
Black Dread Maintenance

(Baelon's POV)

"Are you trying to kill me?" Mother said as I walked towards her, "Answer me, Baelon!" 

I stopped and looked up with a sigh, "Ah." i said simply

"Ah?" She said with an annoyed town, "Is that all you say? One thing is taking your brothers for a mischievous flight in the dead of the night, yes, that I could overlook. But taking Helaena?? What has gone through your head this time? You are a Man now, you must act your age!" 

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "You done?" 

She looked taken aback, taking a step back, "What?" 

I chuckled, "Relax." I said holding her by the shoulder and kissing her on the cheek, "You worry too much. All I want is to spend time with my beloved sisters, and my Family. Is that too much to ask?" 

I then walked past her as she scoffed, "Baelon....." She said, "You are something else. Your Father didn't even bother to react. He's done stressing out about you." 

I stopped and glanced at her, "Good." I said with a slight smile, "Nobody got hurt, Mother. It's fine." 

She looked at me, "For that, we will not address this." She said, "But you need to understand, Helaena is not just your Sister, she's not just the Princess, she's your betrothed. You must take care of her, protect her, and make sure nothing happens to her." 

I nodded, "I know." I said softly, "But keeping her cooped up in these walls will do more harm than good, Mother. She's a Targaryen, like me. We are of the Dragon's blood. There is no use having a bond with dragons when we don't take to the skies as we are meant to." 

"That may be true..." She said as she glanced away momentarily, before her eyes laying back on me, "What did you speak with Rhaenyra about? I know you don't do things just out of impulse, there's another reason for your night visit. Besides spending time with her." 

"Didn't even spend that much time." I said with a chuckle, "She told me to return the Princess at once, haha." 

"Baelon." She said seriously

"Nothing, just that." I said, "Well, that's not true. I went for the rope." 

"Rope, hm?" She said while giving me a suspicious look

"Yes. Rope." I said

"Very well." She said as she turned around, "I'll go and see your Sister then." 

"Helaena?" I asked

"Yes." She said walking away


"It's not every day that the Black Dread casually flies to and from Dragonstone." Lord Corlys said as I sat down in the Small Council table, "What business did you have over there, My Prince?" 

I looked at him, "Rope." I said, "I asked you politely to bring it to me, but you didn't." 

Uncle Daemon chuckled as he was sitting next to me, "That's true." He said

Lord Corlys straightened himself in his seat, "Yet, you need Balerion to run errands?" He asked

I gave him a side-eye, "I can use Balerion however I wish." I said, "Whether it be going to Skagos to burn the island as punishment for their little rebellion or to fly Duskendale just to deliver a crate of wine. He's my Dragon, after all. Lord Corlys, being Princess Rhaenys's husband after so long, I figured you'd be accustomed to that." 

"Oof.." Uncle muttered with a slight chuckle following that

Corlys narrowed his eyes, trying his best not to be offended, "I hope my rope will serve you well, Prince." He said, "As former Master of Ships, I am honored to be invited to today's Small Council, Lord Tyland and I have spoken about the state of our respective fleets." 

"I thank you for that....." I nodded, "Anyways, Lord Beesbury. Have you received my order?" 

I looked at the Master of Coin, who was looking at a large page. 

"Y-Yes...." He said, "This is a lot, My Prince, even for you....." 

As he said that, the doors opened and Father walked in, followed by Otto. 

We all stood accordingly, all of us in the Small Council. Uncle Daemon and I are the Princes, who are members of the court. Lord Corlys used to be the Master of Ships until a falling out years ago, but today he's filled in for Lord Tyland who had an emergency sail to Lannisport. 

Father waved us off, gesturing for us to sit down, and after we did so, he and Otto took their seats. He merely leaned back and rubbed his eyes, like he had just woken up. 

"Firstly...." Otto spoke up, "We would like to announce that the Princess and Princes are safely returned to King's Landing after our Heir's.....ride of joy, I suppose." 

Father sighed and looked at me, "Never again." he said while pointing at me, "Not without us knowing." 

I nodded, "Sure." 

Lord Beesbury looked at him, "Your Grace, I might start this meeting regarding Prince Baelon's order for a new saddle." He said as he passed the paper over to him

"Saddle?" Father frowned as he took the paper

Uncle Daemon looked at me, "That old coot hasn't had a change of saddle since the Conqueror, brother." He said with a smirk, "Baelon wishes for that to change." 

"Vhagar's too." I said, "I mean come one, the rope ladder is all moldy and worn, needs changing." 

Father looked at the paper and shook his head, "Baelon, what in the hells? What's with all this? This is more than Aegon's order for Sunfyre." He said, "It takes more gold to get the highest quality leather than getting the jewelers to handcraft the golden handles!"

"R-Right...there's the matter of preserving the right cattle for them, it'll take time..." Lord Beesbury said, "But...what you're asking for is Auroch Leather....it's hard to obtain...." 

I shrugged, "I know a couple of people who may have it...." He said, "Lord Corlys often trades in Auroch Leather, right?" 

"Yes. But it's very pricey. Aurochs themselves are quite rare in Westeros so their leather is even rarer. It's high quality, the way it is preserved is also quite difficult." Lord Corlys said

"There is also the matter of combining it with the rest of the leather in stitching." Lord Jasper said, "And which saddlemaker would be willing to get near the Black Dread and take measurements? The last one who did so was probably from Old Valyria before the Targaryens migrated to Westeros." 

I shrugged again, "I'll do it." I said, "You all think like non-dragonriders, make your lives so difficult."

"Ha." Daemon laughed 

Father looked at me, "Is it really necessary? There haven't been any complaints about Balerion and Vhagar's saddles since the Conquest." He said

"Well, first of all..." I said with a frown, "The previous rider of Balerion before me died not even an hour after claiming him. And the one before that one didn't care enough to complain. As for Vhagar, Grandfather probably put up with it so as not to annoy King Jaehaerys." 

"He's got a point." Daemon said, "Grandsire was a cranky old cunt sometimes." 

Father looked at him, "Daemon!" He exclaimed

Otto sighed, "Prince Baelon, if you wish to get this done, I am afraid it'll come out of your pockets." He said, "Lord Beesbury will see to it that the order is placed but you must-" 

"Great!" I said with a smirk and standing up, "It is done! Thank you all, that is it for me. I'll see you all later, Lord Beesbury, I leave it to you. I'll make sure the ladders are started and I'll take the measurements. Also, I'll have Aemond do the same with Vhagar." 

Father rolled his eyes, "You're leaving?" 

"Yes." I said walking away, "Goodbye." 

"I have much to do." 

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