
Princess Treatment Season 175 - Episode 734: "The Bachelorette Party"

The sun was just setting over the kingdom of Auresia as Princess Arabella sat gazing out the window of her castle bedroom. In just a few short hours, her friends would be arriving for her long awaited bachelorette party. She couldn't contain her excitement!

After five long years of courtship, Arabella was finally marrying her true love, Prince Cedric of Ventaria. Their wedding was only a month away, which meant it was time to celebrate with her closest friends one last time as a single princess.

Arabella began getting ready, pondering what delightful surprises her friends Seraphina and Amelia had planned. A knock at the door roused her from her daydreams. "Come in!" she called.

It was Seraphina, looking perfectly poised as always in a flowing lavender gown. "The others will be here any moment. Are you ready for a night you'll never forget?" she grinned.

Just then, loud whoops and laughter could be heard echoing down the hall as Amelia and the rest of the bridal party arrived. "Let the festivities begin!" cried Amelia, handing Arabella a magically fizzy potion. "Drink up, it's going to be a long night!"

After downing the bubbly concoction, Arabella's head began to spin. What delightful mischief did her companions have in store? She could hardly contain herself to find out!

The bridal party arrived at the palace, laughing and chatting excitedly. Servants rushed to take their bags as Princess Arabella greeted each of her friends with a warm hug.

"I'm so glad you all could make it!" she said. "I have the whole evening planned with fun activities for us to enjoy."

All seemed well until Princess Seraphina arrived with an exaggerated frown. "I have the most dreadful news, Arabella," she said slyly.

"What is it?" Arabella asked, suddenly worried.

"I overheard the servants say your fiance Prince Cedric was seen flirting outrageously with Princess Gabrielle at the market today," Seraphina lied.

Gasps escaped the others. Arabella felt her heart drop into her stomach. "That...that cannot be!"

Princess Amelia rolled her eyes. "Do not listen to Seraphina's lies, Arabella. She is just trying to ruin our night."

But the damage was done. Doubt had been planted in Arabella's mind just before her special party. How could she enjoy herself now?

Seraphina smirked, pleased with herself. But Amelia had an idea. "Let us ignore these rumors and focus on celebrating Arabella. The truth will come out in time."

And so the party began, with dancing, games and laughter filling the palace halls. Arabella tried her best to set aside her worries and lose herself in the merriment of her dearest friends.

The bridal party enjoyed an aromatic spa treatment to relax their stressed muscles. Princess Seraphina sat sulking, unhappy her schemes had not succeeded in ruining the party.

Meanwhile, Princess Arabella allowed herself to unwind, the stress of earlier melting away. "This has been just what I needed," she sighed contentedly.

After, they painted each other's nails and did face masks. Laughter filled the room as Princess Amelia told amusing tales from her past adventures. Even gloomy Seraphina cracked a small smile.

As the moon rose high, it was time for a delicious feast. The chefs outdid themselves with all of Arabella's favorites. Full and sleepy, the princesses changed into comfortable nightgowns.

Seraphina wanted one last attempt at mischief. "Arabella, why so calm? Aren't you worried Cedric may be with another tonight?" she questioned slyly.

But Arabella was no longer troubled. "My heart knows Cedric's love for me. Let us speak no more of rumors."

Defeated, Seraphina glared and stalked off to bed. The party was a success thanks to Arabella's friends protecting her joy.

The next morning, the princesses awoke feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from their spa treatments. After a lavish breakfast prepared by the palace chefs, they began discussing plans for the rest of the day.

"What shall we do now?" asked Princess Kristiana. "The wedding is tomorrow, we must make the most of our last day as bachelorettes!"

"Perhaps a day in the gardens?" suggested Princess Anastasia. "A picnic amongst the flowers does sound lovely."

"Let us visit the markets as well," said Princess Serenity. "I wish to find Arabella the perfect wedding gift."

Princess Arabella smiled warmly at her companions. "Whatever we do, I know it will be a splendid day with all of you by my side."

Just then, Prince Leopold arrived with a message. "Ladies, the tailor requests your presence for your final fittings. Then the day is yours to enjoy!"

With excited chatter, the princesses made their way inside, looking forward to what adventures the day might hold. All seemed joyous for Arabella and her friends, save for one - Princess Seraphina still sulked over her failed schemes. But tomorrow, a new chapter would begin...

The next morning, Princess Arabella awoke with butterflies in her stomach. Today was the day she would marry Prince Cedric!

After a lavish breakfast, she began getting ready with help from her friends. Princess Serenity brushed Arabella's long locks until they shone. Princess Victoria painted Arabella's nails a polish as rosy as dawn.

When it came time for hair and makeup, the wedding planner nearly had kittens. "We're running behind schedule! At this rate you'll never make it down the aisle on time!"

But Princess Arabella remained calm. "Peace, friend. A wedding is about love, not just the trappings. As long as I am with Cedric at the end of the day, all will be well."

Her soothing words eased the frazzled planner. At last, Arabella was transformed into a beauty radiant as the sun. She embraced her friends, eyes misting. "Thank you for your support. Now, shall we go find my prince?"

Taking a deep breath, Arabella stepped forward to meet her future. The wedding march began...

Arabella paced back and forth in her chambers, feeling a swirl of emotions within. Today was the day of her long-awaited wedding to Prince Cedric, yet doubts nagged at the edges of her mind. What if something went wrong? What if Cedric changed his mind?

A knock at the door interrupted her fretting. "Come in," she called, smoothing her skirt.

Princess Serenity entered, followed by Princesses Victoria and Anastasia. "We've come to get you ready!" Serenity said with a smile.

Soon Arabella was seated at her vanity as her friends set to work. Victoria carefully brushed Arabella's hair until it shone. Anastasia painted Arabella's nails a rosy pink hue. But no amount of beautification could still Arabella's nerves.

"What if the wedding is a disaster?" she fretted, gnawing her lip.

"Nonsense," soothed Serenity. "Everything will be perfect."

But as Arabella caught Serenity's gaze in the mirror, she thought she detected a gleam of smugness in the other princess's eyes. Unease curled in Arabella's stomach. Had Serenity's bitterness over losing Cedric not faded after all? She prayed her friend spoke the truth - for if not, her perfect day may indeed be ruined.


Princess Arabella is getting ready for her bachelorette party with her friends. PRINCESS VICTORIA does her makeup while PRINCESS PENELOPE styles her hair.


I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow! This is all so surreal.


We're so happy for you Bella. You and Prince Cedric are meant to be.


This bachelorette party is going to be a night to remember.

There's a KNOCK at the door. SERAPHINA enters.


They're ready for you at the spa, are you girls almost done primping?


Just about! We'll meet you all downstairs.

Seraphina eyes Arabella suspiciously before exiting. Penelope notices.


Don't mind Seraphina. She's still sore that Cedric didn't choose her.


I hope she doesn't try to ruin the night...


Don't worry, we won't let her! Now let's go party!

The girls link arms and cheerily exit the chamber.


The princesses relax in face masks and robes. Seraphina is on her phone, a sneaky smile playing at her lips. What wicked plan is she hatching? Tune in to find out!

The princesses are relaxing in the spa, enjoying massages and facials. Suddenly, PRINCESS SERAPHINA bursts into the room, out of breath.


Princess Arabella! I have dreadful news! Word in the palace is that Prince Cedric has called off the wedding! They say he had doubts and couldn't go through with it.

The other princesses gasp in shock. Arabella's eyes well with tears.


That... that can't be true! Cedric loves me!


I'm sorry Bella, but it's all anyone is talking about. Perhaps he found someone else...

Arabella bursts into tears and runs out of the room. The princesses shoot Seraphina dirty looks.


You are wicked for spreading such lies! Cedric would never do this to Arabella.


(innocently) I was only telling you what I heard...


You want to sabotage this wedding because you're jealous. How low you've sunk Seraphina!

Seraphina smirks as the princesses rush after Arabella. Her plan is working perfectly... but what will Prince Cedric think of these rumors?

Meanwhile, Arabella runs through the palace, her heart shattered. But what will she discover when she finds Cedric? Tune in to find out!


Prince Cedric is getting ready for the wedding when there's a knock at the door. He opens it to find a distraught Princess Arabella.


My love, what's wrong? You look as if you've seen a ghost!

Arabella falls into his arms, sobbing. Through her tears she tells him of the rumor Seraphina had spread. Cedric's face darkens with anger.


I should have known Seraphina would try something like this. You must know I would never call off our wedding, Arabella. I love you.


Oh Cedric, I'm sorry I doubted you even for a moment. But what will we do about Seraphina?


Leave Seraphina to me. For now, dry your tears my darling. Tomorrow we will be wed, just as we planned.

He embraces Arabella reassuringly. She smiles, feeling safe in his arms once more.

Meanwhile, Seraphina smiles to herself, thinking her plan has succeeded in turning Arabella against Cedric. But little does she know the wrath that will soon be upon her...

Tune in to see how Cedric confronts Seraphina for her wicked scheme! The drama is only beginning...


Princess Arabella walks through the beautiful gardens, still reeling from Seraphina's betrayal. She sits on a bench and buries her face in her hands, tears threatening to fall.

Suddenly, she hears footsteps and looks up to see Prince Sebastian approaching. Handsome and kind, he has long harbored secret feelings for Arabella.


Arabella, I came as soon as I heard. Do not let Seraphina's lies distress you so. You deserve only happiness on your wedding day.


Oh Sebastian, she has spoiled everything! Cedric may call it off after all. I couldn't bear the shame.


Do not lose hope just yet. Allow me to have a word with Seraphina - I know how to make her see reason. Then you must speak with Cedric yourself. All will be well, my friend, I promise you.

Arabella manages a smile, comforted by his reassurance. As Sebastian goes in search of Seraphina, her heart lifts, trusting in his diplomacy. But will Seraphina listen to reason, or does she have darker designs in mind? Tune in next time to find out!


Princess Arabella and her friends Princess Amelia, Princess Isabella, and Princess Gabrielle are relaxing at the royal spa, getting massages and facials. This is meant to be a relaxing celebration before Arabella's wedding.


Ahh, doesn't this feel heavenly? You deserve some pampering before married life starts, Arabella.


I hope you and Prince Cedric will be very happy together.

Arabella smiles, but in her heart she feels a twinge of doubt over Seraphina's rumors. She tries to push the worries from her mind and enjoy the moment with her friends.

Meanwhile, Princess Seraphina has schemed her way into the spa as well. She sees the others laughing together and feels a flare of jealousy. It is then that she spots her chance for mischief...


(loudly, to the MASSEUSE)

Oh my, look what's fallen out of my bag - private love letters between Prince Cedric and I! Fancy that.

The masseuse gasps in shock. Arabella overhears and feels her stomach drop. Seraphina smirks, mission accomplished. But will Arabella confront her or ignore the bait? Tensions are rising as the wedding nears - tune in to see what happens next!


The masseuse gasps at Princess Seraphina's claim. Arabella grows pale, unable to believe more rumors have surfaced.


That's absurd! Cedric would never betray Arabella.


Believe what you wish. But the letters don't lie - they profess his undying love for me.


Enough of your schemes, Seraphina! No one here believes your twisted tales.

Seraphina smirks. Her mission is accomplished in planting more seeds of doubt on Arabella's special day.


I will not let you ruin this for me. My heart knows Cedric's heart. Now leave at once before you sully this place further with your deceit!

Seraphina sees she cannot wound Arabella further, for now. With a flick of her hair she departs, laughing cruelly.


Pay her no mind, dear friend. Her spite comes from jealousy of your joy.


You give me strength. Let us enjoy what remains of this celebration. On the morrow I will speak with Cedric myself to lay all rumors to rest.

With Seraphina gone, Arabella smiles again. But will tomorrow bring the clarity she seeks? Only time will tell as the wedding draws ever closer...


Princess Arabella wakes with a feeling of unease in her heart. Though her friends tried to cheer her, Seraphina's words lingered in her mind. She changes from her night gown into a flowing blue dress, lost in worried thoughts.

A gentle knock sounds at the door. "Come in," Arabella calls, hoping it is Cedric come to reassure her himself. But instead it is Princess Amelia who enters, carrying a breakfast tray.

"Good morrow, dear friend. I thought you could use a pick-me-up after yesterday's ordeal," Amelia says kindly, setting down the tray. Arabella smiles weakly. "Thank you, but I do not feel much like eating. I must see Cedric and lay my doubts to rest."

"Then I shall go fetch him for you," Amelia decides. Arabella squeezes her hand gratefully. When Amelia leaves, she gazes out the window at the sky, praying her heart has not been deceived.

Moments later Amelia returns, doubt plain on her face. "He...he is not in his chambers. Nor anywhere else I looked." Arabella's blood runs cold. Could Seraphina's vicious rumors contain some terrible truth? Her wedding, just days away, now hangs by a thread as more questions than answers loom...


Arabella's heart sinks at Amelia's words. She clutches her friend's hands desperately. "There must be some explanation. I must find him!"

Amelia nods, full of sympathy. "Then we shall search every inch of the castle and kingdom if needed. Come, let us start in the courtyard - I'll gather the others to help."

Arabella Follows Amelia downstairs on unsteady legs. Could Seraphina's rumors be true after all? She pushes the sinister thought aside, praying she will find Cedric and he will put her fears at ease.

In the courtyard, the party splits up to inquire after Cedric's whereabouts. But each return with frowns and shakes of their heads. That's when Sebastian appears, out of breath. "I...I've found him," he gasps. "By...the stables."

Arabella's heart leaps with relief and trepidation. She runs ahead, the others following, dreading what mysteries await her around the stable doors. What is Cedric doing there, and with whom? The moment of truth has come, for better or for worse...


Princess Arabella and her friends arrive at the luxurious palace spa for an afternoon of pampering. "This is just what I need to relax before the wedding," says Arabella with a sigh.

But as the girls soak in the rose petal bath, they overhear whispers from other patrons. "Did you hear the rumor about Princess Arabella?" "I heard she's been having second thoughts about Prince Cedric."

Amelia clucks her tongue. "Seraphina has been spreading her vile gossip again. Come, let us forget her and enjoy our party." They agree to ignore the rumors.

Later, at a nail painting station, Seraphina appears with her clique. "Lovely manicure, Arabella. Too bad you won't need it much longer as a bride." More murmurs erupt.

Furious, Arabella confronts Seraphina. "Say what you wish about me, but leave Cedric out of it." Seraphina smirks. "We'll see about that..." And slinks away, leaving Arabella doubting all is as it seems...


After the stressful afternoon at the spa, Princess Arabella and her friends retreat to her chambers to continue their bachelorette celebration.

"Forget Seraphina and her vile gossip. Tonight is about celebrating your happiness!" says Princess Amelia. The other girls murmur agreement, raising their glasses of sparkling wine.

They sip drinks and nibble sweets while Princess Isabella strums her lute, filling the room with light music. Princess Gabrielle brings out a spread of face masks and treatments to relax away the tensions of the day.

But soon, a servant arrives with a note. Princess Arabella's face falls as she reads Seraphina's cruel words again calling her marriage into question. "I cannot stand her poison any longer!"

Princess Amelia takes the note. "Do not let her win, dear friend. Your heart and Cedric's love are what matter." The others nod supportively.

Yet doubts continue gnawing at Arabella. What could Seraphina know of her and Cedric that she does not? Only time will tell if their love can withstand the viper's venom...


The princess and her friends have changed into their night clothes and are preparing for bed after a long day.

"I'm so tired," yawns Princess Amelia. "All I want to do is sleep and forget about Seraphina's vicious rumors."

But as Arabella pulls back her sheets, she gasps. Crumpled beneath her pillow is a note. Her hands tremble as she opens it.

"What is it?" asks Gabrielle nervously.

Arabella feels faint. "It's from Cedric...he's calling off the wedding."

The other girls gather round in shock. "That snake Seraphina must have gotten to him!" cries Isabella angrily.

As Arabella bursts into tears, Amelia comforts her. "There must be some explanation. In the morning, we'll get to the bottom of this."

But with her happiness shattered, Arabella can think only of her broken heart. What new treachery has Seraphina planned? And will Arabella's love survive?


Princess Arabella wakes with tear-stained cheeks, the previous night's anguish rushing back to her. As she clutches Cedric's note, a knock sounds at the door.

"Arabella?" calls Princess Amelia gently. "May we come in?"

Arabella murmurs assent, and her friends crowd worriedly around the bed.

"We've sent for Cedric," says Isabella, squeezing Arabella's hand. "This will all be sorted, you'll see."

But when Cedric enters, his face is grim. "Seraphina told me things," he says slowly. "About you and Sebastian..."

Gasps echo in the room. "Lies!" cries Arabella desperately. "I've never been unfaithful!"

Cedric's eyes show his conflict. "I'm not sure what to believe anymore." He departs, leaving Arabella shattered.

Amelia holds her weeping friend. "There is still hope. We'll get the truth from Seraphina -- with or without her willing it." Her eyes glint with steely determination. The time has come to unmask the viper at last... but will justice come too late to save Arabella's broken heart?


Arabella sits despondently as her friends loudly chatter around her, preparing for the bachelorette party. But her heart is not in the festivities.

Princess Amelia notices her sad eyes. "Cheer up!" she says gently. "One way or another, we'll get to the bottom of Seraphina's lies."

At the spa, Arabella half-heartedly joins in the merriment. But then Seraphina appears, gossiping in loud stage-whispers to two other princesses.

"I hear Arabella isn't really ill - just with child from her trysts with Sebastian!" Seraphina smirks, glancing meaningfully at Arabella. Fresh tears spring to her eyes.

"That's enough!" cries Amelia furiously. But the damage is done.

That night, as the others dance and laugh, Arabella slips away to the balcony, gazing miserably at the stars. Can Cedric's heart ever be hers again? And will she ever be free of Seraphina's poisonous schemes? Her friends join her, offering hugs and handkerchiefs. But even their comfort may not heal her broken spirit...


In Princess Amelia's chambers, Arabella and her friends get ready for the bachelorette party. But Arabella seem distracted and unenthused.

Princess Isabella fixes Arabella's hair and notices her troubled expression. "Cheer up dear!" she says with an encouraging smile. "Tonight is about celebrating you!"

At the royal spa, the princesses indulge in luxurious treatments. Arabella reluctantly joins in a mud mask with the others. But then Seraphina arrives with two other princesses in tow, smirking slyly.

"Did you hear the rumor?" Seraphina whispers loudly. "They say Arabella isn't ill at all. She's with child, from her secret trysts with Prince Sebastian!"

Arabella's eyes well up with tears at the cruel gossip. Amelia jumps to her defense. "Enough of your lies, Seraphina! Leave at once."

That night, as music and merriment fill the chamber, Arabella slips onto the balcony alone. She gazes sadly at the stars, wondering if her heart will ever mend. Will Cedric believe Seraphina's poison? And will she ever be free of the viper's schemes?

Her friends soon join her with hugs and kind words. But even their comfort may not ease her anguished spirit during this difficult time.


Princess Arabella and her friends enjoy a luxurious afternoon at the royal spa. They indulge in mud masks, massages, and other pampering treatments.

"This was a wonderful idea, Amelia," says Princess Genevieve with a contented sigh. But Arabella remains quiet and withdrawn.

Just then, Seraphina sweeps in with Princess Seraphine and Princess Lucinda, smirking slyly. "Have you heard the new rumor?" she stage whispers loudly.

"They say Arabella isn't even ill. She's with child, from her secret dalliances with Prince Sebastian!"

Tears fill Arabella's eyes. Amelia jumps up angrily. "Enough of your poisonous tongue, Seraphina! Leave us in peace."

That night, the party continues merrily in Amelia's chambers. But Arabella slips onto the balcony alone, gazing sadly at the stars as tears fall. Her friends join her with hugs and whispers of comfort. But will their kindness be enough to lift her broken spirit?

Only time will tell if Arabella can overcome Seraphina's vile scheming, or if distrust will doom her chances at love.


The party continues in Amelia's chambers. Princess Mei Ling plays cheerful music on her pipa while Princess Gabrielle and Princess Isabella dance.

Princess Arabella sits quietly with Princess Amelia and Princess Genevieve. Though her friends try cheering her, Arabella's heart remains heavy with sadness.

Princess Rosalind enters with pastries from the kitchens. "Look what I found!" she says with a wink. The princesses gather around laughing and sampling the treats.

All except Seraphina, who lingers by the balcony with Seraphine, smirking at Arabella. "How does it feel to be a fallen woman?" Seraphina calls cruelly.

Amelia steps forward angrily but Arabella stops her. "Please, no more fighting tonight." Her dignity moves even Seraphina, who quickly looks away, chastened.

The party winds down as midnight approaches. Arabella's friends hug her farewell, whispering hopes for happiness. Yet as she lies awake that night, doubts plague Arabella's mind. Will Prince Cedric believe Seraphina's poisonous lies? Or will true love find a way?

Only time will tell if Arabella can overcome the darkness of deceit, and let the sunlight of trust illuminate her heart once more.

The next morning, Princess Arabella awoke feeling drained. She dreaded facing the kingdom after Seraphina's lies. At breakfast, she noticed curious glances from the servants. Had the rumors already spread far?

To make matters worse, Prince Cedric requested a private meeting. Arabella's heart sank as she entered the solar. Cedric seemed cold, avoiding her gaze. "The rumors about you and Prince Sebastian...are they true?" he asked stiffly.

Arabella's eyes welled with tears. "Of course not! Seraphina has always been cruel but I never thought she would do something so vile just before our wedding."

Cedric paused, thinking. Slowly, his eyes softened as he took Arabella's hands. "Forgive me for doubting you, my love. I know Seraphina enjoys causing trouble. From now on, I will be more wary of her schemes."

Relief flooded Arabella. Her faith in Cedric and their love was restored. But Seraphina's poison still lingered in the kingdom. Arabella knew she must counter the rumors and fight for her good name. Only then could she finally defeat Seraphina at her own game.

The battle was not yet won, but with Cedric by her side, Arabella felt ready to face any challenge. Their love would conquer all.

Arabella knew she had to take action to counter the rumors spreading about her across the kingdom. With the support of her friends, she devised a plan.

The next day, Arabella requested an audience with King Maximus. When they met in the throne room, she addressed the court. "It has come to my attention that vile rumors claim I acted improperly with Prince Sebastian. I am here today to set the record straight."

She recounted the events of the bachelorette party truthfully. Then she said, "Princess Seraphina has long held jealousy and spite against me. I believe she is the source of these lies meant to damage my reputation and ruin my happiness."

Seraphina sneered but did not deny the accusation. King Maximus considered Arabella's words carefully. Then he declared, "Princess Arabella has always conducted herself with the utmost honor. I believe her account over malicious rumors. Going forward, such slander will not be tolerated in my kingdom."

The court broke into applause. Arabella smiled, relief flooding through her. With the king's backing, Seraphina's scheme had failed. All that was left was to continue preparations for the wedding. At last, Arabella's bright future was secure.

Princess Arabella and her friends were looking forward to celebrating her upcoming marriage with a bachelorette party. They made plans to relax at the royal spa for the afternoon, followed by a cozy night in at the castle.

At the spa, the princesses enjoyed luxurious treatments like facials and massages. It felt wonderful to laugh and gossip without a care. "To your marriage!" Princess Amelia toasted Arabella with her sparkling water. Their cheers filled the room.

Meanwhile, Princess Seraphina seethed with resentment at being left out of the fun. She schemed to disrupt Arabella's special day. When the party returned to the castle that evening, servants greeted them with distressing news. According to rumors spread by anonymous notes, Arabella had been seen cavorting with several stableboys during her party.

Arabella scoffed at the outrageous lie. But Seraphina watched with glee, hoping to revive doubt about Arabella before the wedding. The princesses banded together, uncovering Seraphina's handiwork. "We will not let such poison ruin our celebration!" declared Amelia. Laughing off the slander, they continued their night with music, foods and fun, defiant in their joy. Seraphina's schemes kept failing against their unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.

Next chapter