
064 The Star Warrior Master Who Lost All Decency (Part 1)

The early morning in Ruyi City found Bai Zhongqi slowly awakening, feeling refreshed and clear-headed. After washing up, he went out to the courtyard of his official residence to exercise his body. He was the first Earthling to undergo Genetic Advantage Liberation, and in a very short period of time, his physique had significantly improved, although he didn't know exactly how much his lifespan had been extended. According to estimates, the average Earthling's body should gain at least a hundred years of extended life after undergoing Genetic Advantage Liberation, but individual variations could not be fully determined.

Bai Zhongqi had already distinctly felt that his energy was better, his strength greater, his speed faster, and even his sleep had improved. He had just undergone the enhancement, so he was particularly aware of these changes, while the people of Iridium Star took their own physical quality for granted and felt nothing special about it.

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