
First Day & Charms

// might have made alot of grammar mistakes since i wrote this on my phone lol, if u see any ill fix them in the coming days.

After breakfast, Altair stretched and stood up from the Hufflepuff table, feeling pretty full.

His first class was Charms, so he checked the time and started heading that way. The halls were starting to get busy with older students rushing to their own classes.

On his way, he ran into the moving staircases. He stared at them for a moment, watching as they shifted around like they had a mind of their own. He took a step onto one and felt it lurch, changing direction with a low groaning noise.

Altair had honestly no clue why the founders even created this?, he glanced down over the edge.

wonder how many kids have fallen off these things... He tilted his head. 

Actually, what happens if you do fall? The thought made him pause. Do they have a fail-safe, or do you just, y'know... He let the thought trail off, wow that's one fucked up way to think about it..

Maybe in the future he'd test this.

With a shrug, he kept walking. After navigating the staircases and winding corridors, he finally found the Charms classroom. When he stepped inside, the place was empty. Not a single student, and no professor.

Great, I'm way too damn early, Altair thought, rolling his eyes.

He found a seat in the middle and slumped into it, pulling out The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) from his bag. 

He'd already this book several times, the only reason he'd read it again was so that his tiny brain can actualy remember most of the shit in it!

Although he had learned all the spells in it, his proficiency in those spells were still quite lacking, so to make up for it he'd read up on the theory from now and then. 

He flipped through the pages, scanning through well, mostly basic theory, nothing too interesting—just how to pronounce the spell, the proper wand movements, and how the charm was first used by ancient wizards.

In a way he found that the magic was sometimes… easy?

He knew he wasn't a genius, it was just that magic in the harry potter world was idealistic in a sense, which in a way made it both weak and powerful, but it brought more to the imagination…

He stopped.

If magic was as idealistic as he thought it was, wouldn't it be possible to just create spells different from the traditional sense?


Wouldn't it be possible to just remake magic from all games and novels his read?

Ninjutsu, Souls Games Magic, The fucking Thu'um and so many other worlds had their own independent way of casting magic.

But this wolrd was dependent on idealism.

It was a very scary thought, but extremely cool.

He'd need to put this as a long term project.

He grinned. Honestly my small brain sometimes expands it's dong hohoh!

Time passed as he continued to read through his book, eventually changing to another and another until not long after, the door creaked open, and students began filing in. 

Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, all chattering loudly as they found their seats. Altair spotted his roommate heading his way.

"Hey, Altair!" Liam called out, making his way over with his usual careless grin. His messy black hair looked even more chaotic this morning. "Mind if we sit here?"

"Go ahead," Altair said, nodding toward the empty seats beside him.

Liam plopped down next to him, finally deciding to introduce himself properly. "I'm Liam Njerson, by the way. Figured I should actually say that now since we didn't talk much last night."

The other guy, Caleb, sat down on the other side of Liam. He was quieter, shorter, with black hair and gray eyes.

He gave a small nod. "Yeah, same. I'm Ali Toljun. I think we all just passed out as soon as we got to the dorm."

"Yeah, last night was a fucking mess," Altair laughed. "But hey, good to finally meet you both officially."

They both grinned.

More students packed into the room, and the noise level started to rise. The excitement was clear, everyone was ready to finally do some magic. Thiugh how long would that enthusiasm last? Altair didn't know but he could make a reasonable assumption, that it wouldnt be long. 

Then, the door swung open again, and the room instantly went quiet. Professor Flitwick entered, standing on a stack of books so he could actually see over the podium. The little guy had a huge smile on his face as he addressed the class.

"Good morning, everyone!" he squeaked, his voice full of energy. "Welcome to your first Charms class! My name Is Fillius Flitwich, and I'll be you're charms professor throughout your school years!" he announced as he surveryed the students "I hope you're all excited to learn some magic!" He said cheerfully.

The class mumbled their nervous hellos, and Flitwick continued, clearly thrilled to be teaching them.

"Today, we're going to start with one of the most basic and useful spells in magic—Lumos! Now, could anyone tell me what this charm does?" Professor Flitwick asked as several hands shot up to the air.

Altair kept his hand down, even though he knew the answer. He wasn't really one to show off his so called intellectual superiority to plebians unless he had to, and honestly, he didn't care to impress anyone right now. He'd rather accumulate his power first, Instead, he watched as Flitwick scanned the room, finally pointing to a Ravenclaw girl in the front row.

"Lumos is the Wand-Lighting Charm, sir," she said eagerly, her voice full of that trademark Ravenclaw excitement. "It makes the tip of your wand light up, like a torch."

"Exactly!" Flitwick said, clapping his hands together. "Five points to Ravenclaw! The Wand-Lighting Charm is one of the most basic, yet incredibly useful spells in the wizarding world. Whether you're looking for something in the dark or reading late at night without disturbing your roommates, Lumos will be your best friend."

Altair smirked. Best friend, huh?

He looked down to this wand

Although magic is pog as fuck, stick rules the world!

The wand still remained unresponsive to his thoughts.

'You'll get there eventually stick, we'll do the same as those machine translated novels do! Slap Dumbeldore, Kick Voldemort and punch Grindelwald Hahahaha!!' Altair cackled madly in his head.

Flitwick continued, raising his own wand. "Now, as simple as it is, it's important to get the pronunciation right and ensure your focus is steady. Watch closely."

With a flick of his wand, Flitwick said, "Lumos." Instantly, a bright white light shone from the tip of his wand.

"Now, to turn it off, you simply say, Nox." The light vanished as quickly as it had appeared

Flitwick smiled brightly at the students. "Alright, your turn! Everyone, wands out! Try Lumos, and then Nox to turn it off."

Altair pulled his wand from his robe pocket, feeling the smooth wood between his fingers. He focused on the tip, muttering the incantation.


A small light appeared on the tip of his wand, it glowed slightly before he muttered "Nox." And the light receded.

"This is pretty cool." Liam said from beside him, his own wand glowing. "Took me a couple tries, but this is really awesome mate.."

Ali, on the other hand, was struggling. His wand sparked a little, but no light appeared. He frowned, muttering under his breath. "Lumos… Lumos, dammit."

"You have to focus on your belief, The more frustrated you are the less of a chance of the spell working. Just think it as turning a switch on for a lightbulb. Relax." Altair said with a smile

Ali nodded and tried again, this time managing to produce a weak glow. "Finally," he muttered, looking a bit more pleased with himself.

Around the room, most students were starting to get the hang of it. Some, like Altair, had their wands glowing steadily, while others were still struggling to produce any light at all. A few had already turned it off using Nox, practicing switching between the two spells.

"Excellent, excellent!" Flitwick beamed as he moved between the rows of desks, praising students for their efforts

Altair leaned back in his chair.

Magic really was amazing, screw his phone light he's got magic now! 

Most of the students had managed to light their wand some dispelled theirs.

Altair turned to Liam, who was still admiring the light on his wand. "Not bad for our first day, huh?" Altair said, twirling stick with his fingers.

"Yeah, better than just reading about it," Liam replied with a grin. "Can't wait till we start learning the more advanced stuff. Like, imagine making things float or shooting fire from your wand!"

Altair laughed. "Patience, you've got plenty of time, a wise turtle once said. Inner peace…then he ditched."

Liam looked confused.

Flitwick clapped his hands together, calling for attention. "Alright, everyone, you've done wonderfully! Now, remember, practice makes perfect, so don't forget to keep working on Lumos and Nox. We'll be working on theory in the coming lessons. So be prepared!"

The students began packing up their things, chattering excitedly about their first taste of real magic. Altair tucked stick in his holster and slipping his book into his bag.

Liam turned to him. "What's next on our schedule?"


With that said, Altair made his way out of the charms classrom and towards his second lesson, plants herbs mmm lettuce?

Yes, indeed plant life!

Chapter end.

mmm plants

SomeRandomDude_lolcreators' thoughts
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