
Chapter 174 Shattered and Broken

Mirage’s P.O.V

I jolted up in bed, a scream tearing through my lips.

“Mirage!” Alex grabbed onto my shoulders. “It’s me. It was just a nightmare!”

“NO! NO! NO! Don’t touch me!” I pressed my hands to my ears and kept on screaming until my throat was scrubbed raw and my voice broke from the strain. “Don’t touch me! Please! Don’t!”

“Alex…” I think I vaguely heard Freya’s voice from the doorway. “The spell isn’t working.”

“It’s alright.” He told her and I felt the bed become lighter. “I’ll leave. Please…take care of her for me.”

“We’ll do the best we can.”

Soft footsteps were heard followed by the sound of a door closing before the quietness returned to the room.

I kept my eyes squeezed shut; my entire body trembling like a leaf. If it had all been a dream then why did it still hurt so badly? Why did it feel like my insides were being ripped apart?

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