma stared directly at a computer screen, looking like an old man as his face was a bit too close to it.

"Farmin' INT," Azuma answered briefly.

"...How?" Aphrodite asked, peeking around his head and looking at the screen, "How can you even read that?! It's too fast!"

"I'm not reading it," Azuma said bluntly. In front of him, the computer screen continued to scroll down, line after line of text appearing. The entire screen was filled with various words, none of them making a coherent sentence.

"Then how are you getting INT?" Aphrodite asked curiously.

"I realized something earlier today. I've been doing everything wrong. Everything," Azuma said, his eyes still glued to the screen.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The system is so forgiving. Like, super forgiving," Azuma started to explain, "Probably because it's meant for stupid ogres and weak little rats, not for humans. When I went into the city earlier, I realized that I wasn't actually getting progress points for reading the words. It was just for looking at them."

"Just looking at them?" Aphrodite echoed, and Azuma nodded.

"I don't need to read the word. I don't even need my brain to process it. As long as I looked at it, I get progress," Azuma explained, the milestone progress constantly ticking up next to him as he stared at the screen, "Humans weren't meant to be Dungeon Masters. All the dumbass monster Dungeon Masters would never get any INT, since most of them probably can't even read, so the system just gives it out for making an attempt. Just my eyes taking in the image of a word is enough."

"Oh!" Aphrodite nodded, "I don't really get it, but sounds good!"

Azuma sighed, "Here, I'll explain it like this. Watch."

Azuma stood up and then held his fist up. His arm started vibrating, his fist shaking in place.

"What are you doing?" Aphrodite asked blankly.

"Punching," Azuma replied.

"Huh? That's not a punch! A punch is all like… pow!" Aphrodite thrusted her arm out, punching into the air.

"Yeah, that's a punch, but so is this," Azuma said, looking over seriously at her, "It's not a good punch. It's not a form-accurate punch. My fist is barely moving, but it's technically going forward a bit, so the system counts it as a punch."

Aphrodite stared, watching as Azuma looked stupid while his fist shook in the air, "...That's dumb."

"Yeah, I should've realized this sooner. Only a dumbass would give a Goddess like you the power to give this system out, so the creator must also be a dumbass," Azuma continued, ignoring her indignant whine, "I was wasting so much time, trying to be all proper with my punches. Doing perfect form, putting all strength into them. Actually trying to train, when I'm getting 1000x times the results just doing this."

Honestly, it's kinda lame, but I'm not above using any loopholes the system has. 

"And damn am I glad there are loopholes like this," Azuma deadpanned, staring at his vibrating fist, "because the progression system is fucking ridiculous. I'm only approaching mid-class devil levels of strength, and I already need to punch a million fuckin' times to level up!"

"The system isn't meant to be quick," Aphrodite countered, "Most of the super-strong monsters on lower floors are millions of years old. It'll take time to get that strong!"

"Millions? Yeah, not happening," Azuma said dismissively, sitting back down in his chair. He leaned forward, his eyes scanning over the words again as his fist continued to shake, giving him both INT and STR progress, "I'm a human. If I don't become immortal somehow, then I'll be dead by 100. And, I don't wanna waste a hundred damn years training!"

"As someone who's lived for thousands of years, let me give you some advice. This is something I learned long, long ago, from the wisest Goddess I know: Athena!" Aphrodite said, the woman's face turning serious. Azuma blinked, stopping his training to look back at her.

She's actually been acting pretty smart lately. Maybe I don't give her enough credit…

"Patience is a vermin!" Aphrodite said, her face dead serious as she stared at Azuma. Then, she frowned and looked down at the floor, "Wait, no! Patience is a venom! Or… a vitamin? Are vitamins good? It was probably that! Patience is a vitamin!"

Nah. I'm giving her too much credit.

"Patience is a virtue," Azuma corrected, not bothering to say more as he turned back to the computer, "But I'm not that patient. Even with the insane XP curve on the training, I'll still be high-class by the end of the week with this loophole."

I'll start expanding my focus into other STR training, like kicking. If I think smart and come up with a lot of different training techniques, then I can be ultimate class by the end of the month.

"Virtue? Are those the things you eat?" Aphrodite wrinkled her nose at him, "I never liked those. Oh, unless they're the gummy ones! I love those!"

Way too much credit.


"Yo, Aphrodite. Wanna come with to take over a dungeon?"

"Oh, that sounds fun! Let's do it!" Aphrodite nodded, then stopped suddenly and did a double-take, "Wait, take over a dungeon?!"

"Yeah," Azuma hummed, casually walking back into the dungeon from where he had been training, "I really wanna level up the dungeon, and Taga says that's how you do it."

Aphrodite blinked, as if suddenly remembering something, "Oh, right! That's how you level up the dungeon, Azuma! You gotta take down other Dungeon Masters!"

"I know, I just said that," Azuma deadpanned at her, "If only you had told me that from the start, and I didn't have to learn from a random rat we found in a cavern."

"Are you sure she's a goddess?" Taga asked, the rat in question inspecting another ore that one of the goblins had brought in.

"Yup. A dumb one, but definitely a goddess," Azuma nodded.

"I'm not dumb!"

"Anyway, dumb goddess aside," Azuma continued, "Taga, you think I can take down that ogre guy you said was a couple of days away?"

"Probably," Taga nodded, "It's an F-Rank dungeon, and the Dungeon Master is an idiot. I'm not sure of his abilities, or how many soldiers he has, but he's been there for years and hasn't reached E-Rank yet, so he shouldn't be too difficult to take down."

"You've become way stronger recently, Azuma! You can definitely do it!" Aphrodite said, making Azuma feel slightly bad for messing with her so much as she encouraged him.

She's right. I'm around mid-class devil level, or about a 4 winged angel. 

Azuma quickly pulled up his stats, looking over them one more time.

[Azuma Kaito]

[Dungeon Master]

Dungeon Rank: F (9,250 D-Value)

Level: 7 (1,250/2,500)

HP: 5,775/5,775

MP: 12,500/12.500

STR: 110

AGI: 85

END: 75

INT: 125

CHA: 5

LUK: 5



Abilities: [Time Dilation], [Health Container]

Dungeon Boosts: None

Points: 1,502

The reading strategy for gaining INT had died out pretty quickly, as even if he cheated the system a bit with the 'not actually reading' method, it now took hours to get 1 INT. However, the short-lived strategy had been far from ineffective.

Despite the progress requirement ramping up into the tens of millions, Azuma had still manage to gain 125 INT. This was significantly more than the other stats, as despite taking longer with each level the reading method was still extremely efficient.

And so, after another two days of training, Azuma was definitively in the mid-class devil range of strength.

Granted, the lower-mid-class range is based on stats, but stats aren't everything.

Azuma had harshly underestimated the progress difficulty curve with his 'high-class by the end of the week' assessment. He'd completely shifted away from the punch training and gone to other STR-increasing ones, but it was still looking like it would take roughly two weeks for him to reach that marker.

However, having a literal time-skip ability made that scale a bit skewed. 

If I was actually good at fighting, then I could probably kick any high-class devil's ass right now. That's a pretty big if though…

Evidently, Azuma shaking his fist in the air might make him stronger, but it didn't make him a better fighter. Even if the combination of his stats and abilities meant he should be strong enough to take down most high-class tier supernatural opponents, his pitiful fighting skills meant that he would probably get his ass kicked.

So, Azuma was more eager than ever to level up the dungeon now and unlock the training units as he started to expand the dungeon outward. His meeting with Rias and Sona was in exactly one week, and he wanted to be ready. 

"Alright! Let's form the army!" Aphrodite said dramatically, raising her fist to enunciate her words.

"Army?" Azuma replied blandly.

"Yeah! We're going to attack a dungeon, so we need an army!" Aphrodite continued, leaning forward to stare Azuma in his eyes seriously, "We need a well-rounded army to take them down! We should start with three ogres to tank, then a few skeletons for range, and finish it off with an army of orcs!"

Azuma blinked, staring at the bimbo goddess.

Not a perfect plan, but surprisingly… decent.

"Wait! I have a better idea!" Aphrodite quickly betrayed any goodwill she had gained, as per usual, "Scrap that! If we use all our points, we can get, like, 400 goblins! That's so many! There's no way that stupid ogre could take them all down!"

There it is.

"No," Azuma deadpanned, "We're not bringing anyone. I'm putting all the points into defense so the dungeon is fine while we're gone."

"N-Not bringing anyone?" Aphrodite parrotted, "We're taking on a whole dungeon, Azuma! He'll have an army! We need an army of our own!"

"Aph," Azuma countered, "Have you ever seen an F-Rank monster? You have - it's this guy."

Azuma held up his arm, showcasing the prisoner wolf pup that was trying to chew on his arm casually, "They're weak. So weak. That's why they're F-Rank. This guy can't even break through my skin. His teeth tickle more than they hurt."

It wasn't just because Azuma had become stronger recently either - the wolf pup still hadn't been able to draw any blood even when Azuma's END had been a measly 8.

"B-But there are gonna be a ton of them, Azuma! You can't just run in alone!" Aphrodite whined, "You haven't even learned how to fight!"

"Hey, Taga," Azuma said in response, grabbing Taga's attention again, "How strong would you say Ravel is? In terms of dungeon ranking."

"Eh? Around D-Rank, I'd say," Taga grunted, "Though if she really has that scary regeneration power that you said she does, then she could be C-Rank."

"How many F-Ranks would it take to take down a C-Rank?" Azuma asked next, then held up his hand to stop Taga from answering right away, "Actually, scratch that. I'll be generous. Let's imagine that this dumbass orge is secretly hiding a huge army of E-Rank monsters. How many E-Ranks would it take?"

"For F-Ranks, it would never happen," Taga said definitively, answering Azuma's first question anyway, "For E-Ranks? If it were a particularly tough one, then maybe ten thousand?"

"T-Ten thousand?" Aphrodite blinked, "There's that big of a gap between E and C-Rank?"

"You're the goddess. Aren't you supposed to know this?" Taga raised an eyebrow at Aphrodite, who looked away and whistled innocently.

Good information to have. Ravel's a high-class devil with an overpowered-ass ability, and she's only C-Rank? 

B-Rank monsters were probably nearing ultimate-class levels of power, and A-Rank would be strong enough to take on faction leaders, like Serafall and Sirzechs. Past that…

I really hope there's not an S-Rank.

"Are there S-Rank monsters?" Azuma asked anyway.

"Of course," Taga replied bluntly, "But, don't even go near 'em. They'll kill ya before you even get a good look."

Wasn't planning on it.

"Ravel will be here right about… now," Azuma pointed to his right, and a magic circle appeared on the ground.

"Good morning, Master!" Ravel greeted, arriving at the same time she did every day.

"Morning," Azuma nodded, "We're taking down a dungeon today."

"Sounds like fun!"

"I know, right?" Azuma smirked, turning to Aphrodite, "Us three are enough for an F-Rank ogre. Actually, us two are enough, but you can come to watch, Aph."

"Hey! Don't act like I'm useless!"

Azuma ignored her, swiping open the defensive unit page.

[LVL 1 Dungeon Defense Units]

[Shield Goblin] - 15 Points

[Turtle Guard] - 25 Points

[Golem Wall] - 50 Points

[Gremlin] - 75 Points

[Harpy] - 150 Points

[Kobold Defender] - 250 Points

[Troll] - 500 Points

[Mimic] - 1000 Points

Azuma swiped his finger, and soon after a glow filled the room. Next to him, a towering green, extremely ugly, troll formed. He was holding a huge wooden club. Then, two red lizard-like creatures formed next to him, each equipped with small daggers and wooden shields.

[Troll] - LVL 1

[Kobold Defender] - LVL 1

[Kobold Defender] - LVL 1

Finally, next to them formed a flurry of goblins, all of which were holding large shields.

[Shield Goblin] - LVL 1

[Shield Goblin] - LVL 1

[Shield Goblin] - LVL 1

[Shield Goblin] - LVL 1

[Shield Goblin] - LVL 1

"You guys are just the last of the line. Hopefully, this is enough…" Azuma swiped his finger again, and a huge, flat, rock-like creature appeared. It towered over everyone in the dungeon, its head nearly poking into the ceiling above. It was flat - looking like it atomically shouldn't exist. It was as if a huge, flat, rock wall had been given eyes and two small feet.

[Golem Wall] - LVL 1

"You guys stay in the dungeon. If anyone but us comes knocking, then take them out," Azuma ordered the troll-led group, who saluted in response, before he turned to the golem, "Big guy, just go stand in front of the entrance when we leave. Oh, I should get one for the other side too."

Azuma swiped his finger again, and another flat wall appeared.

[Golem Wall] - LVL 1

"You'll stand in front of the DxD side." Azuma ordered the new golem, "With both of you, no one should even know the dungeon is here. They'll just see a stone wall."

"Oh, good job, Azuma!" Aphrodite cheered, golf clapping for him. 

"Yeah, I'm a genius, I know," Azuma hummed, walking towards the entrance to the Monster Realm. " Are you guys ready?"

Ravel and Aphrodite nodded at his words, both becoming serious as they had cutely serious faces.

"Alright, let's go take over a dungeon!"

And so, the first of many conquests began.


AN: Thank you for reading! The next chapter will be out in a weekish, or you can read it right now at Patreon.com/Koyon !

Next chapter