
King Strikes Out

King exploded into the Heavenly family home. "Mother, where are you!"

Lettie looked up from her place on the sofa in the family room. A smile curved her lips. She looked to the girl serving coffee as King stormed into the room. "You can go."

"Where is she?"

"Where you can't reach her."

"Let her go."

"I don't think so."

"What did Teela ever do to you?"

Exasperated, Lettie said, "King, seriously? You have to ask me that? That woman has torn this family apart. I spent years wrangling you boys into good men and setting this family up for success. She destroyed it. Joshua is barely talking to me. You moved out. Ben hasn't been home in days. School trip, my ass. He's at his club every night. The boy is avoiding me."

"Mom, why do you think that is?"

"I think it is because that woman is toxic. She's poisoned you against me."

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