
Chapter 51: The Disaster of Bo City (Part 5)


The third eye of the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf was pierced, stripping it of its greatest asset. Its mournful wails were endless, incredibly pitiful, yet the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf hadn't given up. It struggled to stand on its three legs, trembling, and hurriedly tried to escape.

«Still trying to run at this point? What a dream!»

«Xiao Tianju, let's go, but don't get too close to it. Prevent it from counterattacking before it dies!»

«Mind Control — Phantom Claw!»

Xiao Tianju chased after it while Qin Chen reached out into the void, grabbing the other front paw of the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf. With a forceful twist, he made the wolf stumble and fall.

«Sound String — Kill»

«Sound String — Vibration»

Another set of sound-based ultimate moves followed. First, he cut through the joints of the wolf's front paw, breaking its defense, and then he vibrated the cut, severing the wolf's other front paw. With both front paws cut off and its third eye destroyed, the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf had completely lost the ability to escape or retaliate.

At this moment, Qin Chen and Xiao Tianju didn't continue their attack. Instead, they waited for the vines on the wolf's body to drain its life force. Qin Chen had to conserve every bit of his magic energy and couldn't afford to waste it. The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf was bound to die anyway, so waiting a bit longer wouldn't hurt and would prevent it from making a last-ditch counterattack. Why not wait?

Three minutes later, the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf's life force was fully absorbed by the demonic vine, and the wolf died. On the other side, the Rock Emperor had no trouble with the servant-class One-Eyed Demon Wolves. These wolves couldn't even break through the Rock Emperor's defense and were all cleaved to death by its axe. Qin Chen stored the corpses of the thirty-six wolves into the storage space of his Chaos-Colored Pearl in his magic wand sword.

He discovered this space when he advanced to a mid-tier mage. Inside the Chaos-Colored Pearl, there was an incredibly large space, seemingly endless. As long as he had the ability, he could fit the entire Magic City inside it. The only drawback was that it couldn't store living things.

«These wolf corpses are money, and even a small amount of meat is still meat. I have to support myself and also take care of my son, daughter, and girlfriend. The pressure of life is too great, so I have to earn more money!» Qin Chen easily collected the corpses and continued moving forward.

He walked from the safe zone towards Bo City, saving nine groups of people along the way. Each group was large, with at least a thousand people. However, they didn't realize that the more people there were, the more dangerous it became. Several times, when he arrived, hundreds or even thousands had already died!

Over two hundred servant-class demons and eight warrior-class demons had died at his hands. Thankfully, he conserved his magic energy by using plant-based life draining to kill the warrior-class demons. Otherwise, with the life force of warrior-class demons, his fire and space magic energies would have been completely depleted by now.

The Rock Emperor contributed the most throughout. As long as it stepped on the ground, it could continuously restore its strength, without fear of exhaustion. Unless it received a fatal injury, it could fight indefinitely. So, many times, Qin Chen left the servant-class demons to the Rock Emperor while he and Xiao Tianju dealt with the warrior-class demons.

«Rock Emperor, you stand guard. Xiao Tianju, take a rest and recover your strength. I will recover my magic energy!»

Near Bo City, they found a secluded and hidden spot. After giving the Rock Emperor two Spirit Seed Fragments, Xiao Tianju a Wind Spirit Seed Fragment, and a Thunder Spirit Seed Fragment, Qin Chen sat down to recover his magic energy. Although he had twice the magic energy of an ordinary mid-tier mage, after so many battles, his magic energy was now only fifty percent. If he didn't recover, he wouldn't be able to sustain the upcoming battles.


«Gurgle, gurgle!»

Hearing his command, Xiao Tianju and the Rock Emperor started gnawing on the Spirit Seed Fragments and followed his instructions.

After three hours, Qin Chen restored his magic energy to eighty percent. He then stood up and headed towards the safe zone again, killing the surrounding demons before returning!

«Should I go in or not?»

He stood at the entrance of Bo City, gazing into the distance. The road between Bo City and the safe zone had demons, but they were attracted by the crowd, and their density wasn't high. However, once inside Bo City, the situation was uncertain. There were many passages leading to the wilderness, and after such a long time, no one knew how many demons had entered Bo City. But one thing was certain: the danger level inside Bo City was much higher than outside!


As Qin Chen pondered whether to enter, a strong wind suddenly blew in the sky. Instinctively, he looked up and saw an enormous demon wolf with bat wings. Its aura was stronger than any demon he had ever seen. Just one glance at it filled him with immense pressure. Such a creature was definitely above the warrior level!

«A Commander-Level Winged Blue Wolf!»

At that moment, he finally realized what it was—a Commander-Level Winged Blue Wolf!

Commander-Level demons usually required a team of high-tier mages to besiege. As a mid-tier mage, he didn't even have a chance to get close to the Winged Blue Wolf. At this moment, he realized his insignificance. A single Commander-Level demon could kill him, not to mention the Lord-Level above it, and the Emperor-Level above that. Compared to those truly powerful beings, he was still far behind!

The Winged Blue Wolf, like a king, flew into Bo City and occupied the tallest tower as its resting place. After it entered Bo City, the demons outside became even more rampant, flooding into the city, turning Bo City into a true demon-infested territory!

«Go. If I don't even have this bit of courage, how can I talk about reaching the peak of magic?»

Before seeing the Winged Blue Wolf and realizing his own insignificance, he would hesitate. But after witnessing the gap between himself and the pinnacle, he had no more doubts. If he couldn't bear this bit of danger, what would becoming a super-tier mage matter? He would still be trash!

«Rock Emperor, scout ahead. Xiao Tianju, let's go!»

As he spoke, the Rock Emperor burrowed ahead to scout the path, preventing them from running into a den of wolves. Qin Chen rode Xiao Tianju and dashed into Bo City. He wasn't worried about the Winged Blue Wolf targeting him. Since entering Bo City, it had been resting with its eyes closed, not bothering with a mid-tier ant like him.

(End of the Chapter)

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