
Ch 12 Some nerfs to the MC

Will was preparing to open another portal to the bunker, but he stopped.

Will: "Amara, I'm curious. How come I don't need to hold the Blade of Cain to use the power inside the mark? I thought the blade and the mark only worked together."

Amara: "The blade is not something that was a part of the original seal that Chuck made. The blade is something I helped create. When Cain took the mark from Lucifer, I was afraid that the power of destruction would leak more than it did with Lucifer, as Cain was just a normal human.

So I helped create an extra failsafe: the blade that Cain made from the jawbone of a donkey would act as a pair to the mark. From that point on, Cain would need to use the blade to deliver a precise blow with the power of destruction and not just blow a hole in reality if the power took over him.

But after you obtained both of them, I took that failsafe back."

Will: "Wait, I could possibly blow a hole through reality."

Amara: "Will, it is THE power of destruction. It could technically destroy anything that was ever created."

Will: "Dammit, Amara, why haven't you told me that by now? Please put that failsafe back in now. I don't want to risk it."

Amara: "Fine, hold the blade in your right hand."

Will took the blade that was in a leather holder attached to his belt. As he held it in his right hand, the mark started glowing red, and Will could feel the power of destruction flow from the mark to the blade.

Amara: "Done. From now on, if you want to destroy anything, you will need to stab it with the blade. For example, if you want to kill an archangel, you will need to get close and in person. Also, you can still use the mark to power your spells, but you need to hold the blade in your right hand."

Will: "Can you still be set free?"

Amara: "Yes, the blade now works as a key and the mark as a lock for the hole in the dimension. So as long as you hold the blade, I can still pass through. But after I'm gone from the prison, if you want to change what I just did, you will need to have control over destruction as good as mine, and that will take you a very long time."

(A.N. Guys, I decided to nerf the MC a bit for things to happen a bit closer to the original show, because I didn't want when we eventually come across Lucifer or Chuck later, for Will to just snap his fingers and have Lucy disappear... I guess this is why it would be nice to have some chapters written ahead for when I decide to change things, but it is what it is ... Don't get me wrong, Will is still OP; he is just not unstoppable anymore... For those who watched the shows, think of him now as an unkillable mix between Klaus and Rowena on steroids with a blade that can kill anything that exists.)

Rebekah: "Why did the mark just glow, Will? Nothing happened."

Will: "It is not important. Don't worry."

"Also, Rebekah, when you meet my family, please act like a normal human. They are hunters, and I don't want them to try and kill you as soon as they know you are a vampire."

Rebekah: "So you are a hunter as well. Why didn't you kill me before then?"

Will: "Honestly, I don't care what you are and do as long as you don't try to harm those important to me."

Rebekah: "Fine, I'll be your normal human friend when I meet them."

"Thank you. Now let's go," Will said as he went to the nearest door, cast a spell, and linked it to the bunker entrance. As soon as he opened it, you could see the bunker on the other side.

Rebekah: "This looks different than the one you used before to come here. Why?"

Will: "The first one was more of a test; this one is safer."

"What do you mean, safer? Did you use an untested spell before? I don't know much about magic, but even I can guess that was stupid," Rebekah angrily replied.

"Sorry, it won't happen again," Will said as he passed through the door and got to the bunker. He could see Bobby and Dean at the library table going through a stack of books, probably looking for something.

Dean, hearing footsteps, looked in their direction and was very surprised to see his loner brother next to a very hot blonde. So he questioningly raised his eyebrow when he locked eyes with Will, and Will just shrugged at him, guessing what he was thinking about.

Will: "Hey, Dean, Bobby, this is my friend Rebekah."

Dean: "Since when do you have any friends?"

Will: "Since yesterday. I'll tell you about it later."

"It doesn't matter. Hello, Rebekah, very nice to meet you," Dean replied, looking at Rebekah from head to toe.

Will: "So what are you looking for? It must be important, Bobby, if you managed to get this one to read something that is not some movie subtitles."

Dean: "Hey, what do you mean? I read books... sometimes."

Bobby: "Sure you do, Dean... We are looking for information on pagan gods, Will," Bobby said, finally looking away from his book.

Will: "Why, and where is everybody else? I have something very important to tell you, but I want everybody to be here."

"What important thing? Did you finally get a girlfriend for yourself? Bro, I thought you were gay because I never saw you with a girl until now," Dean said, looking at Rebekah.

Will: "Dean, don't forget I'm your big brother, and I can easily beat your ass if you continue to piss me off."

Bobby: "Dean, stop being an ass. Nice to meet you, Rebekah. Any friend of Will is a friend of ours too, and please ignore this fool next to me; he was dropped on his head when he was little."

Rebekah chuckled. "Hello, nice to meet you."

Then she turned to Will. "You know, when you told me that your whole family are hunters, this isn't what I expected."

Will raised his eyebrow. "And what did you expect exactly?"

Rebekah: "I don't know, weapons everywhere and them not looking like normal people, I guess."

Will: "Oh, don't worry. The weapons are stored in separate rooms. And did you just say that Dean is normal?"

Dean: "Hey! Compared to you, I'm as normal as you can get."

Will: "Touché. So, as I was saying... where is everybody else?"

Bobby: "Sam is at school, your grandparents are in their room, and your dad is hunting a pagan god. That is why we are looking for information."

Will: "Why is Dad always out?... Exactly what god are we dealing with? I know most of them, so you don't have to look through all these books, and we can be done quicker."

Bobby: "Actually, we are looking for information on the Greek pantheon. Your dad found a man that keeps dying and reviving every day, so we thought he is Prometheus."

Will: "Dammit, why didn't you call me? If it is really Prometheus, then Zeus and Artemis aren't too far behind."

Rebekah: "Wait, gods are real?"

Will: "They are not exactly what you are thinking of. Either way, I need to go and help him."

Dean: "I'm coming with, and don't bother to say no, Will."

Will: "Fine, Bekah, sorry, but you need to go to the mansion. I'll come to you when everything is over, I promise."

Rebekah: "Fine. You better not leave me waiting long, mister."

Dean: "Wait, what mansion?"

Will: "I'll tell you on the way, Dean. A lot has happened since yesterday. Also, Bobby, please have everyone home when we return."

Rebekah went to the mansion, and Will and Dean left to help their father.
