
Chapter 41: The Third Kazekage: Do You Think You Can Escape from Me?

The Third Kazekage, known as the strongest Kazekage in the history of the Sand Village, possessed the powerful Magnet Release bloodline limit. These were the basic facts they all knew.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say he was the strongest ninja in the Sand Village. And now, this strongest ninja was personally hunting them down.

It's over.

This time, it was truly over.

Minato felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach. Mikoto's lips quivered, her fear palpable.

"This is so heavy... I swear, if I ever take on another mission like this, I'm not calling myself Takuya Yagami anymore!"

With a frustrated grunt, Takuya dropped the person he was carrying onto the ground, stretching his stiff neck as he cursed, "The Third Hokage really is a piece of work, giving us such a crappy mission."


Normally, Minato would have stepped in, correcting Takuya and stopping him from speaking ill of the Third Hokage. After all, insulting the Hokage was a serious offense.

But right now, Minato wasn't in the mood to care.

We're about to die anyway. What does it matter if Takuya curses out the entire Konoha leadership?

"Ready to watch the Kazekage dance?" Takuya grinned back at the two of them.

But neither Minato nor Mikoto could bring themselves to smile.

"So it really is just three kids. Were you the ones who killed Akagiri?"

The Third Kazekage descended from the sky on a block of condensed iron sand, landing not far from the trio. His gaze scrutinized them with curiosity.

"We're really done for!"

It was definitely the Third Kazekage.

Minato's lips trembled as he said, "Takuya, run! I'll hold him off. You have to get the intel back to the village."

"Run, my ass. Get out of the way."

Takuya shoved Minato aside, though he was genuinely touched that Minato was willing to sacrifice himself to save him.

But Takuya didn't need Minato to throw his life away.

The Third Kazekage watched silently as Minato prepared to sacrifice himself. The scene reminded him of his own childhood, back when he had two loyal teammates who were ready to lay down their lives for him.

"There's no need to argue. None of you are getting away," the Third Kazekage said, his voice cold and serious. He wasn't one to toy with his enemies, not even when they were just three kids.

Giving someone hope only to crush it was not something he indulged in.

The Kazekage's words sent a chill down Minato and Mikoto's spines.

But Takuya seemed unfazed, instead questioning him, "Is the Kazekage really here, making such a big show of chasing down three little Chunin all by himself?"

"There's no need for emotional appeals, nor for trying to provoke me."

Crossing his arms, the Third Kazekage looked at Takuya with cold indifference. "You're not going to escape from me."

"But I will make sure your bodies are returned to Konoha at the appropriate time. Consider it a courtesy from a senior to his juniors."

"No thanks, I'll pass."

Return my body to Konoha? Takuya thought. Who knows how many times you Sand Ninja will dissect it before sending it back? I'd rather avoid that.

"Oh?" The Third Kazekage looked at him, surprised. "Do you actually think you can escape from me?"

His gaze, once indifferent, now held a trace of contempt. After a pause, he added, "Is that even possible?"

"Anything is possible! I hope you enjoy the gift I have for you," Takuya said with a wide grin.

"Hope your mental strength is up to par, or this could get really embarrassing for you."

The fact that Takuya wasn't the least bit afraid—actually laughing—seemed to throw the Third Kazekage off.


Is this kid insane, or has he just lost it from fear?

At that moment, Takuya's eyes flashed red, and the Third Kazekage suddenly felt his body being pulled into a picturesque place, surrounded by blooming cherry blossoms.


It seems I've fallen into his genjutsu.

The Kazekage remained calm, though he was slightly amazed. A kid like this, able to catch me in a genjutsu?

He wasn't concerned about his safety. He knew he'd break free soon enough.

"But... why do I feel like dancing?"

What the hell is going on?

Outside, Minato and Mikoto saw Takuya's eyes flash crimson. The Third Kazekage, in turn, froze as if struck by a paralysis jutsu.

But that wasn't all. The formidable Third Kazekage began to... dance!

What the... is this for real?

Am I dreaming?

Minato rubbed his eyes, even pinching himself on the leg. The sharp pain that followed made him suck in a breath, confirming that everything was indeed real.

He wasn't dreaming.

"I told you the Third Kazekage could dance, but you didn't believe me," Takuya said with a shrug, tossing a kunai toward the Kazekage. But the iron sand swirling around him blocked it.

"Too bad."

Magnet Release that automatically protects its master? Guess it's not exclusive to Gaara after all.

Takuya had to hand it to Sasori. The guy had managed to kill the Third Kazekage without anyone noticing, probably by using poison.

"Let's get moving. His Magnet Release is too good at defense. Taking him down would be tough, and the Sand Village reinforcements will be here soon."

Takuya hoisted the man onto his shoulder and started walking away.

Still in a daze, Minato and Mikoto quickly followed.

They had been certain they were about to die, yet not only were they still alive—they were saved.

Takuya had used a single genjutsu to control the Third Kazekage? This is unbelievable.


How did you even do that?

Minato and Mikoto stared at Takuya with awe and disbelief.

"Why can't I break free of this genjutsu?"

Trapped in the genjutsu's world, the Third Kazekage tried to dispel it as he normally would, but nothing worked.

The worst part was that, under the influence of the falling cherry blossoms and the gentle music, he couldn't help but start dancing.

Takuya would've liked to say, Magnet Release is powerful, but that doesn't mean your mental strength is unbeatable.

Regular genjutsu dispelling methods won't work on "Sakura Dance of Social Death."

So, you might as well just keep dancing.

If only Snowy had reached her second stage of growth, Takuya would've loved to let her blast the Kazekage to bits with a Tailed Beast Bomb.

Let's see if your iron sand can block that.

But since Snowy wasn't fully matured yet, Takuya would keep her a secret for now.

Besides, with the Sand Ninja army closing in, Takuya wasn't looking to start any more trouble. So, he made the wise decision to get out of there.

Enemies like the Third Kazekage are better left to the Third Hokage to handle.

Let the bigwigs deal with each other—I'm just a kid, after all.
