
Vision or Dream (2)

Alex closely observed what the void creatures were doing, and just as he guessed, they were attempting to eat it. But it seemed like they were struggling to get close to it.

The void creatures closer to the piece of the object were larger than the ones further away. While their attempt failed, the energy it was releasing was still being absorbed.

He continued to observe to see if anything would change, but things remained the same.

'Is it the energy they are after? But if they can't get too close to it, how did the missing portion look like it was bitten off?'

With no explanation or such, he was left with his own speculations. While what he had deduced earlier was also his own deductions about the universe, he was certain that was the case.

His point of view was changed slightly to look above. That was when he saw it.


'What is that?!' He exclaimed internally.

He might have missed it earlier because his focus was on the void creatures absorbing the remnant energy being emitted by the small object, but above him was what he could only describe as the mother of all void creatures!

The void monstrosity he saw was unlike anything encountered in his universe. The creature looked like a fusion between an octopus and a desert worm.

It had long, writhing and numerous tentacles, a massive, tooth-filled maw that seemed to be constantly opening. Its eyes were closed as it looked to be sleeping.

However, the visual effect of its presence sent shivers down his spine.

As if it could notice his gaze, the void monstrosity opened its eyes. Red met brown eyes. The intensity of its gaze was enough to drive anyone insane.

Alex was paralyzed with fear like a deer caught in headlights. The fear was overwhelming, and he could not think of anything at all. It was like his brain refused to function.

Fortunately for him, the force that had been guiding him all this while acted once again and pushed him back, back into one of the oceans of universes where his body disappeared within and was directed to one in particular.

The void monster observed all this with no response whatsoever. It cast a glance down the void creatures absorbing the energy from the small piece of the core he took a bite out of.

Like a parent watching its young once eat their fill, it closed its eyes and went back to slumber.

What Alex did not know at the time was that he was not the only one who was shown all this. One candidate from every existing universe in that space experienced the same things he did.

For what purpose they were shown what they did was up to them to deduce.


Alex suddenly woke up from his slumber, with wide eyes and gasping for breath. The site had taken the medics around by surprise, with some screaming their lungs out.

Alex nervously looked around him, his heart racing with sweat on his brows, taking everything.

He was initially confused as to where he was but slowly his breathing came down and took notice of his location before lying back down.

The medics were confused as to what to do. The boy was supposed to be dying very soon and no one expected him to wake up the way he did. Still, one of the medics did what they were meant to do.

Gathering their courage, they moved towards Alex to check up on him. Another medic also promptly exited to call for the head doctor.

"Hey, are you alright?" when the question was posed to him, Alex opened his eyes and looked at the medic standing by his bedside.

He simply nodded with his right hand placed on his forehead. The memory of what he experienced was still fresh in his mind. He was not sure if it was a dream or a vision.

'I don't think anyone would believe me either.' He was sceptical if what he saw was even true or just a figment of his imagination.

As he was mulling over what to do, the medic asked another question that reminded him of how and why he was there.

"Are you sure? You're the only one to have woken up after experiencing a cosmic mana wave."


The memories of the field trip they were on and what happened when they almost arrived on Mars returned. At this point, he felt overwhelmed and tired.

He turned his head around and saw the other beds with students lying on them. Some of them he knew from his school.

'James, Monica, Gue'ner…' As he recalled the names of some of his schoolmates, he wondered how he was still alive. He had pretty much accepted his death as an absolute certainty.

'How am I still alive?'

The question returned the memories of what he experienced in that dark space and almost as if by magic, his body shivered.

The experience was surreal, to say the least. While he was processing everything, the doors leading outside opened and multiple people came rushing in, heading straight to his bedside.

The head doctors, some of the teachers and a few others he did not recognize arrived before his bedside.

"Alexander Gray, correct?" One of the doctors asked and he nodded. "My name is Felix Uniz."

"Is it okay to perform a quick diagnostic? I understand if this seems rushed and you'd want to rest." He asked permission to which Alex just shrugged.

Even he was puzzled as to how he was still alive. By all accounts, he should be a goner, yet here he was, not feeling any different, except for the cold sweat on his back.

The doctor nodded and stretched his right hand towards him. The others just stood back and observed everything with curiosity.

Sha'ang Yuruff was equally puzzled. He was preparing for how he'd deliver the news to the parents.

While they would have already been notified since the smartwatches of the children were linked to their families. They could instantly be notified if something happened to their kids.

Placing his hand on Alex's chest, he activated his skill which allowed him to perform a scan on living organisms to identify areas of damage and direct healers where to focus their healing.

Alex felt a wave of warm energy enters his body, spreading all over. When the doctor finished his scan, he exhaled and turned to the others, nodding his head.

Turning back to Alex, he said, "Looks like everything is normal. There is no hidden damage or anything of the like. We'd have to keep you here for a few days to make sure nothing happens."

Alex nodded in understanding. This much was expected as he was also curious as to why he survived. But he had a feeling it might be due to whatever he experienced.

He was tempted to tell them what he saw but decided to wait. He needed to make sense of what he saw he didn't want to come off as delusional.

'I need to make sure my parents are alright too.' He looked at his wrist to find his watch taken away.

Noticing his actions, Dr. Uniz replied, "Your smartwatch was taken by the medics. It would be returned to you very soon."

"What about my family? Are they already aware of what happened?" He asked and the doctor turned to Sha'ang Yuruff.

Stepping forward, Alex's teacher responded, "Your parents have not been made aware as of now. You did not officially die before your watch was taken."

Hearing what his teacher said, Alex nodded in understanding. He would personally call them and make them aware of his status.

He was sure news of what happened had already spread across the empire. Him being alive would even make it worse.

'Hopefully, I don't become a celebrity.'

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