
Virtual Rematch: Pride on the line

Chapter 78

When searching for an opponent, Jake didn't expect that the Vortex will appear standing in front of him again. Of course he will remember the vortex after all, he was the one that made Jake taste defeat in the VR world the second time.

"I can't believe we are facing each other again." Jake said.

"Yeah, it feels awkward right?" Vortex smiled. "I have been watching your matches everytime you login and I must say, you keep surprising me with the way you grow strong rapidly. It amazes me so that's why I came down here again so I could see for myself first hand how strong you are."

"Oh you will be pleasantly surprised by my strength."

"Surprised?" The vortex laughed.

"I watched you fight just now and I can say, you won't give me much of a fight right now."

"Oh really?" Jake asked.

"Yes. You are just not strong enough to make me get serious with you." The vortex said.

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