

Upon arriving home, the first thing I did was send my new acquaintance to take shower and threw his things in the washing machine.

Afterwards, I let him sleep in one of the many rooms and the next day we immediately headed to the police station.

Because I have the right to know the identity of the person I have sheltered. What if he is some kind of especially dangerous criminal from some gang, like the triad or the yakuza? I don't want to wake up one morning with my throat cut open.

- Sorry, but unfortunately we have no information about him. - The female officer at the table smiled awkwardly, looking at the guy whose head I had bandaged to make it easier to pretend he was a victim, otherwise, with his build, it wouldn't look very convincing.

- Apparently, he really did live alone on the mountain. - I squeezed my chin between my fingers. - I found him near the river while on vacation in a small town. He didn't remember anything and I decided to help him.

- Oh! - a light of recognition lit up in her eyes. - Aren't you the boy our President Kim helped?!

- Please, be quiet, be quiet! - I leaned towards her and put my index finger on my mouth.

- Oh-oh, sorry, I was just excited to see a celebrity. - She smiled guiltily. - I see you decided to follow in the footsteps of your benefactor and save others in trouble. I think I can help you a little in your good deed!

She decided to give him a temporary ID, and they gave me the honor of giving him the name.

- Hmm-m-m, your hair reminds me a lot of one character, so... John Wick!

So we, John Wick and I, began to officially live together, because he was now registered as a residence in my home.

"Since I sheltered a homeless puppy... well, I mean a person, then I need to take care of him completely."

After lunch, we headed to the university hospital, where I had previously been treated and registered. Simply say, top of the crop.

- You are the guardian of... John Wick? - the doctor said the name with some doubt.

- That's right, Doctor Park. Is John okay? - I got up from my chair and put the phone back in my pocket.

- We conducted a detailed consultation with the patient and a full body check. - He took out a tablet and turned the page. - With the exception of the fingers, all body parameters are within normal limits. It was found that the patient developed temporary amnesia due to oxygen starvation...

The entire explanation took 5 minutes and we spent another 25 discussing the details.

In addition to temporary memory loss, he also has retrograde sensory-specific amnesia due to visual stimuli.

Well, summarizing and talking on normal language, John has PTSD.

I said everything without concealment. About finding him on the shore with a chain on his neck, the town turned out to be converted by the cult.

By the end, I had already come to the conclusion that he could have been made as a sacrificial offering in honor of the deceased shaman, the founder of the sect, and that he could have grown up among them as an outcast, because we could not find information about him.

All those present instantly lost any mood and their faces were shocked or full of pity.

"So he is triggered by seizures when numerous glances are concentrated on him... It's good that I got there by taxi and went to an elite medical institution, otherwise everything could have ended badly."

- I also wanted to offer to perform a repeat replantation of the fingers at the hospital's expense. - the doctor continued.

- You see, the patient's finger replantation took root successfully, but the effectiveness after the operation promised to be no more than 30%. That is, the patient would not be able to use his fingers even in common life, unable to fully bend them.

- Our invited surgeon from China "Ling Ran" was interested due to the patient's unique constitution. - the doctor showed me John's X-ray, pointing to 6th pairs of fingers and toes. - In case of consent, the surgeon promises to maintain at least 80% of the efficiency!

The offer was surprising, so I did not refuse. Initially, they wanted to arrange an audience for students – interns and residents – but due to the patient's condition, they decided to conduct a video recording / broadcast.

I began to wait anxiously, but to my surprise, the operation did not take even 15 minutes!

- Doctor Ling, how did the operation go, will John be able to use his fingers? - the young doctor who came out looked at me in surprise, speaking Chinese.

- You must be a relative of the patient. - He smiled at me. - You can not worry, I can guarantee at least 95% of the original efficiency. He will be able to wrestle again.

- Thank you, doctor. - I bowed to him sincerely. A few moments later, he was surrounded by packs of old badgers, that is, all sorts of experienced doctors, while he continued to walk forward.

"Eh, there are still kind and sincere people. Although he reminds me of someone ..."

After discharge, we got along quite well together and he turned out to be a wonderful co-habitant. He took on the cleaning and cooking, which he did excellently.

Memory gradually started returning to him and the first thing he remembered was his martial art - Ssireum, which he was not against teaching me.

I lived calmly, developed, trained and so imperceptibly came the end of the 3rd year of middle school, which met me not very pleasantly.

* Bam! *

- Cough! - a tall, but not heavy man pressed me against the wall, not letting me move.

Immediately after that, a middle-aged woman in glasses came out to me.

"Fuck, they had to rob or kidnap me right now, when John went to the store!"

- Good evening, I am Choi Gangmi, - the woman introduced herself with a cold voice full of iron firmness. - I am a private prosecutor and I am charging you with complicity or direct execution in the following series of crimes: kidnapping and holding people, instigation and charges of murder of a person. You are under arrest and have the right to...

While she was speaking, I was in complete shock.

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

Next chapter