
454 Paper Talk

"Underdog vs. underdog," the 2017 NFL Super Bowl was indeed full of charm.

It is worth mentioning that for both the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles, they each had the chance to rewrite history and craft their own fairy-tale endings – a golden opportunity that was not to be missed.

For the Kansas City Chiefs, it was their third Super Bowl appearance since 1966 and 1969, with 1969 being their only championship year. Returning to the championship stage after forty-seven years was undoubtedly exhilarating.

For the Philadelphia Eagles, this was also the team's third Super Bowl appearance, previously in 1980 and 2004. Yet, they had never clinched a championship, making this year perhaps their best chance ever.

In the half-century history of the Super Bowl, there still are numerous teams that haven't won any championship, totaling thirteen.

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