
Chapter 122 Antidote

Rogue Wolf’s P.O.V

The man I had seen the other day…the one that my wolf had sounded oddly protective of…I saw him enter the cell, holding a plate of what appeared to be food and water.

My wolf felt no threat from him, although I had no idea why. It stayed quiet, watching silently as he placed the food at the foot of the bed and then went back to lock the cell doors.

Fear struck my heart. Even though my wolf remained calm, I was far from it. What did he think he was doing? What if my wolf was simply playing nice just so it could hurt him…rip him to pieces as it had those two people in the clearing.

But he seemed unafraid as he took a seat in front of me, watching me carefully…just as carefully as my wolf was watching him/

Was he a fool? What kind of wolf would be standing so closer to a rogue without protection? My hands might be cuffed to the wall, but he was within reach. If my wolf suddenly decided to go mad…he’ll be dead in no time.

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