

After giving Jaxen a ride to the gas station, Kazuro came back to his other home, to the ground floor apartment. As usually, he plan to spend some time studying while waiting Jaxens shift to end, to pick him up again. While sitting in their room, reading the fourth chapter from this history ebook and listening some music from Jaxens laptop, Kaz could hear this unusual ringing over the music. He first thought he was imagining it, but when the ringing sound could be heard again, young man silence the music.

"Kazuro! Can you open the door! I'm still in the shower," Luna calls from the slightly open bathroom door, trying to get Kazs attention. "It's probably Hanna!"

Immediately Kaz gets up. "Yes," was all he answers while walking toward the living area. Hanna was Lunas best friend from all the way their childhood, and if Kaz recall right, she was also Lunas coworker. Today, she was here to spend some time before their night shift would start.

And when Kaz opens the door and welcomes her with a polite nod and the most handsome smile ever, Hanna couldn't help but just adore this young mans appearance. He seem to be exactly as Luna has described. "Oh my god, you are so adorable," Hanna smiles and walks in.

While they were waiting Luna to get ready, Kaz offers Hanna a cup of tea, which he starts to make himself from the tea powders. During their conversation about, like, how Jaxen and Kaz met and what kind of family Hanna has, young man mixs three different components, carefully keeping the amount right.

"It's really taste," woman wows when already trying another gulp.

"I admit, I turn into a tea drinker after Kazuro start making tea here," Luna proudly says, waiting impatiently her own share. "He makes tea making art. It's a Japanese thing."

Kaz handles a cup of tea to her, blushing a little. "I'm not sure does everyone in modern Japan do this. I was just taught from early age to do this. And I like tea myself," he clears and finally leans to the desk behind him, drinking from his own cup. Luna and Hanna were sitting on the other side of the island.

"Don't be too modest," Luna states while waving her hand. She was so glad to finally get to show Kazuro to her best friend. Being so proud how nice and polite young man her son has found by his side.

"You were indeed right, when you said he was handsome," Hanna adores while all of them were enjoying their tea.

"I know. Jaxen has a good eye. But really, it was this guy who confessed first."

"Really? No doubt. You are both so good looking. And your skin looks flawless. Except that horrible mark on your neck.. What is with teens nowadays?"

Realizing the mark Jaxen did earlier was clearly showing now, Kaz shows a shy smile and covers the mark with his hand. "This was.. his punishment.."

Hanna laughs to young mans cute reaction.

Suddenly Luna gets up. "We still have time before work. Should we spoil ourselfs? I have just what we need."

"We should. Should we do his nails while we are on it?" Hanna agrees, smiling to Kaz.

"We definitely should.."

Kaz was following their conversation silently. They were about to do what?

- - - -

When Jaxen opens the back door, carrying his helmet with him, he automatically searchs Kaz under his eyes. And like always, young man was already waiting him in the usual spot, sitting on his bike, reading something from his phone.

"Ah, your boyfriend is here again," the owner who walked behind Jaxen shows a smile and steps out of the building. "Good evening."

"Good evening," Kaz immediately responds with a slide nod and a smile. Jaxen closes the door and locks it, while older man puts his jacket on.

"You boys get home savely," man says and starts to walk toward the building across the street. "I see you tomorrow."

"You too," Jaxen calls after him. Then turns to look at Kaz who toward he was now walking.

"Good job. Was the day as boring as ever?" Kaz smiles. He could definitely see how tired Jaxen looked.

"Very," older sighs and raises the helmet up on his hand, to show the wide crack on it. "I'm sorry. I broke the helmet."

"Wow, how you were able to do that..?" younger smirks awing, checking the crack. This helmet was supposed to be pro quality.

"I knock over the whole rack full of screw packs on it. Took me quite a while to clear that mess. But it did not survive.."

Kaz laughs unbelieving. "We will just get you a new one. No big deal."

"It is a big deal. I broke your helmet."

"It has always been yours. I bought it for you."


Kaz takes the broken helmet and gives Jaxen his own. There was no way he would let his passenger wear a broken helmet. "Back then, I had two hours time to find a place that sells helmets. Third time's the charm. But they only had four likes, limited sides, so I picked the most neutral one."

This guy didn't just admit he went the trouble of finding a helmet during a late evening when most of the stores were already closed to a guy who in the first place wasn't even going to take his offer to ride that bike with him..? No, Jaxen should have knew. At least realize that later. Who indeed would be carrying along an extra helmet anyway..

Jaxen sighs. And simple moves his hand behind Kazs neck and gives him a gently kiss.

"Whaa, you wanna make out here?" younger smirks while licking others lips.

"There is camera behind us. So no," Jaxen tsihs while moving his face away, touching Kazs cheek. "Did you enjoy that facial treatment? They also did your nails?"

"They did. How you knew?" Kaz takes his gloves off and shows his painted nails. Indeed, his nails were nicely styled and colored. Some even had painted flowers on.

"Mom send me a photo."

Kaz hums back. When Luna even took a photo? Jaxen moves next to Kaz and leans to the bike, carefully eyeing the nails on Kazs left hand. "Those two are nuisance together. I've been their test subject my whole life," Jaxen clears. And adds a warning. "So be sure to tell them straight if they are too much."

"No. It was very relaxing. We wear some good smelling masks on."

"I know," Jaxen smiles and searchs his phone, eventually showing the photo his mother had send him before. In it Kaz was wearing a white mask on his face, only his closed eyes and mouth was showing out. "Hanna is like my other mother. She's been with us my whole life. So, basically I have a sister too, her daughter Lili. She is a cutie, six years old. You will definitely like her."

"Hanna showed me her family photo. They talk about christmas, how they would be going to north."

"They are?" older wonders out loud, while finally losing his hold of Kazs fingers. "Then we are going to my grandparents. Has your rich ass used to travel by train? 'Cause it's gonna be over seven hour trip to get there."

"Seven hours..?" no, he has never traveled by train. "Is it really okay? Me to come?"

Now Jaxen shows him bored look. Why this brat even bothered to doubt that. "Of course it is. Or what, you had another plans?"


Jaxen sighs. "You scared? To meet them?" he guesses. "If it's too much to you, then I will just stay with you here. I don't really care where we are. As long as you are with me."

Hearing that warm Kazs mind a little. Indeed, he might feel a little uneasy to meat his lovers older parents. He has no such experience. Meet family members, when he basically didn't have any.

But he too wanted to be where Jaxen would be. So he will definitely go if Jaxen wanted so.

- - - -

Jaxen sets an alarm for them. As usually after his late evening shift, it was almost one am the time they were going to sleep. Five hours left to have their rest. So instead of even trying to mess around, they were satisfied just being next to each other, Jaxen moving to lie halfly on Kaz, squeezing his right hand fingers around Kazs. "Hey..," he then silently hums when their eyes met. "What you usually do during christmas holidays?"

Before answering, Kaz really needed to take some time to think. "Nothing.. I think.."


"It's not an official holiday in Japan so.. And since I just moved from private school to public one it's still quite.. new to me."

Right. They had talk about it before, the first days when they start going out. How Kaz has been living here for three years now, jumping to the public school in the middle of the school year. "Last year too? You did nothing? Just hang out?"

Asking that somehow changed Kazs look. But he still shows his smile. "I guess I just.. played games in my place? I had this one classmate I was close with, Miska. Kinda like my first friend ever, since I was too shy to talk anyone back in middle school. Before the holidays he told me his family would move away during the new years... Yeah, I think I tried to ignore it all but in the end I just cried the whole time.. I shut myself in and played games."

Jaxen squeezes his fingers even harder. How Kaz could say such while still smiling. "I'm sorry.."

Kaz smirks and moves his eyes on the ceiling. "Well, I went quite wild after that. I was sick of being alone all the time so I start hanging out every night.. Even decided to get that premature licence.. and bought my bike.. And got those fake IDs..," he turns to look Jaxen again. "Last year I was alone. So I'm glad I get to spend this one with you. This will be my first real christmas ever."

Jaxen couldn't control himself anymore and rolls on the other, fastly finding Kazs lips against his owns. As always, the younger took this sweet offer with pleasure and holds Jaxen strongly against himself while kissing him.

"This is against our rules..," Kaz whispers when they finally separate their lips, both breathing strongly, like keeping their control. If they start mess around now they definitely wouldn't get any sleep at all.

But right now Jaxen didn't care of sleeping. His thoughts were just full of this guy in front of him. How freaking sweetly he could talk. Jaxen really wanted to mess him more. To make him totally his. This innocent guy here..

"Just a little.. can I touch you?" Jaxen whispers back, moving his hand down, but instead of touching the front he finds his way to squeeze Kazs behind.

"F-from there?" that touch surprised Kaz, making his voice tremble a little.

"I can't?" Jaxen asks while searching Kazs lips again. "Would you hate that?"

No, Kaz wasn't against it. He was just surprised of that sudden act. So he couldn't help but shyly smile a little. "No, it's not that. It's just.. I really thought.. if you wanted.. you would have.. done that sooner.."

"Ha?" now Jaxen was totally confused.

"Ah, that, like, I would be.. on bottom..? From the start..?" Kaz trys to clear what he's been thinking. Was that the right way to say it? "Since you are so.. I thought.. But now.."

Jaxen tsihs and laughs slightly while pushing himself up. This straight guy really would have been ready to give himself to him from the beginning? Just like that? "Are you for real?" older sighs smirking. "You really wanted to be on 'bottom'?"

"Don't know about wanting..," Kaz clears, looking the other blushing. "It hurts after, right?"

Damn, that sounded cute. Jaxen hope he hasn't scared this guy to the point younger would start panicking if he now would try something. But after hearing such a confession how he could back off now. He felt even more excited. "I didn't mean to go all the way, okay.. I only use my fingers. Can I?"

Kaz clears his throat, growing quite nervous now. "You can..," he whispers, as quietly as he could.

To get this cute reaction out of him, Jaxen moves his hand on Kazs chest, touching gently. "Then, turn a little.."

Breathing shakily out, Kaz slowly turns his body sidely, just how Jaxen lead him. And when he finally moves his eyes away from Jaxen, older immediately takes a hold of his shoulder, moving behind him, kissing Kazs neck. To be able to make this player this blushing, but still so obedient only made Jaxen more excited.

No one would believe how shy and cutely this guy could actually act when he wasn't wearing his strong looking aura around himself.

Slowly, Jaxen moves his hand toward Kazs trousers. And moves them down from his way. "Relax. I will stop immediately if you say so."

Kaz hums quietly. Jaxen wasn't in the rush. He moves his hand against Kazs bare skin, biting gently his neck from the area where he had sucked the red mark earlier this week. While massaging youngers leg, his lusting eyes were locked on Kazs blushing ear. "Touch yourself. I wanna see."

As amenable as ever, Kaz does just that. Feeling his own front hardening a little after watching the other, Jaxen breathes deeply out just next to Kazs ear, making him shake once. The very same moment Jaxen moves his hand behind Kaz, starting to slowly rub him from there.

"Raise your leg for me," Jaxen whispers. And Kaz did. While Jaxen was licking the others neck and moving his hand, young man lets out his first moan, immediately muting himself. Guys own hand stops now. Just thinking Jaxen was looking at him made him harder. And very sensitive.

After making sure he has made Kaz relaxed, Jaxen moistens some of his fingers and moves them back behind Kaz. This time he really touched him around there, making wavy moves.

And that made Kaz cry once. He really wanted to run, but his trust of Jaxen was stronger than his fear here. So he stayed still.

To avoid rushing here, Jaxen leans further and makes Kaz look at him. They share a kiss. Growing even more passionate from that, they don't seperate their lips for awhile but just keep going.

And since Jaxen was intentionally distracting Kaz while kissing him, older could smoothly put one of his wet fingers in. That Kaz definitely realizes. He opens his eyes and breathes out shakingly, looking deep into Jaxens eyes.

But the older didn't stop from there. He keep wavingly touching Kazs insides, knowing exactly where to rub to make Kaz loosen more, eyes intently looking at the other. And when he could reach the right spot Kaz fastly closes his eyes, turns away and crys out loud.

"Does it hurt?" Jaxen rush to ask, even though he was quite sure the other wasn't feeling so. He has been extra careful here.

"No..," Kaz could hardly speak, so he supports the lack of his voice with a strong shake of his head. This didn't hurt. But it definitely was feeling weird. At least not good at all.

After hearing that Jaxen kept going. With every single new wave he made sure to wide the area he was rubbing. And damn it didn't take long Kaz loosen even more. "Stay relaxed. Don't squeeze it.."

Gosh, Kaz didn't want to here something that embarrasing..

But then his lower body suddenly reacts, unwittingly he moves his hips, moaning out with such a volume he couldn't hold it. Jaxen smirks. Kazuro definitely react to his last touch.

"It's okay. That's a normal reaction," Jaxen clears. His heart was beating fastly. His own front was starting to feel quite painful there when he didn't give it any attention. But he was sure Kazuros heart was beating even faster.

Moving his whole hand to wave his finger Jaxen puts another one in, making Kazs whole lower body move with his pushing. Now Kaz started to breathe harder, desperately trying to silent his voice.

This.. was something else. Another strong warm wave makes Kaz cry out again.

When Jaxen could see his tearing eyes, he slows the movement just a little, to lean up. "You want me to stop?"


Jaxen couldn't help but adore the youngers reaction. He looked like he was suffering, but his lower body was definitely moving against Jaxens fingers. Since the other had stop touching himself, Jaxen decided he should just take the lead here. While not removing his fingers, nor stopping totally waving them, he moves his position and forces Kaz roll on his back. Before younger could hide his blushing face, he takes a hold of others hands, moves them above Kazs head and gives a strong and wet kiss, making him open his mouth to moan out.

Finally the older releases those hands, slowly moving down himself. Jaxen trusted he could read Kazuro by looking at his body, since younger definitely couldn't speak at the moment. He takes a hold of Kazs leg, moves it up, to let his hand move more freely, while he gets his own head down to take Kazs front inside his mouth. Using the same rhythm as his hand did, he starts to move his tongue.

Kazs hand searchs Jaxens head. This combo was way too nice now. Everytime Kaz moved his hip to make Jaxen take his front even deeper he could also feel this strong pleasure behind him, what seem to be way more stronger. The pleasure was so overwhelming he doesn't even realize how wide he has spread his own legs by now. But that just made everything easier to Jaxen.

When he himself couldn't hold it anymore, Jaxen gets up, takes his hardened part out to jerk them both at the same time. He intentionally start to move his fingers more strongly against the sides of Kazs insides.

"Jaxen.. don-" "I stop when you come," Jaxen disrupts, breathing strongly out. His voice was now extremely husky, tending Kaz more. "Give me that more. You look damn sexy right now.."

Making sure Kaz wouldn't resist more, Jaxen moves even faster. And eventually Kaz couldn't hold his voice down anymore. He comes, the same time getting even stronger pleasure behind him. His body moved without him controlling it anymore.

When Jaxen could hear the last cry form Kaz, he comes too, right on Kazuros shirt what guy was still wearing on.

Out of breathe, they both took their time to get over their climax. When Jaxen removed his fingers, he was intently looking the younger guy in front of him who by now was hiding his closed eyes behind his arm, breathing deeply in and out. Tears were falling down on his cheeks.

Fastly Jaxen moves next to him, makes the younger move his hand away Jaxen to see his face. "Are you okay?" he rushly asks, kind of panicking.

But Kaz doesn't answer. He was trying to get this overwhelming feeling inside him to calm down. Instead he just pulls the other closer and hugs him.

Jaxen could hear Kazs strong breathing. His heart was beating extremely fast.

"Please, Kazuro, speak to me.. Did I hurt you..?"

"No..," younger finally says quietly during his sobbing.

Hearing so made Jaxen calm down. He was sure Kaz might be just a little stunt of how strongly that could feel. Jaxen was familiar of it, of course. But this reaction was kind of strong.

So strong that a small moment later young man actually just fall asleep like that.

- - - -

The alarm was what woke Kazuro up. It was like a loudspeaker pulling him back to reality from the most deepest dreamland he has ever been in. And when his memories from last night came back with the same moment, his mind was suddenly so awake his eyes stared widely the wall in front of him.

The guy waking up next to him reaches his phone on the level next to the bed, closing the alarm, then turning his look slowly toward Kaz. Jaxen definitely wasn't a morning person. But this guy next to him was usually even more lazier to get up than him. This morning might be even harder to him..


When Kaz heard Jaxen calling him, he slowly pulls the blanket over his head. Hell no, he totally wasn't ready to face this guy. He felt so shy at the moment.

Now that act Jaxen definitely recognized. Smirking, he sits up and rolls his leg over Kaz, forcing the younger to turn. But he still let the guy hide himself under the blanket. "I thought we were already on the page to not get embarrassed like this," older teases smiling, petting Kazs head from on the blanket. "But this handsome player is as shy as ever."

"Shut up..," Kaz whispers.

Jaxen smirks. "Do you wanna skip school today? I can call you a sick leave. The reason; his lovers fingers felt just too goo-" Kaz waves the blanket over Jaxens head to stop him from saying more, rolling the laughing guy on his side and totally covering him inside this blanket prison.

But Jaxen fights back. Just when he get his face free to get some fresh air, Kaz closes his lips with his owns.

Damn, this counter attack was nice. Kaz was pushing his own body against Jaxen, squeezing his arm strongly while they were sharing this wet and longing kiss.

"We can really skip school. Do that again. You liked it right?" Jaxen dares to state. His lower body was taking over his reasoning mind.

And Kaz was very near to agree. He definitely wanted to mess around with his lover way more than go. But thankfully they could here the main door going when the lady of the house comes back home. Feeling like the reality had just drop on them, dragging them back from this lovely zone they were in, they both let out deep breathes. Calming their heating bodies. Jaxen smirks and pets Kazs hair while they were eyeing each others. Youngers face was still a little reddish. "Or we can't..," Jaxen sighs, clearing his throat. Yeah, what they really should do was get up and get themselfs ready to school.

- - - -

EXTRA Chapter 11,5


Older guy pulls slowly one pearl out, making the younger moan out a little. The thing inside made Kazuro feel quite uncomfortable, in many ways. It was definitely different than fingers. Making Kaz feel incredible embarrassed in this new situation Jaxen had put him.

But the older liked seeing the other acting this shy. Jaxen gently pulls one pearl out again, immediately thrusting two pearls back in, making Kaz let out even louder cry. Now that he finally has made Kaz this loose, Jaxen doesn't want to give him time to back off. Holding Kazs neck with the other hand to keep the guy against himself, Jaxens other hand kept going, moving now a little bravely to move these pearls in and out. They had used a lot of lotion so the actions actually let out quite erotic sounds.

"Just a little more..," Jaxen whispers to Kazs ear.

"Please get it out..," Kaz cries, but that only made Jaxen lust more of hearing his shattering voice.

"Get it out?" older asks and finally actually pulls the whole thing slowly out. But even if he lets out a deep breath after that, Kaz wasn't feeling relieved at all. But suddenly quite disappointed. The touch inside him surely had felt odd, but now without it.. "Then.. can I do it?" older keeps while gently touching Kazs back with both of his hands, massaging the entry with his hardened part. And that definitely didn't go unnoticed. "I so want to go in.."

Kaz tsihs, doesn't dare to say anything. His feelings were pretty mess up right now, not even knowing did it feel good or not just now. But hearing Jaxen talk like that made easily his resist vanish.

Jaxen pushs the other guy lie next to him, touching his leg while giving a passionate kiss, which Kaz automatically responds. Hell no, against this kisser Kaz was powerless.

"Be fast.. before I change my mind," Kaz says back, without daring to look straight at the other.

Hearing his respond, Jaxen shows this pleased smile. Not just Kaz, but this was totally new to Jaxen too. For long time now he has always think sex with the way he had done so far was what he seeked the most. But right now this guy here has turned his lust upside down. With this guy, it only felt natural to do so.

"Relax..," older whispers and pushs himself in a little. But this guy was still way too tight. With slowly movements he gets in even more and more. Pearls have definitely made the whole area loose, making this quite easy for both of them. Even Kaz felt abashed it didn't hurt. But..

"I will move now.. Tell me if it's too much..," Jaxen sighs out and immediately starts to move, first a little slower, then his lust took the best of him. This felt damn good, squeezing his front deep inside. And seeing Kazuro puffing out with every single move he makes, clearly trying to keep his voice down.. that was even huger turn on.

"Jaxen... go slower.. you are..!"

Jaxen stops immediately, even his breath.

But that only made Kaz cry out, like unintentionally showing a sign of disappointment. Even his own body moved a little after Jaxen stopped. Being like this without moving was the worse..

"Not that slow..," finally Kaz turns his eyes on Jaxen. His face was reddish, eyes teary. But somehow it still made him look damn cute on Jaxens eyes. He doesn't want to hurt this guy. Hell no, he was even scared of doing something like that. And still.. that begging, crying face could totally blind him. He wanted more.

Jaxen moves again. "What you want me to do? Move or not?" he takes a hold of Kazs front, jerking him the same rhythm he was dipping himself in. Younger moans out, shaking his head before taking a strong hold of Jaxens arm. When Kaz opens his eyes, their eyes met. That was too much to take. And Jaxen raise his head, closes his eyes and lets himself come. Deep in. Slowing his movements.

After calming his breath, Jaxen finally opens his eyes, turns to look back at the other who was also even his breathing. Guy under him had also come on himself, Jaxen still strongly holding his hardened part.

Kaz was looking back. That stare was so blazing, filt with so many different feelings Jaxen wasn't so sure how Kaz felt at the moment. But seeing him like that.. Jaxen bet no one has ever seen this side of Kazuro. This side.. was only for Jaxen to see.


Kaz tsihs, smirking, almost wanting to seriously cry here. "Again..?" he could barely talk.

"Again," Jaxen repeats, leaning his face closer, seaching lustfully others lips against his own. He starts to move, this time way more gentler, waving his body slowly against the others. "Can I..?"

Without answering with words, Kaz moves his arms around Jaxen, strongly taking a hold of Jaxens back. Kissing the other even stronger.

Next chapter