
Classic Steve

{A/N: Give me comments and I will give you extra chapters, Deal?}

It was the classic Captain America look of disapproval—the kind where Steve looked like a betrayed wife who had just caught her husband in the middle of an affair. And Tony? Well, Tony didn't exactly ooze innocence.

He stood there with his hands stuffed in his pockets, avoiding Steve's piercing glare like a guy caught red-handed but still trying to play it cool.

You could practically hear the internal monologue in Steve's head: Really, Stark? This is what you've been up to?

Classic Captain America and Iron Man, at it again.

Tony, sensing the tension, finally spoke up. "Guys, I promise I can explain it," he said, hands still deep in his pockets, his face adopting this almost-too-innocent expression, like he was a kid claiming he didn't break the vase...

but the shards were right there at his feet. He looked so sincere it could almost make you believe he couldn't hurt a fly.

Of course, everyone in the room knew better. They had learned long ago that Tony Stark had two settings: genius inventor and walking disaster.

This, clearly, was the latter. The innocent look? That was just a trap, and no one—especially not Steve—was falling for it.

After years of dealing with Tony, the team had figured out one universal truth: Tony Stark couldn't act to save his life.

Sure, he had all the money in the world and could probably buy himself an Oscar, but acting chops? Yeah, not in his skill set.

Steve sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and giving Tony one of those you're in trouble, mister looks that could make anyone sweat. "Tony... tell me, how did you mess up this time?"

he asked, his tone taking on an almost parental edge. Honestly, it was weirdly reminiscent of Pepper scolding Tony after one of his reckless stunts.

"I'll deal with that later, Cap... right now, I've got to have a little chat with that, uh, buddy over there," Tony said, a quick smirk on his face before he leaped down from the high floor he'd been standing on.

Without missing a beat, he hit the ground below with a light thud and immediately bolted toward Ultron, clearly trying to escape the inevitable grilling from Steve.

It wasn't hard to figure out what Tony was doing. This was less about confronting Ultron and more about dodging Cap's questions.

I mean, who actually enjoys explaining complicated tech stuff to their grandparents every time they press the wrong button on their phone? Well, Tony and Steve had a similar dynamic—one that Tony wasn't in the mood for right now.

Seeing Tony make a break for it, Bruce, always the supportive science bro, tried to follow suit. He took a running start but, in true Bruce Banner fashion, his coordination failed him at the worst possible moment.

His foot slipped on the slick floor, and he went down hard, tumbling like a clumsy cartoon character.

For a second, it looked like Bruce had transformed into a chibi version of himself with the way he sprawled on the ground.

"Ouch..." he muttered, rubbing his side as he struggled to push himself back up. He grimaced, feeling one of his teeth wiggle uncomfortably in his mouth from the impact of the fall.

Great. As if the day couldn't get worse, now he might have to make an emergency trip to the dentist. But ever the trooper, Bruce shook it off and sprinted after Tony, albeit a little more cautiously this time.

While Tony was running mostly to save his own skin from Steve's impending lecture, Bruce had a different motivation.

He wasn't all that worried about his safety—after all, Tony usually ended up taking the heat for both of them when things went sideways.

No, Bruce was simply curious. He was sure the robot standing in front of them was Ultron, the very thing they'd created. And now that it was here, moving and talking, Bruce's scientific mind couldn't help but wonder what had gone wrong.

Fear? Nah, that wasn't a concern. Tony was right there, ready to be the scapegoat if anything went south.

"Ultron, do you know what nanotechnology is?" Tony asked without a second thought, his eyes gleaming with curiosity as he studied the robot standing in front of him. It was almost like a scientist testing his latest experiment—because, well, that's exactly what this was.

Bruce, standing just behind Tony, couldn't help but make a face. A mix of confusion and mild disbelief crossed his features.

Ultron was barely two hours old—two hours! The last time Bruce checked on him, he wasn't even fully conscious yet.

And here was Tony, already asking him advanced science questions like they were playing Jeopardy. It made sense, though; Bruce knew exactly why Tony was doing this.

Over the past few days, Bruce had noticed Tony's growing obsession with nanotechnology. He'd been scouring the internet, but there wasn't enough information that truly satisfied his genius-level curiosity.

Bruce figured Tony probably wanted to see just how creative and intelligent Ultron could be, especially with a topic so cutting-edge. But still, this felt a little rushed.

"Tony, I don't think Ultron would even know how to answer something like that yet. He's just—" Bruce began, trying to reason with Tony. But before he could finish, Ultron interrupted.

"Nanotechnology is like playing with really tiny building blocks—so small that you can't even see them with a regular microscope," Ultron began, his voice smooth but mechanical.

"We're talking about stuff that's around 1 to 100 nanometers in size. A nanometer, by the way, is one-billionth of a meter." He continued explaining, casually but precisely, like he'd been doing this for years.

"It's the science of working with these super tiny materials to create new things or improve existing ones, whether it's in medicine, electronics, or even everyday products."

Both Tony and Bruce stood there, their jaws slightly slack. Ultron was sounding like a science professor giving a lecture, and the more he spoke, the more it made sense.

"For example, in medicine," Ultron went on, "nanotechnology might be used to deliver drugs directly to a specific part of your body, like a guided missile going straight to a target.

In electronics, it can help make devices faster and more powerful by shrinking down the components."

Ultron paused for a moment, as if letting the information sink in. "Basically, it's like shrinking things down to such a tiny level that they can do amazing stuff we couldn't do before, all because of how different and unique things behave at the nanoscale."

"Whoa... did you hear that, Bruce?" Tony asked, his voice filled with genuine surprise. He turned to his science bro with wide eyes.

Tony was rarely caught off guard, but even he didn't expect Ultron to be this sharp, especially right after waking up. It almost made him feel relieved that, so far, Ultron didn't seem evil.

Meanwhile, Bruce was still processing what he'd just heard. Ultron had nailed the explanation, but Bruce couldn't shake off the strange feeling creeping up his spine. How was Ultron this smart already?

Unbeknownst to either of them, Ultron's previous life as Azatharok had given him an edge. In that life, he'd studied and even invented nanotechnology. So, explaining it now was like second nature—nothing too impressive in his book.

But Tony's moment of awe was cut short by a familiar, stern voice. "TONY!"

Tony winced. There it was—that annoying voice, always cutting into the moment. He didn't even need to turn around to know it was Steve.

"I want an explanation. Now!" Steve barked, his face a storm of disappointment and frustration.

Behind him, Thor and Black Widow were giving Tony and Bruce equally sharp looks. Neither of them liked where this was heading.

Tony sighed dramatically, his moment of joy thoroughly ruined. He shoved his hands back into his pockets, already anticipating the long, grueling lecture ahead.

Meanwhile, Bruce glanced down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. It wasn't going to be a fun conversation, that's for sure.

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