
Defilement And Questions


After meeting Fionna, Zina was lended an extra layer of strength that had been missing within her ever since she started her journey to the GreenLands.

She didn't wait for her Heat to start before she retired to her room in the Arctic Castle. She dismissed Ablanch, while Seraph sneaked out of the castle to meet with the Thralgor Spy Guild.

It was not a good time to meet the Spy Guild, but a sense of urgency had taken over Zina who simply couldn't stop thinking about Xoli and everything that happened before him….

…things seemingly normal but strange that she ignored.

Zina stripped out of her very wet dress while the castle maid servants brought her water for her bathing. She wore a robe against her naked body, her wild mane of her spilling about her as she sat on her table. Soon, she would probably become blind again. But it didn't stop her from scribbling her suspicions and her questions on a brown piece of parchment.

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