

"Go get some rest tomorrow it will be a long day" Valery asked Victor. 

Victor nodded and retired heading to his room before closing the door and going to sleep, tomorrow they would come for him. The discomfort of his sleep was obvious having the handcuffs on his wrists and ankles at first was not a problem, but now it was. The burning pain in his body was uncomfortable and horrible, not to mention the weight of the handcuffs. Still Victor closed his eyes, falling into a restless sleep, he tossed and turned in bed. 

In the morning, as the sun rose and the fog grew thicker and whiter, illuminated by sunlight that would never touch the earth. 

Victor got up from his bed, waking up he felt the burning in his wrists and ankles. There was a faint smell of blood and on his blankets there were blood stains. He got up, bathed and dressed, the clothes were much more humble than the ones Valery had given him. 

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