
Taming Daemon NorthSteed

In Vraga, we have five regions although geographically just four.

In the East is the GreenLands also known as the Wet Lands.

In the West is the Iron Coast, also known as the Water Lands.

In the North is the Arctic North, also known as the Ice Lands

In the South is the Desert, also as the Dry Lands.

While the Central Lands bordering the East and West, which is a region that is not a region, is also known as the Mountains, for its unnatural, extremely rocky terrain.

- A Song Of The Map of Vraga.

(Somewhere between the borders of the Iron Coast and No Man's Land)


The Red Wolf growled angrily in response, red eyes simmering as his wolf . "Well know it that this inept was formerly bonded to Daemon NorthSteed and she is the only one who can infiltrate the Arctic Castle flawlessly." 

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